I am a Count!

Re: I am a Knight!

I may tinkle laughing!!!! :lol:
Re: I am a Knight!

HEHEHEH its just that i come to work and first thing in the morning i check these boards and there's usually always something from you guys that makes me laugh...its so very enjoyable...but the older you get the more you need to be closer to a bathroom when you laugh....heheheh
Re: I am a Knight!


Do either of you know what TMI stands for?
Re: I am a Knight!

you know what's funny tieran is so many people tell me that...but the wierd part is that I can talk about ANYTHING...nothing seems taboo to me except probably someon's personal bedroom behavior I don't talk about but anything else bodily functions, etc..nothing really bothers me....odd huh? i never think that it may bother other people...i should work on that.
Re: I am a Knight!

I was more asking because the two of you seem to have an acronym defeciency in your vocabulary. ;-)
Re: I am a Knight!

go on you tube and look up boot to the head...they're reading some guys' will ...and he bequeaths to his family each a boot to the head...the cat gets a boot to the head too...I nearly ...well we already discussed what happens to me when i laugh! :lol:
Not what I was expecting... but cool.
I cry Necromancy, for raising this thread from the dead!
Cry all you want Squiggles.

We knew you were a whiner.
i love the count!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eighteen, nineteen, twenty!

Twenty pages of posts in this thread!
Meh, a minor reward for borebom I suppose.