Good fight with you folks....

My Good Fellows,
I must bow out of this conversation because some here are attempting to make this a discussion of personal merit. My only parting words are a third repetition of what I've said twice before, it is best to not worry about it.
Hunter Davion
While im a healer and not a front line fighter i almost never loot.
While Fighters are very important they tend to get all the loot.


I would say that this is not entirely true. My opinion on the matter is from the other side of the fence. Me being one of the more heavy hitters I am usually stationed at a choke point such as the front gate on the second night. I also go after the people that get through the lines and threaten our healers and once I fell them I head back to hold the line and fight with the others to contain the threat. If I were to stop and loot everything, actually if i were to loot anything it would be the worst thing that i could do as it would stop me from fighting and leave an opening for the enemy to take. While I realize that most of the fighting happens in the front and it leaves healers out of that, thats exactly whats going on up front, fighting.

I think that there is not as big of an issue here as people make it out to be, but if people saw how we need to support each other and fight together we could all loot collect and share within our means.

Fighters dont loot as much as healers think and healers loot more than they would let on but we all fight together and need to resist fighting amongst each other.


Wars are not cheap. Just in the keeping of my own people armed, armored, and equipped, several gold are consumed every time we take the field. Though they fight for the best of causes, do not be surprised that warriors will gripe about funding another county's internal security from their own pouches.

Seargeant Nikolai Rudari
I get that many felt as if we were under compensated for our task, I would like to break down the idea of what we did for value wise.

If you look at the big picture of it, a keep is worth twenty five thousand gold. So if we the people of gaden own the keep great! We made bank. I do not think this is the case.
So in the in all of it just strait value taken from the keep in gold/magic items, and things retrieved from the corrupt, that added up to around two gold per a person and with about fifty of us that makes up to about one hundred gold.

So we got about a hundred gold for taking back a twenty five thousand gold keep.

To put that in smaller numbers for the hard at math.

If I had three gold stolen from me, and I told you to go retrieve that three gold and then I gave you a copper.
Actually that kinda doesn't work.
If after killing that guy who stole my three gold you found a spare copper, I let you keep the copper as payment. That is a more like what happend, seeing as I am pretty sure the rightful owners of the castle have not payed us anything.

As I recently traveled here from roskaria, I am not as vested in the conflict yet. I was pleased to assist you as I could and would be up for it again. I am not a slave, if I do something for people I expect something from that. As far as I know, the only payment we received was from vulturing from the necromancers and corrupt. If someone knows of a payment otherwise I would love to hear about it, because I may have missed it.

-Reese Dewalter
Oh wow, I am surprised. Most currency books i've read don't list things in terms of value by the copper where I come from.
Then why is all this complaint? We earned nearly as much gold cleaning it out as the whole place was worth.

Copper is such a pointless form of currency, why would they bother to list in that... sigh

Well still my secondary point of that we didn't really get paid by the person who tasked us with this. So some more coin would be appreciated.

The payment was already agreed upon when we set forth- we would be allowed t' pillage an' loot the keep upon gainin' it. Basic'ly we could keep wotever we could get our 'ands on. There was nothin' guaranteed beyond that.

I think good man Reese makes an excellent point, why should the adventurers of Hopes Reach not be justly rewarded for their deeds? I, Kirna Lightfoot, have always said a man should be paid by weight of gold for his value, not in promises of the greater good or the opportunity to have fate smile upon you. I had despaired in thinking that the adventurer community simply didn't understand this basic precept, but perhaps I was wrong and instead a small group of the elite Guardians keep the wealth for themselves while putting all of your lives on the line. As to seeing you properly rewarded for this courageous assault, I would see to that personally, all I require is a singular item. Within the keeps of Pratorak are a number of unique rituals of Quelie origin, the one known to be in this keep is of great interest to me. Should your Guardians agree to give this single ritual to me, I will gladly dispatch a well guarded caravan with no less then 250 in hard gold coin, as well as an equal amount of goods provided at the cost of their creation. That should be more then enough to fairly compensate those that risked their lives to take the keep, I would have you keep everything else you may have found as is your just reward for such a bold endeavor.

I urge all of you to talk, even demand, that your guardians accept this offer instead of holding onto the scroll for their own use.

-Kirna Lightfoot
The Kings Favored Merchant of Roskaria, and long time supplier of war goods to Gaden.

Who said there were no scrolls found? I can't resist the opportunity to gloat when someone says, "sit down, shut up, nothing was found." hahahahaha ooh, ow ow... ergh... haha... ooo...

wait for it... wait for it... denial coming in 5...

almost worth the pain... to laugh... like that...

it has been pointed out that the summon scroll was found and auctioned. my mistake.

I would like to ask if any of the other adventures that I fought alongside of have ever heard of or met this Kirna Lightfoot? I have not, and have no reason to believe he has any credible information on this topic.

I think now that random comments by those who were not involved are starting to muddle things further it is time to end this conversation publicly like several good folks have suggested.

- Taloc
Um... does anyone know what scroll he's talking about? The only one I know of was the summon magicy creature scroll...

-Tarqaq the Fox
Yes... I too would like to know what scroll it is that your seeking... If this is to be agreed upon by all, it would be nice to know what is being traded.

That aside, it worries me that you are so willing to accuse the Guardians of theft Kirna, if there is something you know that I clearly do not, then please do bring it to light.

On a side note to a comment made before, if that is how you feel D'rezz then please do follow through with it, though you may find your self without aid... I challenge ALL adventures who follow this ideal to pass on loot...

-Arrin Fillrith
Alchemist of Harbors Far
There were a few scrolls, more than just the summon creature scroll. More likely inquiring about the very important scroll that fern was looking to aquire, but that one is not likely to be sold if it was found. The summon creature scroll I believe was auctioned so you would need to inquire more to the high bidder on that one, but thats not what she's looking for I assume.

That amount of money is quite tempting but I hold none of the scrolls your looking for.

-Reese Dewalter
Honorable Master Merchant Lightfoot,

I kindly ask that you pay no attention to those who ignorant enough not to know of you nor the weight your words carry. Thank you for your perspective and your magnanimous offer.


Greedy Adventurers,

You knew full well what you were getting in to when you chose to assault the castle. To continue to whine and complain only serves to continue to reinforce the opinion of those in power of the fact that adventurers are whiny expendable rabble that can simply be bought off with enough gold (assuming they survive).

For those of you with the lack of intellect to have read the original offer, below is a quote from Baron Idden. If you don't know who Baron Idden is, then you have bigger problems than I could ever solve with a simple dream.

"...we will be granting looting rights to items found in the castle as payment, and the ambassador has told me that one of the items known to be in the castle's vault is a ritual scroll capable of sending a group of people to a point in time they might be able to recover the last breath of a true hero, a catalyst I am told that is desired by the adventurers in no small way."

If you have questions on the aforementioned ritual scroll, the Honorable Master Merchant’s offer, or anything else further on this topic, I suggest you either personally meet with or write a letter to the guardians for details and cease this dreaming.


Arcanist Dure'dhel
back to beating my head against the reanimated marble of a fallen headstone...

It seems like none of these debates are open, honest, or productive. which is so sad...

When someone feels wronged, you can approach them with hostility or with empathy. sadly it seems like hostility is all that is thrown around these days. I would like to see the next time we can solve something without violence, it be given a try. I have seen too much torture go on and it seems few people are sickened by such depraved things. sometime before next market, we should all take a step back and re-evaluate who we are, what we fight for, and why we adventure. it might cut down on these pointless arguments, and maybe someone can realize that starving folks just need a place to sleep. sometimes spilling the blood of everything in your path isn't the way.

I will not suggest that my philosophy could have been brought to this siege because I will never be made privy to even a tiny fraction of the story behind it. but when coming to dealing with some of the bandits of Jimmy Threeface, they reacted to gold far better than they reacted to torture. Understanding that most people wish only to live a livable life, we can find a way to both prosper instead of simply saying that only one side is right. That never is the case.

so ends another rant by James the Inconceivable. We can make life better for everyone if we seek understanding, it would behoove all of us to try, as there is so little of that which goes on in our town I can barely sleep some nights. the smell of blood never goes away no matter how you may wash your blade

-James the Inconceivable
Volpe cross foggy stuff third time. No find Tanamashu yet. Volpe follow familiar scents. Volpe now hear familiar voices when sleep. Sound like fight. Volpe not understand why fight.

Volpe think it not James sense of smell James has problem with. James worry much Yes? James need more fun stop worry. Yes Yes?

- Volpe
While I am not surprised the petty squabbles, and ignorance of well stationed people, is as always the principle concern of a population filled with mistwalkers and malcontents, I still await a response to my offer, if you are unable to come to a consensus as a group, I will turn to other resources that may be more responsive.

-Kirna Lightfoot.