Grade the national event!


Stellar RP.

Stellar Reps.

INSANE plot.

Most incredible non combative (mostly :twisted: ) representation of a regular in period fantasy experience. The!

Honest to goodness dungeon crawl? Yeah, that happened, Fairplay basement mutates our world for the better.

Meeting new, and wonderful folks from across our great country that play the best LARP there is.

Spending time with those near and dear to me, I love you guys.

Thank you Alliance National staff, Alliance owners, NPCs, Marshals, PCs, and everyone who came together to make this vision a reality. It was the most incredible event I have ever experienced. With our power combined, we form Admiral Awesome.

Your friend,

Justin Coggin
Tetsu said:

Stellar RP.

Stellar Reps.

INSANE plot.

Most incredible non combative (mostly :twisted: ) representation of a regular in period fantasy experience. The!

Honest to goodness dungeon crawl? Yeah, that happened, Fairplay basement mutates our world for the better.

Meeting new, and wonderful folks from across our great country that play the best LARP there is.

Spending time with those near and dear to me, I love you guys.

Thank you Alliance National staff, Alliance owners, NPCs, Marshals, PCs, and everyone who came together to make this vision a reality. It was the most incredible event I have ever experienced. With our power combined, we form Admiral Awesome.

Your friend,

Justin Coggin

That dungeon crawl was awesome... the RP was great... all I can say is DAMN.

When can we expect to see all the pictures that were taken, and where?

So... which chapter is up for the challenge of putting this on next year? Maybe Seattle?

After that... Chicago in 2010 for Symposium & Event!
I had a VERY good time SHAZAM!
The Sheiks were Awesomeness x 5!
Role playing with new people from accost this land of ours was great!
Very happy with treasure we got
Thanks for the Newbie Mods!
Hourglass intro was very sweet
Though I didn’t get one the scorpion tail trophies was so mighty (I still want one)
Though a bit long, the waiting in the field watching the darkness for signs of attack was Fun.
The wards getting hosed was cool it was nice that faith in wards was weekend 
The Dryads and Battle to save them was great stuff!

Some of the combats in pitch dark were hard
Most of the major battles were out of my league

I rate stuff very hard and an A+ is almost impossible to get from me
I gave it a B+ , but like I said I rate stuff very hard and in all fairness I went to sleep much too early Sunday night and didn’t come back into game Monday my mistake
Frank Wiccan said:
I had a VERY good time SHAZAM!
The Sheiks were Awesomeness x 5!
Role playing with new people from accost this land of ours was great!
Very happy with treasure we got
Thanks for the Newbie Mods!
Hourglass intro was very sweet
Though I didn’t get one the scorpion tail trophies was so mighty (I still want one)
Though a bit long, the waiting in the field watching the darkness for signs of attack was Fun.
The wards getting hosed was cool it was nice that faith in wards was weekend 
The Dryads and Battle to save them was great stuff!

Some of the combats in pitch dark were hard
Most of the major battles were out of my league

I rate stuff very hard and an A+ is almost impossible to get from me
I gave it a B+ , but like I said I rate stuff very hard and in all fairness I went to sleep much too early Sunday night and didn’t come back into game Monday my mistake

Frank, who did you play? I want to put screen names with faces.... I was the 6'5", massive high orc...
Frank was Farraj, the Sand Elf who was with the Oasi, the desert characters from NJ. He was with me, my wife Maria (as our Sarr), Tonya was Seshet the Sand Elf and Amelia was the spider scavvy, Sharazad.
Stoneskull_Rockfist said:
I want to put screen names with faces.... I was the 6'5", massive high orc...
Yeah, not hard to remember the face after you've heard the name so many times throughout the weekend. :P

I was a very awesome weekend, with a whole lot of great people to RP with. I did feel there was a slight lack of mods going out that would draw us in to do things, (hooking mods,) but I did find quite a few things to take initiative on. The plot was well-written and executed, (and the bad guys was scary.)

I'm not sure of the exact number of NPCs that were around this weekend, but it seemed fairly good, and they did awesome, (though there were some times where they were having so much fun in NPC camp that we thought something was going on in game.)

Alright, I'm gonna go see if I can't get a favorites list up in general discussion.
oh yes forgot

and both Players and NPC's were all doing heavy RP all weekend nice!

Wow. The plot was awesome, the costumes were great, the roleplay was intense, the battles were challenging, everything was repped really well, the mod area/marketplace was sweet, the NPCs were stellar, and I usually don't use sentences this long but the event was so worthy of praise I can't pause for breath! Everyone came together for an event to remember.
the announcements that NPC camp was packing up were great, except when plot for the night ran like 3 hours past when we were told it was going to stop...

and the fact that we didn't get the announcement that plot was going to continue on Sunday night. I'm uber-irritated that people missed the culmination of the rakshasa plot because we thought we were done and then we wake up to hear about the rezes and arcane deaths being thrown like mad. DAMMIT!

All in all though, it rocked my damn world. I'm now as thoroughly addicted to PCing as I am to NPCing and feel that there is a LOT of fence jumping in my near future.
To the individual who voted the National Event as an F,
Please, if this is a serious grade, talk to any of those who ran this event and let them know why you feel such a way. PM them if necessary.
If plot teams receive grades with no 'whys' behind them, the plot team does not know what to do in order to fix said error; or a way to make sure all of our players are having a good time.

Well said Ali,

Heck I'd honestly like to get a PM from both that person and the person who graded it a C. Not because I disagree with whatever they have to think but rather so I know better what resonates with them and where I can improve.

Thanks to all of you who came out.

Maybe someone gave it an F because they couldn't be there. Shrug.

Or maybe I gave it an F because I had to drive an hour to Binghamton and an hour back to get a part to fix the hot water heater. Just call me "Snyder" (and I'll give an A+ to whomever gets the reference).

Duke Frost said:
Just call me "Snyder" (and I'll give an A+ to whomever gets the reference).

70's sitcom "One Day at a Time"

Just dated myself, and Scott. :)
Telokh_Amdo said:
Duke Frost said:
Just call me "Snyder" (and I'll give an A+ to whomever gets the reference).

70's sitcom "One Day at a Time"

Just dated myself, and Scott. :)

I almost put a disclaimer that "Mike Engler need not apply." Heh. Seriously, I was betting you'd get it first, you 70's T.V. geek.
Duke Frost said:
Telokh_Amdo said:
Duke Frost said:
Just call me "Snyder" (and I'll give an A+ to whomever gets the reference).

70's sitcom "One Day at a Time"

Just dated myself, and Scott. :)

I almost put a disclaimer that "Mike Engler need not apply." Heh. Seriously, I was betting you'd get it first, you 70's T.V. geek.

Of course, it's the sitcom that featured the future (and now Ex) wife of Eddie Van Halen, as well as the daughter of Mamas & Papas found John Phillips!

For the uninformed One Day at a Time page on IMDB

Wonderful quote, sort of IG appropriate:

Schneider (Urging Barbara not to lose her virginity): Always remember, and please never forget: A man is like a bow-and-arrow, and a woman is like a target. Bow-and-arrow needs practice. Target doesn't.
Duke Frost said:
Maybe someone gave it an F because they couldn't be there. Shrug.

Or maybe I gave it an F because I had to drive an hour to Binghamton and an hour back to get a part to fix the hot water heater. Just call me "Snyder" (and I'll give an A+ to whomever gets the reference).


Or maybe you get an A+ personally for fixing the water heater so that I got a hot shower and got that prosthetic off my face for a little. That was the BEST SHOWER EVER early Monday morning!
I gave it a solid A

My only sour times were mostly of my own making.

The dungeon crawl showed us what that area could really be used for.
