Good day fellow Adventurer' and Noble' alike,
I have travel' in your place once. I made mistake' and made a pledge on making thing' right. I am Sastrawan; we do not forget matter' of honor. In my travel, one of my best good friend', a savage but kind war-rabbit name' Caprice fell to the dreaded Elosi Nightmare Frog. This inspire me and give me cause to steel myself to make war on Nightmare' in all form. If you are also interested in this pursuit I would ask you please contact me, and share information on how best to equip myself to end these thing'.
The Darkness, wherever or however it choose' to manifest cannot stand to Light.
For a time I have felt as 'Ronin'. A warrior without master, or purpose - the land I crusade in have been cut off. Your place has shown me a purpose to pursue. I would make a home here, and make new friend' and most certainly new adversary.
I understand that my Uncle, Santet, have interest in starting a branch of him brutal Dojo in these land. If you can hear me, Uncle, know I wish to support you here. I know we have not alway' seen eye to eye on thing', but that not make you any less my beloved family. If it were not for you I would surely be dead. Your interest are my interest. I alway' have your back. If there is a place for me with you here I would be both student, and instructor in your great institution.
For the good of my family, the righteousness of happy dream, and vengeance for the fallen - I am Tetsu of the Clan Ironfang.
I have travel' in your place once. I made mistake' and made a pledge on making thing' right. I am Sastrawan; we do not forget matter' of honor. In my travel, one of my best good friend', a savage but kind war-rabbit name' Caprice fell to the dreaded Elosi Nightmare Frog. This inspire me and give me cause to steel myself to make war on Nightmare' in all form. If you are also interested in this pursuit I would ask you please contact me, and share information on how best to equip myself to end these thing'.
The Darkness, wherever or however it choose' to manifest cannot stand to Light.
For a time I have felt as 'Ronin'. A warrior without master, or purpose - the land I crusade in have been cut off. Your place has shown me a purpose to pursue. I would make a home here, and make new friend' and most certainly new adversary.
I understand that my Uncle, Santet, have interest in starting a branch of him brutal Dojo in these land. If you can hear me, Uncle, know I wish to support you here. I know we have not alway' seen eye to eye on thing', but that not make you any less my beloved family. If it were not for you I would surely be dead. Your interest are my interest. I alway' have your back. If there is a place for me with you here I would be both student, and instructor in your great institution.
For the good of my family, the righteousness of happy dream, and vengeance for the fallen - I am Tetsu of the Clan Ironfang.