Getting back to subject of Freud and (by extension) psychology, I'm noticing something else here.
The primary posters here are possessed of, shall we say, strong personalities. This isn't a bad thing, just an observation.
My observations, based on posts in this thread, are probably not unique, but ce la vie.
I'm seeing a distinct tendency of posting as if
from the mentality of their character IE, Phil is "speaking" very carefully, very concisely, yet staying on the good, orderly side of things.
Matt is leaning towards a semi-confrontational, chaotic "You're wrong, I'm right" perspective, much like I've observed Kerjal to be.
Mark is posting from what appears to be a neutral/neutral-evil perspective, again, much as I see Derek behaving.
Sarah is taking the same tack, neutral/neutral-good, with a bit of a martyr syndrome.
And of course, JP is just posting ad nauseum
, but also concisely, and clearly. Gregor, pontificating at his best, I'd say.
Now, none of this is meant to poke fun at those mentioned, just to help illustrate my point. My point, now that I get around to it, is that I am seeing little difference between character and player, with respect to the above mentioned primary posters to this thread.
Is this a good thing, or bad? Who knows, for sure? Who even
cares for sure? I don't. What I know is what I've seen, which is that many larpers have a hard time seperating character
completely from player. It's damn near impossible, and Sarah, you know me well enough to know that Perrin and I are really really close, in both behavior and atitudes.
We assume the roles and lives of our characters, and we try to keep real life and game life seperate, but we will never truly be able to do that, simply because of who we as individuals are, and were, before we ever began to LARP. As a result, there is always something of ourselves inherent in each and every character we play, have played, or will
ever play.
Think about that, the next time you decided to post, perform an action, or anything else at an event. Is it because it's something the *character* would actually, honestly do, or is it something the character would do based on both the situation
and input from the player, input based on perhaps a dislike, a 'special favor', or any other circumstance?
I can't say for sure. I don't have enough time invested in just pure observation. But I can say for sure that in my experience, this is what I've seen.
Just some food for thought. Take it as you will, but don't take it offensively, it was never meant as such...