Hello folks

This LARP group seems to be the closest to me, as i sadly live in the smack middle of Iowa, i'm thinking about making my way up possibly this spring, wondering if A. there's any nearby place that would be decent to stay at, and B. what all would be required of an aspiring newbie :p
Welcome! We'll be glad to have you. SoMN is one of the best chapters for newbies IMO, first step is to contact logistics to get a Newbie Marshal. You're Marshal will help you with most all questions and help you create your character.

We have a couple of other people coming from Iowa so you may have carpool options, or be able to meet up with them for a practice before the game, maybe.

We stay at the sight Friday and Saturday night so you don't need to find lodging unless you want to come a day early or stay a day late. games start around 6pm Friday and go till about noon on Sunday.

We expect a newbie to have fun ^.^
I am one of the New Player Marshalls. I would be glad to help you out with whatever you need.

for NPCing you need dark clothes

for PCing you need weapon reps, armor reps, a costume and if you're going to be a non-human race, you need either prostethics or makeup and you need to make a character
VincentWalker said:
This LARP group seems to be the closest to me, as i sadly live in the smack middle of Iowa, i'm thinking about making my way up possibly this spring, wondering if A. there's any nearby place that would be decent to stay at, and B. what all would be required of an aspiring newbie :p

Where are you at in Iowa? There are a couple of players still here, although most have quit for one reason or another, mostly lack of time to play and the distances involved. Gas ain't cheap.
So... to own a 2 handed sword, a single handed, basic quitting, how much am I looking to pay approximately?

Anyone able to get in touch with me to locally explain a few things?

641 831 0622 txt is fine as I'm at work at the moment on my HTC evo lol
VincentWalker said:
And if there are any carpooling option, please let me know ASAP, its a 7 hour drive from my place to the location.

Yeah, I've found that to be one of the biggest reasons that the Iowa playerbase tends to go to other hobbies. We've brought a dozen or so people to various events, and none of them really stuck with the game because of the massive time and money investment just to get there. As it stands, I'm probably not going to be going out to any events this year, because at $3.50 a gallon, that drive just isn't in my budget.
you know if someone made a chapter in Iowa we could share player base. it would be fun to have someplace more than just chicago to go to.*hint hint nodge wink*
Wraith said:
VincentWalker said:
And if there are any carpooling option, please let me know ASAP, its a 7 hour drive from my place to the location.

Yeah, I've found that to be one of the biggest reasons that the Iowa playerbase tends to go to other hobbies. We've brought a dozen or so people to various events, and none of them really stuck with the game because of the massive time and money investment just to get there. As it stands, I'm probably not going to be going out to any events this year, because at $3.50 a gallon, that drive just isn't in my budget.

Show me around and bring me to some events and I can cover gas when I come :p
DracoIam said:
you know if someone made a chapter in Iowa we could share player base. it would be fun to have someplace more than just chicago to go to.*hint hint nodge wink*

Just as soon as I'm independently wealthy. Chapters aren't cheap to start, much less run. You don't even want to know what it costs to build out an NPC camp, much less arranging camp schedules, insurance, coin, reps, and paying off Mike V. to start with. ;)
Starting a chapter alone requires 10,000 dollars :p Then I'd guess you'll be looking at a yearly expense of roughly 20-40,000 your first year, depending of course on what campsites you use, and how many people show up. Granted I might be completely off, and it might be the difference of a couple thousand, or it might be twice my estimation :p How much do campsites generally cost to use a weekend, on average w/o any extremes?
You're off on the high side, from the figures we looked at a couple years back. If someone else wants to be the financial backer down here, I'd probably come NPC for them from time to time, but I don't have a ton of money to gamble on a playerbase appearing. :thumbsup:
Well, it seems like you'd get a few of us southern minnesotans to come. As some of us are REAL southern minnesotans, and not middle minnesotans :p
Hell i'd go npc and help anyone start something here in iowa, but if all else fails on that note im more then happy to show to the southern minnesota group :D
Icey said:
Starting a chapter alone requires 10,000 dollars :p Then I'd guess you'll be looking at a yearly expense of roughly 20-40,000 your first year, depending of course on what campsites you use, and how many people show up. Granted I might be completely off, and it might be the difference of a couple thousand, or it might be twice my estimation :p How much do campsites generally cost to use a weekend, on average w/o any extremes?
O.O Wow, yeah, you're high by at least an order of magnitude. Don't get me wrong, Owners pour money down the Alliance sinkhole at an alarming rate, but it's more like $1-2k. I think there'd be far fewer owners if opening a Chapter cost them a Lexus every year.

In truth, with all the people in Iowa who have been clamoring over the years for a Chapter, I'm surprised a group of them hasn't banded together, pooled their cash, and run a Chapter by consortium. If would probably need a single name on the dotted line, but I suspect that Alliance wouldn't have any problem with multiple backers supporting a single Chapter.
VincentWalker said:
Hell i'd go npc and help anyone start something here in iowa, but if all else fails on that note im more then happy to show to the southern minnesota group :D

Don't forget about the Chicago chapter - we're due east of you, just off of I-88. We play west of the city, near DeKalb. A number of us are making the trek north for the castle siege... hopefully we can meet you there!

Rob Sachs
Hail and well met! Welcome to the Alliance!

Have you purchased a copy of the Alliance rulebook? It is very good at explaining how exactly the game is played, how to make weapons, etc. If you have not, it's available in both print and electronically (I prefer the electronic as it's less expensive, about $6) here is a link to that: http://www.alliancelarp.com/books.php

If you would like help finding any equipment (such as weapons or armor), or have any other questions, you can request a New Player Marshal to work one-on-one with you or simply post a thread here on the local boards asking if anyone has anything to spare for a new player or to purchase. The New Player Marshals are volunteer staff who love to help new players get into the game, so does hesitate to ask for our help. :)

The amount that materials and physreps cost depends on the maker and the quality. There is a player out of Chicago(?), Josh Clark, who plays in our chapter regularly and is well-known in the Alliance for his great skill in weapons but I'm not sure what his rates are. Otherwise, there are many other players who could put together some weapons for you. Try posting another thread with "Looking to buy weapon and armor physreps" in the title to get the attention of those makers.

I hope this helps and I look forward to seeing you at an event soon!
