Flavor Spells!

OH MY GOODNESS...i was eating apple when i read that...hehehehh too funny!!! kamikaze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maxondaerth said:
There's a looooong time rat scavvie on the WC that I would give almost anything to have a bunch of people go up to him and pet him and coo over how adorable he is. I really really would.

Hey, I think I know that scavvie! Next time my main sees him, I'll coo over him for ya. (I don't *think* he'll kill me, just give me some dirty, weird looks.) ;)

Maxondaerth said:
"Healing arts: are you ********?" To which the marshall sitting there, after we could all speak again, said "Invalid call, but I"m gonna allow it".

I have heard that one so many times! It's always freaking funny, though. :D
For everyone else listening while you get asked it or for you too?