Goblin points for stuff - Trade-In List


Now, iirc, the goblin stamp policy was that a goblin stamps can be traded in for the following:

30 gobs = 1 monthly blanket, or one blanket of a missed event or game day
40, 80, 160, 320, etc. = buyback a bead draw death
1 gob = 1 copper
1 gob = 1 production point worth of production
5 gobs = 1 lvl of times-ever activatable LCO magic item
10 gobs = 1 lvl of per-day activatable LCO magic item, per month

Is any of that still accurate with the current goblin stamp policy? If anything is inaccurate, what has changed, and how?

Can any of the following be bought with goblin stamps:
Restricted Magic Items
Formal Scrolls
Magic items with effects available from ritual scrolls not normally available to PCs
Event price reduction

I know that there has been mention of solidifying and publishing the trade-in list, but I have yet to see it. Is it in the works? Will it be available before the next event?

My thanks in advance for any help in this matter.
I compiled a list of purchasable items for HQ I can send it to your plot/logistics if there is any intrest in it. It includes various sea vessels, buildings, livestock, transports, tools, ect.

all the prices are in coin however.

are your missed events only 30? if so your getting all the donations i can haul.
Missed faire days are 30. Missed events are 30/logistical period (typically 60 total for an event).
What I'd stated above was "30 gobs = 1 monthly blanket, or one blanket of a missed event or game day" which pretty much means as you two have intuited.

My thanks to everyone that keeps pointing me to the "This is what we will give you gobbies for" list. What I am seeking, however, is a solid, approved, Seattle list of what I can get with gobblies. Knowing that I can pick up a build here or there isn't much motivation, so I'm looking for the full on list.
You should also note that you are only permitted to spend 50 goblin stamps per logistical period of an event. ( IE 2 day event you may spend 100 goblin stamps.) This is per the rule book section on goblin stamps.

The limitation listed on pg 152 is specifically in the Production Point section, so it does not appear to cover anything other than Production Point items, such as regular alchemy, weapons, armor, etc.
jpariury said:
The limitation listed on pg 152 is specifically in the Production Point section, so it does not appear to cover anything other than Production Point items, such as regular alchemy, weapons, armor, etc.

Correct, my understanding is you could purchase 100 gobbies worth of potions and still buy back that pesky death, as an example.
So this would mean that if I brought in a new charachter and oh say wanted an Alchemy workshop. I could save gobbies and get one correct?

Here's a reply email I received from Dan on 11/20/2003 concerning what can and cannot be purchased with goblin stamps (note that death bead buybacks start at 20 gobbies). I hope this helps:

>>If I remember right, one-shot activatables are 10 gobbies per spell level each, but I've forgotten the price for 1/day event-long activatables. Are there any other types of activatables?

Times per day items cost 10 gobbies per level per month.

>>Are scrolls, potions, and alchemicals available for gobbies? Gas globes? For what price?

They are available at production cost. (1 gobbie = 1 production point)

>>Tags for weapons, armor, and shields? Price?

Same as above

>>Traps? Price?



1 gobbie per copper

>>Teacher cards?

Not at this time

>>Spells for one's spell books?

I?m sure we could arrange this.

>>Ritual scrolls?

Not currently.

>>Formal components?

Not currently.

>>Magic items?

If you want something beyond activatables, you?ll need to discuss this with me in person.

>>A workshop?

Yes, at coin cost.

>>A castle?


>>A Noble Title? :)

I wish?

>>What else can be bought with gobbies, and for what price? Please be as complete as time allows. (A partial answer now is better than waiting for the complete answer all at once later).

You can also buy off deaths after your first two (you can never buy off your first two deaths) at a cost of 20 gobbies for the first death, and doubling every time thereafter.

I?ll see if I can come up with anything else, but I think that about covers everything.

Goodies for Gobbies

Piecing together a list from the above postings, and the Trade Economics Policy posted on the website, we arrive at the following (albeit outdated) goblin stamp "goodies list":

Monthly blanket = 30 gobs

Game day cover = 30 gobs

Event cover, per logistics = 30 gobs

Death Bead buybacks = 20, 40, 80, 160, etc.

Coin, 1 copper piece = 1 gob

Production items per production point = 1 gob

One-shot activatable, per level = 5 gobs?

Times-ever activatable, per level = 5 gobs?

Per-day activatable, per level = 10 gobs

Other magic items = case-by-case basis, see staff (Dan) in person

Formal Scrolls = not currently available

Reagents/Catalysts = not currently available

Spellbook w/spells = case-by-case basis, see staff (Dan) in person

Workshops = at coin cost, usually 10 gold = 1000 gobs

Ships = get coin with gobbies (*), then purchase in-game, including downtime actions (**)

Caravans = get coin with gobbies (*), then purchase in-game, including downtime actions (**)

Ship/caravan improvements = get coin with gobbies (*), then purchase in-game, including downtime actions (**)

Estates = get coin (20 gold?) with gobbies, then purchase in-game, including downtime actions (**)

Castles = not currently available

Writs = acquire in-game, including downtime actions (**) [I couldn't find the prices for these. Diera, do you know?]

Noble Titles = not currently available

Event price reduction = not currently available

* The prices for the various sizes of ships and caravans and their improvements are listed in the Nero Seattle Trade Economics Policy accessible via the Chapter Policy link.

** In addition to spending mucho coin for an estate, caravan, or ship, you must have a Writ. "Writs are paper (or parchment or vellum) documents granted by the Ducato to allow the holder to operate a Shoppe, manage an Estate or own a Ship. Only citizens may hold Writs, and citizenship comes with special obligations and rights that are more fully set out in ?The Laws of Dagliano?. Writs cannot be sold or transferred without the consent of duly appointed representative of the Ducato of Dagliano."

To acquire Writs in-game during "down-time" actions via email - contact Jim. I'm ignorant as to how much roleplaying is involved with obtaining Writs for estates/caravans/ships. Are they a formality like workshop writs which can be obtained at logistics, or is there more to it? Kaus, do you know?

All we have to do is complete the above list, then print it out and hand it to Dan in person for ratification. Once he edits it and places his stamp of approval on it, we'll have captured the coveted elusive official goodies list.

P.S.: did I miss anything? This list is intended as a rough-draft. Any improvements/additions/clarifications you can make would be appreciated by all concerned.
Elendil the Elf said:
Castles = not currently available

Writs = acquire in-game, including downtime actions (**) [I couldn't find the prices for these. Diera, do you know?]

Noble Titles = not currently available

Event price reduction = not currently available

* The prices for the various sizes of ships and caravans and their improvements are listed in the Nero Seattle Trade Economics Policy accessible via the Chapter Policy link.

** In addition to spending mucho coin for an estate, caravan, or ship, you must have a Writ. "Writs are paper (or parchment or vellum) documents granted by the Ducato to allow the holder to operate a Shoppe, manage an Estate or own a Ship. Only citizens may hold Writs, and citizenship comes with special obligations and rights that are more fully set out in ?The Laws of Dagliano?. Writs cannot be sold or transferred without the consent of duly appointed representative of the Ducato of Dagliano."

To acquire Writs in-game during "down-time" actions via email - contact Jim. I'm ignorant as to how much roleplaying is involved with obtaining Writs for estates/caravans/ships. Are they a formality like workshop writs which can be obtained at logistics, or is there more to it? Kaus, do you know?

All we have to do is complete the above list, then print it out and hand it to Dan in person for ratification. Once he edits it and places his stamp of approval on it, we'll have captured the coveted elusive official goodies list.

P.S.: did I miss anything? This list is intended as a rough-draft. Any improvements/additions/clarifications you can make would be appreciated by all concerned.

Writs and Noble titles will never be items you can purchase with goblin stamps or at least not while I have a say in it. Should you require coin for these things, you could use your goblin stamps for the coin and then give that coin in game.
Also, we are not allowing magic items of any sort to be purchased at this time.
Dan, does Seattle policy for deaths differ from book?


You priced the first death at 20 gobbies awhile back, which contradicts the book's price on page 152.

Is Seattle Nero policy for the first death 20 as you stated, or 40 as stated in the book?

Elendil the Elf said:

You priced the first death at 20 gobbies awhile back, which contradicts the book's price on page 152.

Is Seattle Nero policy for the first death 20 as you stated, or 40 as stated in the book?


It is 40 as in the book. If you have any further questions, please email me.
Corrected draft - Goodies List

Here's a corrected draft of the goodies for gobbies list. Staff, please correct this where in error, incomplete, or out-of-date:

Monthly blanket (one day of XP) = 30 gobs

Game day cover (one day of XP) = 30 gobs

Event cover, per logistics (one day of XP) = 30 gobs

Death Bead buybacks = 40, 80, 160, etc.

Coin, 1 copper piece = 1 gob

Production items per production point = 1 gob

Workshops = at coin cost, usually 10 gold each = 1000 gobs

Spellbook w/spells = case-by-case basis, see staff (Dan) in person

Teacher Cards = not currently available (they're an NPC reward, 1/day)

One-shot activatable magic item, per level = not currently available

Times-ever activatable magic item, per level = not currently available

Per-day activatable magic item, per level = not currently available

Other magic items = not currently available

Formal Scrolls = not currently available

Reagents/Catalysts = not currently available

Ships = available for coin in-game (*), requires Writ (see Writs, below)

Caravans = available for coin in-game (*), requires Writ (see Writs, below)

Ship/caravan improvements = available for coin in-game (*), requires Writ (see Writs, below)

Estates = available for coin in-game, requires Writ (see Writs, below)

Castles = Capture one in-game. (On retrospect, the PCs should have kept Sade's keep. They then could have shared the responsibility of maintaining the peace in Ironwood during downtime actions.)

Writs = Absolutely not. These must be acquired in-game. As for in-game costs, FOIG. (**)

Noble Titles = Absolutely not. The price in-game? Your soul, among other things. :) FOIG.

Event price reduction = can of worms (opening the subject, that is).

* You can pay gobbies for the coin, and then use the coin in-game to purchase these. The prices for the various sizes of ships and caravans and their improvements are listed in the Nero Seattle Trade Economics Policy <http://www.neroseattle.com/economics.htm>.

** In addition to spending mucho coin for an estate, caravan, or ship, you must have a Writ. "Writs are paper (or parchment or vellum) documents granted by the Ducato to allow the holder to operate a Shoppe, manage an Estate or own a Ship. Only citizens may hold Writs, and citizenship comes with special obligations and rights that are more fully set out in ?The Laws of Dagliano? <http://www.neroseattle.com/laws.htm>. Writs cannot be sold or transferred without the consent of a duly appointed representative of the Ducato of Dagliano." Writs are obtainable in-game only.

P.S.: Jim, Dan, please let us know if this is complete.
Well, phooey. There goes my dreams of donating 1,000 cans of silver spray paint in return for becoming the Conte DiMonkio. Of the Land of the Bananananarifficizers. Now it costs my soul, and more! Sigh.

Polare Lissenstine said:
Well, phooey. There goes my dreams of donating 1,000 cans of silver spray paint in return for becoming the Conte DiMonkio. Of the Land of the Bananananarifficizers. Now it costs my soul, and more! Sigh.


You're charming, I'm sure you could flirt your way to nobility. :P