House Message Board

Just out of curiosity, what is the membership roster of the House anyway? So far I have:

(is it just me, or do these names seem really similar)
Nueme (maybe?)
Dreaya (Diana's PC)
Taran (how'd that happen?)
And I forgetting anyone?

So, I think that any of these people who wasn't at this last event should be screwed over by plot between games. It's like an induction ceremony. That house is cursed!
Leyk of Clan Ahas said:
We should invite Jonathan in, then he can become 1/2 stone elf, 1/2 human, 1/2 dead

Well..lets see...

Taran is the house Alchemist, from what I remember discussing with Elyrion.

Rupert (Dave's PC) was given an open invitation to join the house, I think he was going to be in charge of some sort of celestial stuff and what not.

My PC, Askara, or as everyone seems to write Eskara, is a member but not. It takes a bit of explaining.

Umm Krill was going to be asked to join the house too, but unfortunately he died. :(

Oh...and whether or not people have met my pc she has been screwed by plot already, thanks Dave.
Erm... Find out in game?
*pokes Bard*
Lemme put it this way.. If you're trying to get a second board (Assuming so that everyone doesn't know how things go on there), why state it all in public?

Oh, and as soon as I find that Bard for you to poke, I'll point him or her in your direction Leigh Ann.
Ohhh thanks Bard.....I would appreciate it if you sent Bard my way when you find him.

Well, to keep it private, we should all wait to talk about things further once there is a board and all or some of us have access to it.

Bard..err umm..that guy has a good point.
Leyk of Clan Ahas said:
Welcome to the house of the fallen swan, time to meet our members:

Taran - Rabbit boy
Leyk - Proud father of 4 death elementals (technically neither alive, dead, or undead)
L.E. - Lich in head
Pearl - Hunted to extinction, also collateral damage from Leyk's getting screwed with (technically neither alive, dead, or undead)
Hamunuptria - Collateral Damage (technically neither alive, dead, or undead)
and of course ELI - formerly the residence of fey chard of Chaos.

ok sorry jon but you forgot to add temperary undead 10%er with just about everthing in existence with any power whatsoever trying to kill me.... permenantly! (including gypsies assains and fate itself) oh yeah! i also single handedly, accedentily messed up the balence of nature!

had to intervean...
For any of those involved, the board's up.. Ask for authorization when appropriate.
Neume will NOT be joining, she caught on quick with the whole Reverse Metabolism thing. ^_^ Happy B-day Hayley!