Goblin points for stuff - Trade-In List

I think the core issue here that people are having is that some people asked, were told a list was in the offing, and waited patiently to find out what all they would be able to do with their gobbies. And waited. And waited. (I'm not one of them, just saying what I'm seeing/hearing). Then they find out that instead of waiting to see if they could indeed buy an Arcane Armour from the list, several other people emailed the owner with a specific request for such a thing, and got it. That's what seems to be at least one of the issues people seem to be having with the situation, and I can understand how that could be frustrating. I don't think it's specifically Dan, or Staff, or one person that people are muttering about or steamed over, I think it's the situation itself. I'd say the only way to defuse the situation now is to either get that list out soon, and implement the new proceedure so people can get on it, or open up a period over the next month or so that anyone with X gobbies or more on the books right now can request spending them on magic items before the end of the year, and let folks spend their gobbies already.
The list is in the works. It will be published when I get around to doing so. Hopefully that will be soon; in the meantime I will try to continue to be available to give information on individual requests, as I have done for everyone who has bothered to contact me so far. Anyone who continues to be obsintate in the face of the obvious will have to be content waiting until I get around to publishing an actual list. I can and will not give a timeline on this at this time.

Here is some information which may be used as a guideline in the meantime. It is not intended to be all-encompassing, so please do not complain if the amount you are given differs in some way.

-It is likely that the cost for ritual items will be 100 times the difficulty level, per ritual. There will be exceptions to this based on usefulness and popularity, and certain rituals may be restricted at the request of plot or the owner, and these exceptions may change over time.
-No catalyst rituals may be purchased.
-Goblin stamps may not be spent in this manner onsite at an event. This *must* be prearranged and preapproved.
