Well, you could always Soul-lock the ink... (mostly jest)
Most. Expensive. Tattoo. Ever. :lol:
Hoyce said:
Telokh_Amdo said:
Gilwing said:
Question, how do you determin the difference between a "tattoo", war paint and a rit mark?
You ask the person wearing it. Either an OOG "What do I see?" or your character can ask their character about it.
Actually, if I recall correctly, most Ritual Marks simply look like a tattoo so, short of magical detection, you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

The OOG question would determine if it's war paint. Asking IG would be needed to find out if what looks like a tattoo is actually a tattoo or a ritual mark.
Once something heals naturally (scar, ink or otherwise) it heals.

And will come back with the resurrection.

The scarred sarr,

Yea I was pretty sure that wounds that aren't cured magicaly very soon don't go away any differently than wounds in our world... And things like old age and normaly contracted diseases can't be removed with magical healing. Thats why people eventualy die even in SPITE of resurections... =P
Dreamingfurther said:
Yea I was pretty sure that wounds that aren't cured magicaly very soon don't go away any differently than wounds in our world... And things like old age and normaly contracted diseases can't be removed with magical healing. Thats why people eventualy die even in SPITE of resurections... =P

Exactly right!

See page 64!
I was gonna say that i have seen a guy with a tip of horn missing and there was this elf army leader who's ears had been cut off and eyes gouged out but she was dead or something so i'm not sure this counts could cut the tip off...paint it pinkish? and actually paint some scar tissue on. but i'm a newbie so i could be wrong. as for biatas with ears........if they're decendents of strone elves...where does the griffon and dragon bit come in??? i'm confused now
do what? ....foig is in game information right? that's cool but i'm still confused about the stone elf/griffon/dragon/biata thing...are you saying you can't tell me what in the name of all that is feathered you're talking about?????
FOIG- Find Out In Game

if you're not a biata your PC can ask around and try to get answers
if you're not a biata, don't expect any

ah... racial RP. Good stuff.

A Biata
heheheh i read the first chapter online I am just waiting until i need a book to read before i buy another to sit on a shelf waiting for me. I have a stack that i have labelled "these should be read" I my own shame i still haven't read deathly hollows. I am a slacker at the reading bit. I just finished the actual Nero rule book which was so wild seeing pictures of people i've met in a book!! and i got skoold in the biata information I was SO confused! my naughty.
Nice thing about tattoo's is you can get them don't have to tweek out waiting for the season opener
I love getting tattoos. I would rather sit and get stabbed by a needle for two hours than have a massage!
Haha.. I thought about it once - Getting Wildescent's death tattoo for real. But then I realized very quickly that 1 - It is over her eye and would probably be very painful. 2 - I would never be able to play my gypsy again and to NPC I'd need to find ways to cover it up. 3 - Getting a job would be tough with such a visable tattoo.