Grattitude for your friendship


With what does Syraandor charge me with and why; I have committed no crime there since, as you said, I have never since been back. I read a brief summary of what they believe I did, and found the 'facts' to be grossly inaccurate. Perhaps you can give me more believable reasons.

Veil KeeKoree
If you feel the facts against you are inaccurate. Feel free to dispute them at your trial. Until you do, you will be a wanted criminal.

Seek me in person to have the charges fully explained. I am currently located at the Bastion of Finn Castle, on what you once knew of Laerthan.

No Pantzike,

I would not return to Laerthan for all the chocolate in creation.

Someone can inform me of what exactly the charges are at their own inconvenience.

Veil KeeKoree
Pantzike said:
If you feel the facts against you are inaccurate. Feel free to dispute them at your trial. Until you do, you will be a wanted criminal.

Seek me in person to have the charges fully explained. I am currently located at the Bastion of Finn Castle, on what you once knew of Laerthan.


While I am not defending Veil KeeKoree, the least you could do it tell them what they are being charged with.
I am so f%^cking bored with dreams, meeting topics, and dinner talks revolving around what Veil may or may not of done....She was guilty of Necro 4 years ago, she was found guilty consorting with undead this past weekend....

/Sigh, I'll explain with some quick and short FACTS.

Veil cast necro In Syraandor. Punishment was a marking.
Only Marking that could be provided was a celestial.
Veil looked that in the eye and took the punishment anyway, to some this showed 'WOW' she must really be looking for redemption
Veil leaves Syraandor
Syraandor LOCKS its borders for 3 years, no one in or out Magically sealed, and in the mean time gets completely destroyed within. So she didn't flee.
Accusing her of fleeing from punishment, would be like Accusing all of us Syraandor natives "You all fled from the withering and are cowards for not comming to fight it" The F@%king lands were sealed off.
2-3 years go by, Veil is working on redemption and IMO WAS doing ok, Veil is given mark/unmark scroll.
She unmarks herself

Year or so goes by, Syraandors borders are now open.....

So I would guess, unmarking herself is the crime. But if I remember correctly to mark herself with Celestial magic was a choice. Seeing the lands closed off, and completely destroyed, and majority of everyone thinking it is gone, goodbye forever. Veil was not going to carry around this celestial mark forever, she seeked some council in Icenia on what to do. And decided it was time to unmark herself with the support of others.

It's common knowledge I gave her the scroll that could remove the Celestial mark, or Cast an earth mark. I live without regret, Life is easy to me make a decision and live by it. Some may think my decision to give her the scroll was a mistake. Though I have never been asked or questioned face to face on the matter..... I hear a lot of Rats with "oo0 and aaa behind my back".. But frankly what people say behind closed doors about me, is none of my buisness.

I myself Being one of the first people on the scene when Veil was talking with vampire this past weekend, watching how she reacted as we tried to question her and what she was doing, the actions of a suspicious/ guilty person. She was found guilty the next day and put to death for it.

I thought Veil was on the road to redemption, maybe she was, maybe it was all a lie... Either way I misjudged that and will not make the same mistake again, my voice will NOT come to her defense in the future ever again. But I too would like to know the exact charges you are speaking of Pantzike.

-Lt. Ithica
Gilwing and Ithica,

Veil was convicted and ritually marked for casting Necromancy several years ago. In Syraandor, due to the spirit of redemption, the first offense for that action was not Obliteration, but Marking and then execution. The mark is a skull upon the forehead, and serves as a warning to those who meet the convicted of their prior actions. This mark is to stay on her forehead for the rest of her days. As Ithica pointed out, the mark provided was Celestial. This is because after she returned to town after her execution she concealed her identity from the Nobility (which she was fined for doing and is one of the reasons that marking exists as a punishment in general) and it was not revealed to us until Saturday. The only ritualist we had that had a matching Circle of Power that could be cast once the ritual scroll and requirements were gathered was a Celestialist. We could not risk casting the spell in the Greater Earth Circle because of backlashes specific to the ritual scroll available. We offered to wait to cast the spell Saturday night after I had had a chance to study and memorize a Circle for the ritual, but she preferred to have a Celestial Mark cast sooner.

Veil has had that mark removed. This is in violation of her sentence. Had she immediately replaced the mark with an Earth mark, I doubt there would be as much of a issue now, if any at all. The problem is she now carries no mark.

The fact that the mists were closed for a short period of time is irrelevant to the issue. However they are opened now, and her actions have become known to the Nobility of the land she first offended.

Writs signed by local Nobility of Finn Castle are being physically sent via trusted messengers to places where adventurers typically congregate in all lands where I can get them to. The Writ contains punishment information if local jurisdictions choose to act upon it.

Whether or not people agree with the particular sentence of marking does not change the fact that she broke hers. The Harvest Lands of Eire and it's Protectorates are ruled Honorable and Just Nobles. Recently our Justicar visited the lands of Moria to aid them in a fight vs a Common enemy we share. Veil KeeKoree is currently wanted due to the removal of her Mark. She can either accept this or choose to live as a fugitive. However, she cannot claim her name and slate is clean until this is dealt with.

This is the last I will think of this Necromancer publicly while Dreaming. Please contact me via missive in the waking world if you have questions. Send your message to be delivered to the Earth Circle in the Silver Scythe tavern, located at the Bastion of Finn Castle in what are now known as the Deadlands.

Assistant Master Pantzike
of the Healer’s Guild at Finn Castle

RP_Wolf said:
It seems nothing I say will convince anyone I am being truthful.

As for my most current conviction, I believe in my heart it is all a misunderstanding involving a creature encountered in Dara's Grace last winter.

Seeing as how there is so much confusion regarding the who, what, where, when and why of myself, contact me privately if you wish and I will answer your questions, hopefully lay your concerns to rest, and maybe finally be able to move-on with my life. As redemption seems impossible now, the most I want is...acceptance for existing.

Veil KeeKoree

You are correct. Nothing that you say will convince anyone of your truthfulness or lack thereof. It is actions which speak of our true character; we are each of us what we do. When you have committed such acts, it is difficult if not impossible to remove them with words. Only deeds will accomplish this.

True redemption and repentance come from within. They are not done to gain the acceptance or trust of others but to make yourself a better person for that sake alone. In gaining repentance and redemption, what others think of you is irrelevant. What you say is irrelevant. It is what you do. Actions echo long after the deed is done. Only you know where you truly stand on the path of repentance, and only you can choose what direction and how quickly you walk it. In the end, only you and the earth have a final say in your resting place. Be it with the righteous, or the wicked.

Honor and Duty,
-Gwendara Alanik
Seneschal of the Stormblades
Scribe Riddick has asked "How many times must her slate be swept clean before we realize it was muddied with the ichor of undeath to begin with?"

I know of only one answer that can be given: always one more.

In all of us there is the power to do great things, or vile things. Each of us must make a choice which path we follow, and each of us must be responsible for our decisions on that path. However, each of us must be free to choose, and to learn, and to become something better than we were the day before.

If there is no hope for redemption, no chance for one to "repent" as His Excellency would say... then why not change all laws so that the punishment is permanent death?

What I spoke at Veil's sentencing is not a secret, as it is my belief: She committed a crime, broke the law, and endangered others in doing so. For these reasons, she must pay the penalty the law demands for such actions. I do not and did not feel anything short of a death would show her the severity of her wrongdoing. However, just as important is trying to show her a more proper way to live and act. "Thou shalt respect the weak and thou shalt constitute thyself the defender of them" does not only apply to the farmer, the cobbler, and the smith- it applies to all.

Squire Ulthoc of Nordenn
I have been away from home for too long I see, and we're having this conversation again.

Squire Ulthoc,

I once made that same exact arguement regarding consituting one's self the protector of the weak to Baron Ivan Drake when I had chosen to defend Veil and try to help her on a road to redemption. I am not so sure that they ring as true as they once did in this specific instance, from what little I have heard, and what I saw when last I was able to return home through the mists. This is not the first time she has seemingly wandered blithely into a crowd of these feral vampires.


Veil has been punished with death not once now, but twice, for similar crimes. She argues around her responsibility of both, neither quite being repentant nor defiant. Many of you know that I was once perhaps the loudest voice in favor of her earning redemption, and some know that this is no longer the case. I hope to return home soon to see what has happened for my self - but a promise was made, and will be kept.


We shall speak when I return.

That my oath is my life,

Alorien Wyndancer Vymereth
known to most simply as Alor

I am not saying that all is forgiven, and she may walk away. In truth, the legal penalty for such a crime is only a small part of repaying the debt she owes. I am saying she must be given fair exchange to repay that debt. And the next. And the next should she live that long.

I am not so blind to believe that everyone who commits a crime has it within them to become better than they were. I'm simply saying that I cannot prove who does and who doesn't- so I must choose to believe they can, or choose to believe they can not. I would rather defend those not worthy of such defense and find out later I worked too hard, than fail to defend those who deserved it and find out later I failed in my duties.

Squire Ulthoc of Nordenn
Words of wisdom, Squire, echoing my sentiments from a recent Chivalry talk when we discussed Baron Ivan's favorite subject: Repentance.

Telokh Amdo
Squire Ulthoc,

Thank you for the clarification. I hope I wasn't insulting in my previous words.

Wise words Alor, Telokh and Squire Ulthoc

Let us no longer trouble ourselves with talk of the decisions of Veil's life unless she forces us to do so.

Man at Arms Cinder Thunderhammer
Vex Squad, "Rock of Trellheim"