Funny pictures

I see blue ?'s
i can't see them either and i sent some of them to you.


i'll never forget when that zztop song came out and i didn't know what it meant dirty....
The problem is you are usiing the location on your computer to reference them... that is why you can see them (you have access to the files stored on your computer) and we cannot (cause we don't... that you know of.)
but i did...i was the one that sent them to her and i can't see them...
you don't have her computer though. It runs from her computer to the posting board, like a fishing line that's going into your own caught fish instead of the lake: nobody else can catch them.
whats the purple thing in yrou chibbis hand?
heheheh cool! the healers guild in deadlands has a squeeky frog that they can hold up to bad guys and say "fear the frog" and it does fear magics at the bad guys...however i'm sure the player wants to laugh his/her bumm off
Lauroc rendered as fruit. Those poor poor sheep.

That is awesome!

But the sheep are all facing the wrong way...
i'm dying to go to a church dinner and make sheeps out of cauliflower and put them on a bed of lettuce as a veggie platter.
I just realized that Lauroc has the exact same haircut as that tomato.
It really is an uncanny resemblance.
He is the reason I can't make a sheep scavvy. I'd get too much of the " one of Lauroc's girls?" line! :cry:
do i dare ask who lauroc is?
asheep pimp?????? what the heck!? is this at like your traverse city thingy???? a guy who pimps the sheepies??????

i should come just to be an animal rights activist