Goblin Stamp Monthly XP blankets

So by offering it here, we will not be helping our players, just increasing our coffers from donations from players from other games...

I'm one of very few players currently actively playing 2 characters (Katherine & Lola). I suspect that after the Long March campaign, there may be more players in the same boat. I'd like to keep Katherine at cap, but keep working on raising on Lola's level. I'd very seriously consider an inexpensive yearly blanket option where I could get the full 8 event blankets to benefit the character I'm not playing at the time. So that would benefit me personally, not just Alliance's coffers...

...which, for the record, more money in Alliance's coffers means more investment into the game's resources = higher production value, and more enjoyment for me! So I don't think that filling the coffers is a bad thing, personally!

The blanket is effective when you email logistics and they get around to applying it. :)
So if we did a year blanket that would be applied upon reply from Logistics?

Just trying to have a clear understanding so people know what to expect and common practice is clearly understood.

Given the blankets seem to cover something that has already happened, I'd be fine with the Monthly blanket being applied last day of the month it was purchased for. Thus the XP earned is available at next game. As it stands, we could bombard Mac on the 1st of the month to get that XP before the month's event. If that's cool, I know what I need to do next month with more of my Gobbies XD
How I understand it is like this:

Goblin blanket for that month are available on the 1st of that month. It will not be applied until you let Mac / John / Logistics know you want it applied for that month via email. They will get to it as soon as they can. I understand Mac had said something about doing an "auto blanket" kind of thing, where you just tell him you want one each month and they will automatically apply it each month for as long as you have gobbies to last it out.

When starting, one can also apply blankets for the previous 3 months that were offering blankets as well.

A Goblin Blanket is 1 full blanket (Your build Points in Exp), which is applied to your character sequentially, each month as it becomes available. As much as a "Year Blanket" would be cool, applying 12 blankets at once would skew the system and award more build than it should, due to XP to build conversion rates.

The donation special for april right now is a hell of a deal for goblin blankets and stamps in general. Take a look if you are hurting for goblins and have a few extra bucks to throw at the chapter.
Sweet, that's the kind of clarity I was looking for spelled out. So April's Blanket is available 4/1, as long as it's been approved through logistics you may have it before the event for April. Good to know, thanks Fade for putting it succinctly. :-D