I think good man Reese makes an excellent point, why should the adventurers of Hopes Reach not be justly rewarded for their deeds? I, Kirna Lightfoot, have always said a man should be paid by weight of gold for his value, not in promises of the greater good or the opportunity to have fate smile upon you. I had despaired in thinking that the adventurer community simply didn't understand this basic precept, but perhaps I was wrong and instead a small group of the elite Guardians keep the wealth for themselves while putting all of your lives on the line. As to seeing you properly rewarded for this courageous assault, I would see to that personally, all I require is a singular item. Within the keeps of Pratorak are a number of unique rituals of Quelie origin, the one known to be in this keep is of great interest to me. Should your Guardians agree to give this single ritual to me, I will gladly dispatch a well guarded caravan with no less then 250 in hard gold coin, as well as an equal amount of goods provided at the cost of their creation. That should be more then enough to fairly compensate those that risked their lives to take the keep, I would have you keep everything else you may have found as is your just reward for such a bold endeavor.
I urge all of you to talk, even demand, that your guardians accept this offer instead of holding onto the scroll for their own use.
-Kirna Lightfoot
The Kings Favored Merchant of Roskaria, and long time supplier of war goods to Gaden.