Hoyce said:Actually, if I recall correctly, most Ritual Marks simply look like a tattoo so, short of magical detection, you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference.Telokh_Amdo said:You ask the person wearing it. Either an OOG "What do I see?" or your character can ask their character about it.Gilwing said:Question, how do you determin the difference between a "tattoo", war paint and a rit mark?
Dreamingfurther said:Yea I was pretty sure that wounds that aren't cured magicaly very soon don't go away any differently than wounds in our world... And things like old age and normaly contracted diseases can't be removed with magical healing. Thats why people eventualy die even in SPITE of resurections... =P
Tzydl Zhitelava said:if they're decendents of strone elves...where does the griffon and dragon bit come in??? i'm confused now