Goblin points for stuff - Trade-In List

Elendil the Elf said:
(On retrospect, the PCs should have kept Sade's keep. They then could have shared the responsibility of maintaining the peace in Ironwood during downtime actions.)

Who says we didn't? :laugh: :headbang: :ninja: :nyanya: :whistle:

Such lovely smilies....
Aeris said:
I could picture that. HAHAHA!!

Shhhhhhhh! Don't be revealing my secret plans now. And hey, unless you suddenly gain the ability to hand out noble titles, you better be looking the other way :D


Polare Lissenstine said:
Aeris said:
I could picture that. HAHAHA!!

Shhhhhhhh! Don't be revealing my secret plans now. And hey, unless you suddenly gain the ability to hand out noble titles, you better be looking the other way :D


Looks like your plans to flirt your way to nobility worked. :)

So, is there an updated list of "Things you can purchase with goblin stamps"? Or should the one created here be used? Are magic items universally unavaiable for purchase via goblins stamps, still?
Creating such a list is on my plate at the moment. It may be a bit before I can get to it, as I'm right in the middle of putting up the new website, planning for a move, and job hunting, but I will get to it eventually.

He's at work. If he doesn't see it before he goes to bed I'll poke him when he wakes up.
Will the policy be forthcoming, or is it just one of those things we're not supposed to talk about? I know at least a few staff members that have been permitted to create transferable magic items with their goblin points, yet no policy has been publicized for months (years, if this thread is anything to judge by). Why?
Actually, they are only transferrable by agreement between the chapters. They are LCO items, as all gobbied items must be. As to it not being published, there is no particular reason. People can send in their requests for gobbied items. I do know some things are pro-scribed -

No Catalyst rituals
No once ever items

I will also say that we are working on instituting a system whereby the gobbies would be spent on buying rituals and components (marked LCO) for use in game. Anything cast with these rituals/components would be LCO only. Watch for that policy in the future.
Dave said:
As to it not being published, there is no particular reason.
"We haven't told anyone because, well, we just didn't want to"?
People can send in their requests for gobbied items.
How does a player know what they can request if the policy under which items are being created isn't publicized? Is this intended to be some weird kind of blind bidding system?
I will also say that we are working on instituting a system whereby the gobbies would be spent on buying rituals and components (marked LCO) for use in game. Anything cast with these rituals/components would be LCO only. Watch for that policy in the future.
This seems to punish players who have been requesting the policy for a while now, and could not trade in their points for magic items straight up, and have since traded them in for other rewards, since we were told that magic items couldn't be purchased.

I don't have a problem with saying "no magic items". I don't really even have much problem with saying "magic items are available to the plot team only", if that is made public knowledge. I do have a problem with being told "no magic items" publicly, then discovering otherwise. I don't understand the reluctance to be open and forthcoming with the policy. Hearing that the policy has been kept secret "for no particular reason" is fairly disheartening. All it does is create an atmosphere of mistrust.
There is no intention of being misleading or of trying to not make the policy public. Anyone who has asked me aboue it, I have been able to help them. I just don't know the *exact* cost and have to ask others the costs to get them their items made. As far as I remember, it is 100 gobbies/ difficulty level for the ritual - but don't quote me on that.

To my knowledge, this list is being worked on and should be available soon-ish. I really don't know the actual ETA or I would give it.

As to the new policy, once again there is no intention of punishment or dissemblage. It is actually a revision which we have been considering for some time - one that we would have liked to have had in place years ago. It is being worked on now and other aspectes within it are being considered (for example, an additional gobby charge to simply have the item created).
Dan, who has stated he will work on this, is doing so whenever he can. However, he's currently working a night shift job with all the suck that that implies.

*insert something about patience that no one ever listens to*

I do know that some items are more and some less. DAs, AA, basically the stuff everyone and their mother wants are more expensive than say rendering a set of armor or a sword. Game balance and whatnot.

Once again, I'll see if I can't prod Dan about it. If nothing else, I'll try to get info from him so I can throw something together. (Between Japanese 101, Organic Chemistry, and Precalculus 2 that is.)
Technically speaking, that's because it's not supposed to exist. A list of pre-gen'd magic items is supposed to be available for purchase at events by those NPCing the event. The whole customization bit started up beceause staff members don't generally get to play events and decided they should get the perk of being able to get what they want when they finally DO get to play. Which, really, is completely fair all things considered.

So, basically, it's not a list that's really supposed to exist, but kind of does in every chapter.

Switching to a scroll and component system would be more beneficial all around IMO.

As I said, I'll see what I can do.
Sarah said:
*insert something about patience that no one ever listens to*
Inquiring about a policy promised months ago is not impatient, nor is wondering why some players are allowed to use the non-existent/published policy is not impatient.

Dave said:
There is no intention of being misleading or of trying to not make the policy public. Anyone who has asked me aboue it, I have been able to help them.
How are our inquiries on the board of the chapter you own not asking you? Should we be asking you in private, so no one else knows what the policy is? Is there a secret handshake involved?

The conversation shouldn't go like this:
A - "What's the policy?"
B - "Gimme a sec, I'll tell you in a bit."
<three months go by>
A - "So, uh, about that policy?"
C - "I'm not B, but I know where he is, so I'll make sure he does it."
<another month and a half go by>
A - "Yeah.... about that?"
C - "Clearly you're not very patient."
D - "You could have used the policy, if only you'd asked me. But I'm not really sure what it is either."

How can a chapter policy exist that the Owner of that chapter, it's General Manager, it's Head of Rules, and it's Head of Logistics don't know?
jpariury said:
Should we be asking you in private, so no one else knows what the policy is? Is there a secret handshake involved?

Of coursenot, JP. I really think you're going a bit far in thinking this is some conspiracy, but then |I suppose that's only to be expected given that this is three years in the offing.

When someone comes to me asking me how much it would cost to make "x" I have something to work with and can drive that easier than "can I get a list." It's much faster for me to be able to get the answer to one than try to get a comprehensive list of everything... and no, that's not an invitation to come at me with a list of "can I make..." because that's just a list, now isn't it?