Free cake just for being born, What a scam!

ahhh... that's why we keep Engler around... he's even older than me ;-)
tieran said:
ahhh... that's why we keep Engler around... he's even older than me ;-)

That's "older that I" you young whipper-snapper!

(I'm the Grammar Nazi as well! :ugeek: )
Actually it is "older than I"

you old fogey...

I'm the Spelling Nazi

Someone's being a smart ***!
It was me!

Your just angry (and rightly so) that you can't eat cake.
Alas the cake is gone and the crumbs have all been swept, ah well, only a mere 359 days left till another birthday! :geek:
Well, you can support the cake eating of those whose birthday's fall in the days between yours ;)
If you just eat cake for no reason you're just a filthy cake eater!
Wedding, birthday, funeral, divorce (germany has Divorce cakes in all the bakery windows)... all kinds of cakes for all kinds of situations!
Divorce cake?

ahhhh... germany...

its like camelot for some people