Funny Youtube Videos

As per the request to make a seperate thread for humourous, silly, strange, and just plain obnoxious videos.
I'll start it off with an amusing commercial for Star Trek reruns.
Spock's Crib
Robot Chicken!!!!

Star Wars clips:

What do you Mean, they blew up the Death Star?
"So I threw the senate at 'em... The whole senate!" That is a great sketch.
Ahhh... life in the Navy, our tax dollars hard at work. ;) (This is NOT my Husbands ship.)

Peter O'Toole Delivers Lines that are Plainly Beneath Him


Kitties on a Treadmill
From the people who thought 300 was a true story - 1776 (Toddy will probably beat me up for this)
You have obviously never met anyone who is still convinced that "Lord of the Rings" is based on a true story. :(
Marcena said:
You have obviously never met anyone who is still convinced that "Lord of the Rings" is based on a true story. :(
What, you're saying it's not? And I suppose there isn't really a desert planet called "Arakis" either? And that Alliance isn't historical reenactment! Ha, silly Marcena.
some of the vids in my mind numbing insane folder


added bonus motivational posters for gamers (not yuo tube)
the South Park kids meet all the internet sensations...

WARNING: Not edited. Contains foul language uncensored
its not that this video is funny or scary its just well
I want this Bunny Costume for Larping :)


vampire Bunnie for next HQ event :)
ok there is nothing wrong with being a cheese mouse if thats what you want jsut wanted a funny sounding line to into the clip.
at one time I shoveled elephant poop so im one to talk (and couple of weekends ago shoveled 50 year old cow pies and straw)
I work at a dry cleaners.. let's just say Every Day is foul at some point.