Gavaria April 2024 Event Favorites!


Chicago Staff
Hello Chicago Alliance. What a wonderful adventure in Gavaria this weekend. Another watcher, a raid on the Miranda's, and maybe a chance at saving Paswall!?!?!?! So many things to talk about. Let's hear your favorites!
Having a full blown tea party on the lawn to the amused grins, rolled eyes, and smiles of the town. I live to make people happy and I think the tea party did just that even for the people just walking past!

Atradimas got to speak with Ashl and, while there's a lot that the convo did for them... I can't stop laughing at the fact that it can be boiled down to "Atradimas got told to go touch grass". On the serious side, Glenn taking Atradimas aside and helping them understand magic and nature and life and all that awesomeness in a way that Atradimas' brain could process was really, really touching and I am glad I got to share that experience with Quex!!
Another blast of a weekend! NPCs yall killed it, everyone brought their A game.


- The Bancroft's come to dinner. Ethan and Beans were the best children a monster could ask for. Clahadore eating with just a knife, Clarissa with hands and big bites and then Cara perfect posture with fork/knife.
- Aiden and The Spoon
- Did not expect PCs to solve Varov event #2 but nicely done!
- All the LORE this weekend and everyone talking about it with others. So much cooperation this event!
- Granny Moseby Round 1. "We're going to die!"-Sarvey as Rook retells somewhat of the original story. Narrative Telephone is a blast.
- Oris in full garb + voice. Lovely!
- Everything food this weekend, no question.
- Leanne playing the Id monster and all the joking she, Codner and I did waiting for that mod to start.
- Duchess Savara on screen for the first time since Gavaria Event #1. So much build up and Rowan played it perfectly!
- 3 bands found, some more known, some a mystery!
- Dropping origin of Strigoi and introducing Lucreia Bolette, just a typical mad scientist.
- Telling the Elves that The Underwood(tree that grows underground) hates Elves, Sylvanborn and Dryads.
The Elves: *Shocked Pikachu face*

I'll drop some more when I think of them
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-I really liked having a big worldbuilding/tone book to reference in NPC camp. Made me feel much more confident in my roleplaying.
-Going to sweep packets on Sunday and seeing that someone had already done that the night before was incredible. Great job, our mysterious packet vigilante!
-Giant frog mod!
-Xelver paranoia-ing one of the Scientists and trying to scare him off so he doesn't have to die had "trying to shoo a stray cat out of traffic energy"
Another blast of a weekend! NPCs yall killed it, everyone brought their A game.


- The Bancroft's come to dinner. Ethan and Beans were the best children a monster could ask for. Clahadore eating with just a fork, Clarissa with hands and big bites and then Cara perfect posture with fork/knife.
- Aiden and The Spoon
- Did not expect PCs to solve Varov event #2 but nicely done!
- All the LORE this weekend and everyone talking about it with others. So much cooperation this event!
- Granny Moseby Round 1. "We're going to die!"-Sarvey as Rook retells somewhat of the original story. Narrative Telephone is a blast.
- Oris in full garb + voice. Lovely!
- Everything food this weekend, no question.
- Leanne playing the Id monster and all the joking she, Codner and I did waiting for that mod to start.
- Duchess Savara on screen for the first time since Gavaria Event #1. So much build up and Rowan played it perfectly!
- 3 bands found, some more known, some a mystery!
- Dropping origin of Strigoi and introducing Lucreia Bolette, just a typical mad scientist.
- Telling the Elves that The Underwood(tree that grows underground) hates Elves, Sylvanborn and Dryads.
The Elves: *Shocked Pikachu face*

I'll drop some more when I think of
I had so much fun with that monster chasing never going around it was so much fun. I am paying for it today. I have no voice. it was so much fun
Another blast of a weekend! NPCs yall killed it, everyone brought their A game.


- The Bancroft's come to dinner. Ethan and Beans were the best children a monster could ask for. Clahadore eating with just a fork, Clarissa with hands and big bites and then Cara perfect posture with fork/knife.
- Aiden and The Spoon
- Did not expect PCs to solve Varov event #2 but nicely done!
- All the LORE this weekend and everyone talking about it with others. So much cooperation this event!
- Granny Moseby Round 1. "We're going to die!"-Sarvey as Rook retells somewhat of the original story. Narrative Telephone is a blast.
- Oris in full garb + voice. Lovely!
- Everything food this weekend, no question.
- Leanne playing the Id monster and all the joking she, Codner and I did waiting for that mod to start.
- Duchess Savara on screen for the first time since Gavaria Event #1. So much build up and Rowan played it perfectly!
- 3 bands found, some more known, some a mystery!
- Dropping origin of Strigoi and introducing Lucreia Bolette, just a typical mad scientist.
- Telling the Elves that The Underwood(tree that grows underground) hates Elves, Sylvanborn and Dryads.
The Elves: *Shocked Pikachu face*

I'll drop some more when I think of them
I had so much fun playing the monster And just talking with everybody in monster camp.
This event is probably one of my favorites so far! The character developments, the drama, the trauma! Anyway, here goes:

1. The Bancrofts entering the tavern. Almost had a heart attack when they spirit walked in and I had a strigoi egg sitting on the table in front of me.
2. Sitting next to Cara Bancroft at dinner and doing my best to be polite while sheer terror and dread were just roiling in my stomach. And then realizing afterwards that I literally gave the Bancrofts an open invitation to visit me whenever they like. Beans said that they're not going to let that be forgotten. I'm scared.
3. Subsequently being cornered by Clahadore, Cara, and Clarissa. "Come children, let's retreat just like Lady Kore." God, I've never been more scared in my life. Claire, you are creating an absolutely amazing story to be a part of.
4. The Resonance in Beles. I learned me some things about Countess Thorn and Duke Nolan, and I'll be sharing those here soon.
5. OLD MAGIC. SHAR ZAAL. And knowing that I should never hold on to those motes because if pushed, I would not hesitate to use it. Power corrupts, as they say.
7. Stepping into my role as Lady and learning to feel more comfortable with the responsibilities and implications that come with it. Jared and Rynn, thank you so much for all of your encouragement.
8. Me: Dramthin, as Lady of Puxil Cove, I order you to not die Claire: We're not in Puxil Cove Me: **** off Claire (in the most joking manner possible) Claire: Remember this in 8 hours. Me: immediate regret
9. Having my mind entered by Cambridge to give him the description of the flowers we saw in Lorelei's Vision ritual. And the mind block that he placed in my mind so that it can't be entered except by those I give permission. Cambridge is the best.
10. Adding to my Strigoi knowledge. Atradimas, thank you for the update on what you learned in the ruins!
11. Talking with a merchant from Puxil Cove and feeling like I'm actually going to start making a difference in the town! New Roads coming to a port city in Northern Atish soon!
12. Looking forward to working with Dramthin on the new information I learned about a money laundering operation in Puxil Cove.
13. The Strigoi mod: oh boy was that a tough fight. But we got an egg out of it lol
14. Getting to help with the ending of the Magnus story. Lorelei, you did good. And saving Anya and Celeste was so touching. I love Anya. She's adorable and I would kill everyone in this room and then myself if something happened to her.
15. Granny ******* Mosby (appropriate use). I love her. That is all.

There are so many more, but these are the ones that stand out the most to me.
A wild event to be sure, top moments in the order my scatterbrained mind remembers them

  • Lorelei and I have a very emotional RP moment while the town walks around us, with Kalinor wanting to help us feel better
  • Getting to see exactly how quick I can get armored up (thanks Vaelin for help with the breastplate!) only to go on the Miranda mod and hearing "nobody brought their valuables right?" I had brought everything . . .
  • The mad rush of being threatened on the town mod to going to Celeste and Anya, having them get in their pods to seeing them literally jump for joy. Such an emotional moment
  • Wind watching Sarvey dip and run as fast as he could once the ward on Calliope's cabin was brought down by Magnus
  • The final talk with Varov and him very calmly tossing the band to Lorelei
  • Bartering with Bridge on what coffee was worth in panaceas
  • Chatting with the new PCs!
  • The Bancroft dinner and me just staring because I was told to keep an eye on them.
  • Granny ******* Moseby, ikykyk
There are so many more but this is what I'm remembering rn
The roleplay opportunities this market were just genuinely incredible.
  1. Dinner with the Bancrofts. What a wonderful, totally normal human family. They're so nice. What lovely company.
    • "I'm going to gut you like the bug bitch you are." "You're adorable."
    • RIP that spoon
  2. Old Magic lore drop from Xava was awesome. That's some DEEEEEEEP Gavaria lore and I am here for it.
  3. I got to explore Aiden's latent anger issues this market. He lost control in the Strigoi nest and it could have gone way worse than it did. But that fight was awesome.
    • Thank you to Iban and Kalinor for the encouragement during the mod. Aiden very much appreciates it.
    • Xelver absolutely unloading on that final wave of Strigoi. Grenades, arrows, and death flying in equal measure.
    • Evocation bolts actually killing a big nasty -- you literally never see it. Good job Ren.
  4. Encouraging Aurus with the group and watching him shake off the funk he was in. You're radiant, sir. Never change.
  5. Going for a piece of dropped old magic at the same time as someone else and realizing that I'm now standing right next to Varov. A solid 5 seconds of silent eye contact.
    • On a related note, seeing Anya and Celeste taking joy in simply being able to hop in their homunculus bodies nearly made me cry. And then watching Varov make the right choice at the, that was incredible.
    • Also related: "Sarvey is free!"
  6. Getting to go see Granny again. What a nice lady.
  7. Aiden has a wonderful partner, a phenomenal guild, and lot of very good friends -- but I'm going to shout out Aicha right here. You're always quick to ask what needs to be done and ready to throw hands at a moment's notice. I appreciate you.
  8. Meeting new PCs! Y'all are awesome. Cambridge, you made like, 5 gold off me at this event alone.
  9. Finally getting my dodge item and my stalwart shield cast. Now I'm prepared for the future -- hopefully.
Great job plot team, kitchen team, and NPCs. Y'all are awesome!
I could watch a conversation between Clahadore and Aiden for hours. Oh the color Yellow.
Howdy All,

This was a fun weekend. Shaking off the rust of a character that I haven't played for a while was a grand good time.
The new player module. Thank you to Derek and Nay for allowing me to join.
Being able to change my body language and be uninhibited was glorious. Quex shall continue to sway to music only they can hear, turn all chairs around to lean on the back, spread across all seating and breach personal space
Thank you to everyone who was okay with me getting up in your grill. 😀
Quextalli is non-bindary and I hope that was demonstrated.
The elf time with characters I as a player know and getting to know them again as a new player character was oodles of fun. Of course consent before dominance fight. Duh.
Alchemy snack roulette and drink roulette. It was fun, and I stuffed my face with abandon.
The tea time with Atradimas. You are glorious and Quextalli appreciates it. Plus mixing all the tea and eating with zero manners was taken well.
Buying the snack options. Quextalli isn't saving. Spend the money when you can.
Just popping in with modules. Hanging with the Wardens was a hell of a ride
Touching or commenting on each NPC with pretty hair. I will braid and put flowers in it all. Like can Quextalli just follow the kitsune or quirin around and comb their hair?
The Lore drop with the Prisoner. I as Amanda have questions. Quex just accepts it is what it is.
Suck it Miranda's. Suck it.

I'm sure I'm missing something. Might add later.

It was a very satisfying event for me, I accomplished all of my character goals for the weekend and got set up for the continuing work on the mirindas.
But I'd gave to say I had the most fun with the doll golum mod. These constructs are filled with nougat!
I had a blast this game, y’all. The Gavaria team has been doing a fantastic job and I have nothing but praise for everything you do. You’re definitely reinvigorating the PC side of the game for me in a way that I legitimately didn’t think was possible. A few of my favorites, in no particular order:

Shar Zaal lore drop, let’s goooooooooooo! It was awesome to finally have the big secret Gavaria lore come into focus and see PCs spend so much of the event talking with each other about putting the puzzle pieces together from the last few years to see how it all fits together, as well as brainstorming how best to proceed going forward.

All things Varov. SO many good interactions throughout this game with Magnus, Celeste, and Anya, and as always, I love all of those costumes.

I don’t wanna pat myself on the back too hard, but you gotta admit: my escape from Magnus once I was trapped alone in Calliope’s warded cabin was a work of art.

Chimera! Good, intense fight with a fantastic costume (we should have gotten a picture - oh well) and another heroic death for Sarvey. What's not to love?

Draco’s knighting! Congrats, sir!

Oris the Kirin! The costume came together so well, the RP of rebuilding his confidence back into a proper (if sorta arrogant and self-important) Watcher was a great scene, and I can’t get enough of the Futurama Richard Nixon voice.

Public visit from Duchess Sevara and the resulting Meltith plot! It was brief, but Rowan did a fantastic job and I loved having her make an onscreen appearance after having been built up as a recluse for so many events.

Lesson learned: NEVER bring along Roff or Sarvey to Granny Moseby ever again. But man, I haven’t laughed that hard in ages.

Ethan, Cambridge is a delight. Keep on keeping on, and praise be the boing factor.

Fractal Gavaria Theory! It's all little Gavarias all the way down.

Mushroom caterpillars! The little group of folks that decided that “Nah, the Aetheric Crossroads sounds like some craziness, let’s just go fight caterpillars instead” got a rude awakening when the Corrupts started coming out of those caterpillars.

NPCs were fantastic at this game, holy crap. Y’all did an incredible job on every encounter, with engaging, challenging fights and good RP.

Smash-and-grab Skain operations on Friday (“I’m dizzy and I’m mad about it!”) and Saturday, and the resulting flaw on the DFM on the dagger. Excellent work from all of those involved!

Food. All was great, but oh my goodness, I could eat that lunch again and again.

Leanne roaring as the Id Monster at the Anchor Spike! I spent the bulk of that fight lurking around Magnus more than fighting the Id Monster, but I loved that I routinely could just hear it in the distance.

Late night OOG chat with Liz, Sid, Jon, Anna, Lacey, and Michael. “Did you actually want to talk about gumbo, or are you just making chit-chat?”

A talk with Sid. He knows.

And lots more that I’m forgetting.

See y’all soon enough,
It was a very satisfying event for me, I accomplished all of my character goals for the weekend and got set up for the continuing work on the mirindas.
But I'd gave to say I had the most fun with the doll golum mod. These constructs are filled with nougat!
How could I forget! Also from that mod Noble Steed Nyssa
Oh man, this weekend had so much...

Nobody steed Nyssa!

Granny Moseby x: the hilarity of the first combined with the 😱 of the second was delightful. Can't wait to assemble my A team to get a perfect score.


Darting around the Anchor Spike while Magnus was distracted to deposit the last of the magic and *barely* squeaking back into the line of fighters before my armor and body got smashed to hel.

And probably the things that made me quake in my boots literally: the Duchess bellowing my name in the tavern and the resultant moments in Silverout. (And no, I was not dosed with anything lol)
- The Bancroft's come to dinner. Ethan and Beans were the best children a monster could ask for. Clahadore eating with just a fork, Clarissa with hands and big bites and then Cara perfect posture with fork/knife.
It was actually just a butter knife.
Oh my gosh, when Nyssa came over to me and was like "imma sneak around the back" and all I said was ABSOLUTELY and then she hecking killed it, such beautiful sneakiness.
In no particular order:

Those dolls have nougats!

Watching the expressions on Marcus’ face as the study turned to violence when discovering what the constructs had on them.

The Id monster’s roar (Leanne still has no voice)

The teamwork

Listening to Draco chase a giant boar in full plate.

The RP as Jett. I wish I would have seen that trap that I stepped on.

The new players.

Conversations on the drive home. I introduced the new players to a dwarf with a giant war hammer. Sir Stout hasn’t said the line yet but every nail can be fixed with a giant hammer.

Hearing the stories as I came in as an NPC as lore and plot was being shared from person to person.

Thank you to the NPC’s for all of the help this weekend and to the kitchen for the good food