There's a looooong time rat scavvie on the WC that I would give almost anything to have a bunch of people go up to him and pet him and coo over how adorable he is. I really really would.
Anyway, there was one time way back we had this big magic tower of evil and at the same time we had a magical plague that the people who had it would absorb magic into them until they got too much then they'd explode. SO, after I explained to this group of people that it would be a great idea for myself to intentionally contract this disease and then run up to the tower and throw myself against it until I blew up and took out the foundation, one of em leans over, very matter of factly, grabs my arm gently, and totally straightfaced says "Healing arts: are you ********?" To which the marshall sitting there, after we could all speak again, said "Invalid call, but I"m gonna allow it".