Flavor Spells!

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I <3 cheese

Just cheese in general.
Not at all.
if i was playing a mouse scavenger i might throw wedges of cheese as a small blunt throwing thing...it could be fun.
there is a rat scavvy at deadlands ...well there was last event anyways and he was so cute!!! i wanted to pet him....he made squeeky noises from time to time and wanted all of his food in one little bowl all mixed together and ate it out of his own wooden bowl and had tattered mixmatched fur...and was mostly grey...precious!! he came up to get food and i said "let me guess..you want some cheese?" hehehehe
plus rats will sit still and let you pet them!!! mice and gerbils just run around like they're on kitty crack!
My mom used to make me kill them because she was afraid of them. This is a woman that will chase down a coyote with a shovel, but won't grab a wriggly mouse by the tail!
To get back on topic..

"By the power of Greyskull, I grant you the power of a magic armor"

"I call upon the powers of the fat kid and hot pockets to grant you the gift of laziness"

"I grant you the gift of food"
i heard a story once of some people about to be attacked by goblins...but they'd just gotten there and were headed to the tavern with some TacoBell...they offered it to the goblins...as the goblins considered they said "hot mild or fire sauce?" aparently the adventurer's had the correct flavor and were saved due to the fact they had outworlder food on them...

i curse you with taco bell?
There's a looooong time rat scavvie on the WC that I would give almost anything to have a bunch of people go up to him and pet him and coo over how adorable he is. I really really would.

Anyway, there was one time way back we had this big magic tower of evil and at the same time we had a magical plague that the people who had it would absorb magic into them until they got too much then they'd explode. SO, after I explained to this group of people that it would be a great idea for myself to intentionally contract this disease and then run up to the tower and throw myself against it until I blew up and took out the foundation, one of em leans over, very matter of factly, grabs my arm gently, and totally straightfaced says "Healing arts: are you ********?" To which the marshall sitting there, after we could all speak again, said "Invalid call, but I"m gonna allow it".