Gifts to give

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Gabrielle thought for a moment, brows creasing.

"No where in particular really. Though a possible goal would be to at least to the creek. Its been a while since I've last been there, I find it a very quiet place to think and just sort out problems or just think about nothing for a change."

Looking over at Calan she raises an eyebrow.

"Would you be up for a walk that far or are you more for just a quick trip around the commons?"
Calan let go of her hand and took his gift back up to the house and opened the door and placed it inside.
“No no the creek is fine.”

he quickly stepped back to her side. And reached out for her hand once more.

“shall we head off then?”
At the gift being put back a look of disappoint went across Gabriella face, but was wiped away by the time his hand was back in hers.

"To the creek."

"So tell me, how is the latest sylvan born to the lux fitting in?"
As they walked through the commons across to where grass would soon be growing Calan glances in the communal areas looking for any sign of Vanion.
“You know, I’m not too sure. I think he’s doing well more or less. To be honest he doesn’t talk all that much but he doesn’t seem to be in any sort of hurry to find his way home. Have you spoken with him at all?”
"No, not yet. I have yet to have reason, and any time I have seen him I've been in a hurry on one task or other. Though a new face around here is always an occasion."

Taking her hand from his, she takes it and moves it up to the crook of his elbow. Her brow furrowing she looks at the ground in front of her.
He lead her down to the creek without speaking as he walked. He was enjoying the peaceful nature of the day.

“so, what have you been up to the last while? Has your work kept you busy?”
"It has been fairly slow recently actully, nothing that I've been handed seems to be of any importance since the snow started falling."

Watching where she stepped, Gabriella tried
to avoid any slush on the ground.

"Though I'm not sure if I'm happy about it or not. A distraction would have been nice".
Calan looked to the stream.
“You know I didn’t leave without you on purpose right? Nor did I stay gone so long intentionally. I’m kind of surprised anyone found me, I had no idea if I was ever going to see this place again or you again.”
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Gabriella pulls herself closer to Calan and places her hand over top of her other one.

"I know you never meant to, and that's what scares me the most. Even when you try to stay home a greater force still pulls you away from here... away from me."

Her eyes look to the ground but hold a thousand yard stare.

"And just like you said, you had no idea if you would ever come back, and I had even less."
”ive been thinking, would you think less of me of I took a step back from anything combat related?” he picked up a stone and tosses it into the stream.
”i could stay back with phal and serve as a sort of last defense to the lux.”
"No... In fact I would prefer it if you did."

Gabriella lets out a small sigh as her mind starts getting crowded with thoughts.

"but I also know that if you did there would be a chance of other people getting hurt because of it, and I don't think I could handle the guilt if that happened."

Taking off her cloak she spreads it on a dry patch of grass, just recently reveled from the melting snow. She sits down leaving enough room for another.

"Its one of the dilemmas that I have had to face. Having you stay close keeps you safe, but your work has saved so many others already. A dilemma I never thought about until after I fell in love with a hero."
Calan laughs at the word hero. Taking a seat next to her on the grass. "Don't be daft, you're smarter than that; I am no hero, nothing I do is heroic, I go where I'm told, and I do what anyone would for those that the are connected to. I will follow my clan where they go, I will do what I can to keep them happy, and safe. My motivations are purely selfish. I follow Jinn because he delusionally feels he's immortal, someone needs to be there in case he finds out he's wrong. Rohnan has followed me for the same reason more or less. I've seen worse shards than this one, I have seen better shards than this one. Nothing here really ties me here but my family. Take them away and I'm just as likely to burn it all down myself. Honestly staying out of the reaches is probably for the better of everyone here.”

He took a beat to collect his thoughts. Playing with dead grass between his fingers.

"honestly, I'm. Low ranking member of my guild, my ability to do magic pales in comparison to that of even Rohnan. 3/4 of the lux has greater abilities than I me stating behind will honestly have little to now consequences on the lux.”

He gave a smile.

“I will still do smaller tasks, like patrolling the area, there are also things that I have been a part of that I would like to see through as well.”
"How smart I am has little to do with it, and you are heroic. Yes you have other reasons for doing what it is that you do but that does not take away the bravery and courage that it takes to face down the things that you have done."

Tucking her knees to her chest, she drops her air of propriety and slouches.

"If being here was only for the sake of your family then what is stopping you from taking them all and running away from all this mess?
“doesnt it though? I would think someone who has read as many books as you would know the value in learning from the past in order to not repeat mistakes. As for my family, whats to say I haven't already thought of that. Jinn needs to get home first. He claims to have found a measure of peace, something that wont stay long if he returns. As happy as I will be to see him, I wish he would stay wherever he was. The coming months are sure to bring us nothing but frustration and pain.”

He pauses.

“as long as they are content to be here I will stay here. So for the time being I'm just going to avaoid any situation where I might compromise the greater good because of my own bias and self-serving interests. I'll hear no more talk of being a hero, heroics are a rarity; if what you describe makes me a hero than everyone I know in the lux is a hero. If everyone is a hero then nobody is and that just can't be true. Which is something else your books should tell you.”
"your right, if we used the definition everyone else has no, your not a hero. If we used the definition you gave of it being a rarity then it would most likely be someone like say.... Well Magi Evo, or even Jinn for how much they have given and gambled over. But I very rarely will make a statement with out finding all the facts. In conclusion it does not matter to me what others see or what you do not, in my eyes you are a hero.

Turning her head to look at him.

"and that is the end of that".

Stretching out, she leans back and rest her weight on her elbows and enjoys the sunshine.

"as for your clan, it seems the winter has been hard for all of you, with everyone seeming to be losing one thing or another."

Closing her eyes she tilts her head back to catch every last ray.

" You say the next coming months will be filled with anguish, yet last I checked you were not a fortune teller.
He laughs deeply. “I don't have to be a fortune teller to give you that information. I have been here long enough to see what going into the reaches does to Jinn and the others. I don't need to fully understand what's to come to know how its going to echo through the lux.”
her eyes remained closed but her look of contentedness slips away.

"how much longer do you think its going to take... until you no longer have to go back into the reaches?"
“Well I don’t think anyone specifically has to go that’s my whole point. Someone like jinn will claim they have to, but I’m leaning towards staying behind with Phal.” He paused. “The last times we have gone we sent out all our heavy hitters leaving our most vulnerable behind defenceless. Sure we have wards but I’ve seen wards get consumed. It might be worth staying here and laying low.”
Sitting in comfortable silence for a while, enjoying the rare spring sunshine, Gabriella turns to Calan.

"I think its best I start heading back here soon"

Picking herself up, she dust off her skirt and starts to wipe off any dirt that was on her cloak.
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