For Caprice, Barran, and those with Light in their hearts.


Good day fellow Adventurer' and Noble' alike,

I have travel' in your place once. I made mistake' and made a pledge on making thing' right. I am Sastrawan; we do not forget matter' of honor. In my travel, one of my best good friend', a savage but kind war-rabbit name' Caprice fell to the dreaded Elosi Nightmare Frog. This inspire me and give me cause to steel myself to make war on Nightmare' in all form. If you are also interested in this pursuit I would ask you please contact me, and share information on how best to equip myself to end these thing'.

The Darkness, wherever or however it choose' to manifest cannot stand to Light.

For a time I have felt as 'Ronin'. A warrior without master, or purpose - the land I crusade in have been cut off. Your place has shown me a purpose to pursue. I would make a home here, and make new friend' and most certainly new adversary.

I understand that my Uncle, Santet, have interest in starting a branch of him brutal Dojo in these land. If you can hear me, Uncle, know I wish to support you here. I know we have not alway' seen eye to eye on thing', but that not make you any less my beloved family. If it were not for you I would surely be dead. Your interest are my interest. I alway' have your back. If there is a place for me with you here I would be both student, and instructor in your great institution.

For the good of my family, the righteousness of happy dream, and vengeance for the fallen - I am Tetsu of the Clan Ironfang.
Re: For Caprice, Barran, and those with Light in their heart

Hello Tetsu,

My name is Chulainn Steelclaw, we met when you first came to Barran. If you are seeking those who know and understand how to hunt Nightmares. You will want to speak with the Gorbe of these lands, the Shahbanu. They are defenders against Apsuudi Nightmares.
Re: For Caprice, Barran, and those with Light in their heart

Greetings, friend from beyond the mists! If you are a friend of Santet's, I'm sure your aid in our lands will be much appreciated indeed.

However, I warn you that Dream and Nightmare are powerful forces in these lands, and you have just cast your intentions of hunting them through their own realm. Also be aware that one's Dream might be just as bad (if not worse) than another's Nightmare. I say these things only so that you might steel your body and mind for the task ahead.

I have had some small experiences with Dream and Nightmare and would be happy to aid you in any way I can. You may seek me out through dream, though I would prefer personal courier.

In service,
Tvard Sendall
Re: For Caprice, Barran, and those with Light in their heart

If you value your body and the parts which comprise it, heed my warning: do not meddle with the Apsuudi. In making your intentions public I am certain beyond a doubt its denizens shall find you and that alone is risk enough of your life and the lives of those about whom you care. I have seen my own insides laid before me at the hands of its constituents and I assure you the experience is unpleasant.

((there is a pause.))

I have learned my lesson. I should hope you might forego needing to learn one at all.

In earnest,
Re: For Caprice, Barran, and those with Light in their heart

Do not dare speak down to Tetsu.

He stood at my side against the nightmare Abyss.

He helped me protect the dreamgirl Larissa.

He is twice the warrior and healer you will ever be. If he chooses to declare his intentions to the Apsuudi itself, I stand with him.

Tetsu, I am with you. I'll speak with you soon.
Re: For Caprice, Barran, and those with Light in their heart

Adventurers both local and visiting,

I have had many words and come to blows over this very topic once before. I ask that we let the Apsuudi and all it's inhabitants be and act only in self-defense. Dream, Nightmare, if it is not hostile then let it go about it's business as long as it's not causing harm or taking actions that may cause it. Use your better judgment. Should they act out, feel free to send them home however you wish.

My statement does not go for Elosdi. Those can be killed on sight. Repeatedly. With all the fervor you like. Charlais makes a delicious meal of the eggs. Just wash it down with something strong. Like acid.

I shall see you all soon I hope. There are my voices here in the dreams that I would like to see again.

May you walk in the light of her path,
---Kantil DeManious VII
Re: For Caprice, Barran, and those with Light in their heart

If you have Zara, then you have me. But Kantil is also correct, use your head first.
Re: For Caprice, Barran, and those with Light in their heart

Be well friends and travellers,

Master Tetsu, friend-Uncle Santet, Chulainn and friends with the intent to be defenders of Dreamers, please contact me. My kin, the Hiwa and Sefid, and I would like to meet those who wish to join our great cause. The Hiwa and Sefid have pledged themselves to causes of which you speak. More information may be better explained in the flesh.

Master Santet, we would be most honored to help sponsor your dojo, we should like to speak with you and yours in person, soon.

May always the Dreamers walk unhindered.

Suhane Khawab,

Sangmu Tenzi, Hiwa of Tel'Al Anor
Re: For Caprice, Barran, and those with Light in their heart

First - hi Uncle! I will scratch your hide for you in dojo wif my katana, haha! I look forward to discuss' many thing'. We spar and drink beer' like old time'.

Next, thank' to people who have my back, and Kantil for remind' us of calmer head'. I look forward to converse more on this topic. Sangmu Tenzi, Hiwa of Tel'Al Anor - thank you for making yourself known to me. I am anxious to meet you and your kin.

Lastly, to those who would warn me, hear me: I have known horror beyond anything you can possibly conceive. I don't care how badly you've been injure', or how scared you think you've been made. You have not known Shade!

I am very well aware what realm I've made my proclamation in. Do you think that was not intentional? Do you think me some new adventurer who run him mouth and threaten some force they cannot possibly stand up to?! I have stood toe to toe and stare' into Abyss. I have put him down in his realm, and ours.

Perhap' you can not understand why somebody would do such a thing because you do not know what Sastrawan mean'. It am High Orc. We respect fear, but never have the time to accept it.

Re: For Caprice, Barran, and those with Light in their heart

You must tell me of Shade someday then. I am here...from time to time. Call when you need. I will aid you as I can. Let that be my testimony.

Re: For Caprice, Barran, and those with Light in their heart

I do not hope that my advise has been perceived as my speaking down to, nor as a statement that should discourage your proactive attitude. I only say the things that I have so that you be more aware of the threats that you face. Knowledge is the warrior's greatest weapon, is it not? Win a battle before you ever need meet the enemy, yes? I have more than a little faith in anyone who has trained under Santet.

If you have need of anything, I will do my resolved best to aid you. My blood only surges that it might be spilled in the service of others.

In service,
Tvard Sendall
Re: For Caprice, Barran, and those with Light in their heart

Tetsu my brother,

You will have me by your side when you travel to these lands again. If Nightmare wishes to have a piece of your hide, it gonna have to come through me. I've stood toe to toe with dragons, liches and elemental primes with you at my side. I not gonna let a "bad dream" scare me.
