Going to the stables.

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Chris Rudd

Cato walks the market place looking for Donna at the stables as he has heard she sells very fine horses. Upon seeing the stables he walks up and looks around for anyone working.
The sound of a woman's voice comes from the back of the stables. "Stand still ye rascal." says a firm but gentle voice.
The woman turns towards you and smiles "Aye, that I can lad. Any particular type of horse in mind? I got work horses, riding horses, fancy horses, carriage horses, you name it I probably got it."
"No problem there! Follow me." She leads you to a paddock with half a dozen or more horses in it. "These are all good sturdy horses, just right for long journeys. Good stamina they have. Do you see one you like?" She waves a hand toward the herd, letting you choose.
"Ah, you've a good eye. A beauty indeed, with a courageous heart. 2gp for the horse. Another one for basic tack if ye be needin that too."
Taking the money, Donna pockets it and grabbing a rope from the nearby fence, heads into the paddock to fetch the horse. "Hold tight there lad, we'll have ya turned out and on yer way in a jiffy." She whistles to the horses as she walks towards them.

It isn't long at all until your new horse is fully saddled and Donna is putting the reins in your hand. "All set lad. Take good care of each other!" Then she turns and heads back to work, whistling again.
Thank you very much. Take care.

Cato gets on his new horse and heads to the Duchess's estate to prepare for the trip to the fort.
Jack reclines on a nearby low wall and spies Cato walking a steed through the town.
"Oh, I guess I should get a horse as well..." Jack muses to himself.

Jack sets off at a light jog and makes his way over to the town stable.

"Hello there Stablemaster!" Jack calls out as he approaches, "How much for a good riding horse and saddle?"
Poking her head around the corner again, Donna smiles and says "Welcome! We've a nice selection of horses to choose from of ya want. A basic travelling horse with basic tack will run about 3 gp all together. Or are ya looking for something more fancy?"
"Nothing fancy, just a good strong riding horse." Jack responded, glancing around at the selection. "Three gold seems to be a fair price."
Overhearing this as she was sauntering that way, for the very same reason, Elachae comes forward as well, "3 gold? done! You may have several customers, hope you have enough " "Oh, that grey one is handsome! "
Donna grins at the two in front of her. "Well, we've a good supply right now for sure." Looking at you she replies, "Aye the grey is a nice one. He'll do right by you." Motioning to the paddock of horses she says "And you young man, which mount do you prefer?"
After surveying the paddock Jack's eyes settle on a dark chestnut brown stallion. "I'll take that one." Jack said gesturing to said horse and producing the appropriate coins.
Mar chuckles seeing his friends there as well as he enters the stables "great minds think alike my friends I hope miss that there is still a riding horse I can purchase" he says warmly approaching the fence.
An elven woman rounds the corner out of the barn, leading a tall, black, well-built horse behind her. Flowing mane and tail of the same pitch, the fancy animal's strides very nearly float him above the ground, the feathering on the hooves only adding to the movement.

"Oi, Donna! I brought that stud for ye!" She calls out before her eyes land on the woman at the fence, realizing she has customers. Her mouth snaps shut, but her eyebrow arches when she spots one among the crowd.

"Mar?" She questions, a look of mild disbelief on her face. "So ye are alive! I was worried a bit there, and feared for the worse when Rhanon returned to me a while back. You and the young hot-headed stallion didn't suit each other after all, hm?"

She turns to Donna with a smile, "If ye wouldn't mind setting up this young man with a cooler steed, friend, I'll cover the price. He's already paid me for a horse years ago that didn't fit, and I have to do right by that."
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