I am a Count!

Re: I am a Knight!

I learned how to make babies cry from Justin. The weeks under his righteous tutelage rank as some of my fondest memories.
Re: I am a Knight!

Everyone's got to be good at something.

You can't imagine the troubles I had trying to keep babies around, what with Agnar eating them and all.
Re: I am a Knight!

..and Azrael feeding them necromantic produce puree
Re: I am a Knight!

She'd never touch the stuff.
Re: I am a Knight!

That's what spoons are for. *DOH*
Re: I am a Knight!

she'd have to either pick the turnips herself, or have some farmer do it.

And then she'd have to kill him for being a vegemancer.
Re: I am a Knight!


I mean turnips.
Re: I am a Knight!

Okay, I'm a Templar. I can go to bed now.
Re: I am a Knight!

lol... night man.
Re: I am a Knight!

looks that way... though he posted a lot after saying he was going to bed...
Re: I am a Knight!

that's probably not it at all.
Re: I am a Knight!

"So there!" is completly the type of argument I'd expect from you.
Re: I am a Knight!

excuses, excuses...

and its only 10 to 4.