Grade the May event

Grade the May event

  • A+

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • A

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • A-

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • B+

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • B

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • B-

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • C+

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • C

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • C-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Wow didnt realize i was the first to grade it ^.^'

well I gave it an A- for a few reasons. I beleive something could have went better such as timing on events and mods...but it wasn't that big of a deal, we only had a few npc's over there and by saterday night we were wiped it looked like. I personally took alot of head shots this weekend. I understand about the highground v.s. low ground and fighting in the dark is a bit dangerous. I also saw alot of things that i didnt agree with, but they will be taking care of!

I want to thank all the Pc's for being good sports and just being you! I had a blast NPC'ing and i look forward to doing it more.

I also want to thank Bill, thanks for allowing me to prove to myself that i still have good balance! next time stun the other leg!

--Kung Fu Chris
I gave the event an "A."

I was worried that it wouldn't be challenging because it wasn't clear how many NPCs we were going to have, but we had a decent number of NPCs and they all worked so damn hard! The first night was unbelievable. The Dominion ran over us so many times; it was great!

The Plot was really solid. I spent literally hours speaking to various PCs about the choices we had and once it was done, I really enjoyed role-playing the outcome of our choices.

There were plenty of mods and the fights were epic. I honestly can't think of one serious complaint.

Once again, kudos to Plot and to the NPCs!!!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
I give it an A-

I really enjoyed my first time NPC, the only thing that I didn't really like was the MOD focus of NPC camp. Every time I asked for something to do it was mostly mods. So I had to ask specificaly for Fish bowls. But other then that It was friggin Awsome. PC you're the ones that make NPCing SOOOOOO much fun! Thanks for the great time.
I am going with an "A". The plot was great and I had a ton of fun talking with various PCs and NPCs. I didn't feel any significant lulls and the combat was challenging. If anything I enjoyed the feeling of mortality. I was reasonable certain i was going to resurrect this weekend. My only mild complaint was that I didn't see a ton of mods except for the regent mods. I guess I didn't just find them.

Whomever gave the "D" grade -

Please state why. It is in the interest of the plot team to improve every player's game, and if something was that profoundly wrong, the plot team as a whole cannot do anything about it unless they get an explanation as to why.

Thank you.

Awesome roleplay, and serious immersion were had. It was scary and threatening, too.

I am completely wrecked but I feel great about it. I can't wait for next month. Thanks HQ Staff and NPCS and ALL THE NEW PEOPLE for helping make this weekend amazing!

-Justin Coggin
Sometimes I wonder if NERO players come in here and post bad grades just to make us look bad, since I can never think of any examples where anyone gave their reasons for those kinds of low grades.
Tetsu said:

Awesome roleplay, and serious immersion were had. It was scary and threatening, too.

I am completely wrecked but I feel great about it. I can't wait for next month. Thanks HQ Staff and NPCS and ALL THE NEW PEOPLE for helping make this weekend amazing!

-Justin Coggin

Don't call it "next month." Call it "less than three weeks." :D
My First Post - W00T!

Only one critique, and I know I'm not alone on this was the amount of 'holding' that went on. I'm not sure about this but am I correct in saying many of the rules have changed recently? If so that would explain many of the holds so I hope this tweaks a bit. The last battle in particular was rough (however, I understand the circles were a complicated - and VERY important aspect and they got a lot of the time). I feel a bit picky saying that but I thought it should be at least mentioned.

I gave the event overall an 'A'. I have no previous events to compare against but when considering all forms of entertainment I'd stick it higher than being in a good amusement park (bonuses for being interactive ;) ). My wife also had an excellent time and couldn't stop talking about the events that occurred the entire way home. We both are certainly coming back for more.

I'd be amazed if many events are of THIS caliber (I mean, we are talking about the end of a looooong story arch here) however if the events to be in the same ballpark you'll keep my interest for a long time!

Thanks again for the great event!
Sean (Elric Soren)
The amount of Holds was bad, but as we pointed out afterwards, many Holds were called that didn't need to be. If you see someone fall, let them call a Hold. They could simply be roleplaying being hurt, after all. If you need to confirm what you were just hit with, hold your hand over your head and ask -- don't make everyone stop playing just so you can check. And if you see someone with a hand over their head obviously asking, don't hit them!
I gave this event an A+!

I love the plot and the challenge level of this event. The encounters all seemed to fit perfectly into each other and there were good periods of time where a person can role play.

The only two beefs I had are the extreme amount of Holds called for basic rules clarification and that there did not seem to be too many intermediate and low level fight encounters.

Overall this was a very good event!

Fearless Leader said:
Sometimes I wonder if NERO players come in here and post bad grades just to make us look bad, since I can never think of any examples where anyone gave their reasons for those kinds of low grades.

I always justify my bad grades...but that's just me. I gave the event a B. Nothing wrong with a B. It was a good event. Alot of the players who have spent alot of time with the plot got alot out of it. The new players had a blast. That is really great. Personally I found it really hard to get a good clean fight in...I play a caster yes, but I like to get a chance not to need spells for everything. I finally got some decent stick time in Sunday so that was cool. I had some issues with the way some of the combats went beyond just a hold perspective though, and though a solid event I did not feel irrestibly drawn into things. Solid event though and enough that I look forward to the next opportunity to drive the 6 hours there and 6 hours back.

Joe S.
I gave the event a D as well. I know that weather can't be controlled (yet), but it does hinder an event and needs to be dealt with accordingly. That being said, to me and several other people it seemed like the event consisted of Wave battle, extremely long down time then a wave battle. I understand some down time but after the hugely over stated (to me and others) Friday night wave battle, nothing seemed to happen until about 330 4 am, something swinging 10 death by my cabin. By that time we were in bed because well, we worked on Friday.

To me it seemed like on Friday night there was way over 15 death spells thrown, all with in the first 5 mins of the fight. It seemed like 50-75% of the npcs had a carrier as well. We got to thinking that they had unlimited lives, which isn't a problem until you throw in packet attacks + something like 4 casters.

I also didn't like the feeling of being "railroaded" to the fight on Sat before logistics. An OOG npc was saying c’mon guys over here. Now if you feel that the pcs are taking too long, oh well let them, deal with it and roll with it. DO NOT FORCE the pcs to move out by telling them OOG. Send in a npc or make them fail. We can fail (and have). This is what happened to me; I went over to Barron Rori and asked where we were going. He told me and then said he would be right back. All of a sudden we are at the barracks? I think I would know if my legs were moving or not. Ok so what ever lets roll with it because it would be too cheesy for me and my group to go back after something else happening IG to the Barron. So taking this fight with already a bitter taste in our mouths we went in. Again not being able to control the weather we were forced to take shelter (thank you) while a mini hold was called. We were informed that the battle was moved to under npc camp. I was glad that it was moved in side but on the other hand it would be a complete cluster F. Too many people not enough room.

We decided to leave the event while we were eating OOG. If Sat night was anything like Friday night there would be one over stated fight and then nothing. We even had a mod in place for sat night and we still decided it would be better to just leave the event. I was very disappointed in the event.

If you have any questions or comments and wish to state them privately just PM me.
Thanks to the BF guys for bringing along Perwin's delicious baklava! Thanks Gee for making it and sending it along! It was delicious! I have not had that since...oh first Tourney in Ashbury about 7 years ago!
C+ I think it could have been an amazing event, but I feel like there was some kind of problem happening in the background that was preventing it from reaching that potential. whatever that could have been, i do not know, it was just a feeling i had, and i heard a few poeple discussing dissatisfaction over some events or IG ruleing or something which also had me concerned. I personally have never connected with the Dominion story-line, thus an entire event dedicated to it left me feeling that disconnection. I was hoping to see some more of the side story lines we sometimes see during weekends, and since i didn't, I just made them up myself (go rusty!)

There were two specific things that bothered me enough to stand out. 1) the meeting at the big table with the nobles where the majority of players were litterelly prevented from interacting by the guards. though IG it makes sense, it also feels alienating and took a very long time (poor sym fell asleep waiting for a ritual marshal because they were all at the table). 2) the regent seemingly forcing the people of faridale to create teams and report for thier governement mandated mods. I did not feel as though i was allowed to decline OOG nor even now do i know what exactly it is we did or why other than kill trolls (go team).

I liked mike v's new character at the bar and the fact that he was involved with loop stuff (and that monster camp re-stocked that loop stuff is very cool for letting lots of people get involved). those rediculous flowers led to a great encounter with loop monsters which was a tough battle and we got to see duffy take a dip in the creek. very fun :D

the duel wave battles at the end of the game were very cool as well. and the fact that so much of the basement was available for the 1st - last battle was also nice and allowed the battle to become more fun and more dangerous IG.

overall, i had a good time. i'm not sure exactly what could be/been done to improve... just bein honest.
Hey guys. I graded this event a C. Please understand I do not dislike parts of the weekend, but as a whole I found myself left with few memorable plot/story caused moments.

I had a good event because I got to enjoy my time with my friends and start a new character that I am having a good time playing. However, I really felt like there was an issue with the event from a presentation side. I felt like there were moments of battle with a lot of downtime in between. For me, the fight Friday was a cluster F*** on dangerous sections of the hill. I understand that it is dark and we all want to defend the town at bottlenecks, but we don't need to be piled ontop of each other so much that the NPC's are getting injured or that PC's are being stepped on.

Saturday morning...yelling at adventurers and expecting them to react like troops is a hard thing to swallow, (IG) we can understand you are emotional about maintaining the hold on your lands and preserving the life of your people but the majority of people in town qualify as mercenaries...don't expect them to react well to being scolded about being at ready for "missions". (OOG) if you tell me to be ready for missions, without delay to be ready - I will be ready and will wait to be called upon - The wording of that "order" should have been more clear. Perhaps we shouldnt have taken the Regent so seriously in her word. There were a number of us expecting to be called upon and did not want to be elsewhere when that moment occurred, yet there was no time period of readiness or indication of when we would be called on.

The lull of the day of Saturday was wonderful for roleplay...but it was boring. There were few engaging hooks and the people necessary for everything seemed to be nobility and their teams. The sequestered meeting of the nobles was necessary, I'm sure, but I had to chuckle at being looked at like we were doing something wrong when the "uninvited people" were laughing and joking to keep entertained. We left for dinner right before the Saturday fight so I have no opinion about that.

The singing trolls were funny Saturday night, so I thank the NPC's for standing in the rain and acting like goofballs.

Sunday's fights were wonderful, the holds not so much, but the action of the battles were important and I was involved even if my character had no idea who the gryphon with the crown was.

Honestly, this event had its up moments and it had down char is not a noble and is not a lowbie so I felt lost in limbo. I understand when there is understaffing or you need people - but I know help was offered from some PCs to jump the fence.

If you guys want to talk...please write or call me. I love our plot and staff tons and I know you guys are stressed and work your a**es off. Please know that this perspective is from someone who just wanted to be honest about what happened from my side. I see the other grades and I am happy that many others were happy and enjoyed the weekend. I am thrilled that the newbies, especially, loved the event and want to come back - cause that is spectacular and should be the opinion that matters.

This is just me stating what I felt.
I appreciate all the people giving their honest opinions about the event. It certainly proves that it is absolutely impossible to please everyone. For example, some of the things people didn't like, I personally really enjoyed.

But the idea is to create a game that can entertain as many people as possible.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
IvanDrake said:
I appreciate all the people giving their honest opinions about the event. It certainly proves that it is absolutely impossible to please everyone. For example, some of the things people didn't like, I personally really enjoyed.

But the idea is to create a game that can entertain as many people as possible.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake

As I said, it was good and important to see that there were a good number of people that enjoyed themselves. My grade was neither good nor bad, it was middle of the road for the fact that my attitude was fairly even over the "axis line, peak-to-trough".
I'd like to say I'm glad people with lowbie characters are speaking up about the lack of lowbie stuff going on. I'm going to be taking it upon myself to really focus on lowbie interaction and combat. I endeavor to be an Entertainer of the Lowly Leveled.

Make new characters,