Tzydl Zhitelava Exemplar May 5, 2008 #441 Re: I am a Knight! we gotta geekify marcena!! its a project!! heheheheheh
D doverman Mentor May 5, 2008 #442 Re: I am a Knight! She LARPs. That, in and of itself is more geek points than most people earn in a lifetime!
Re: I am a Knight! She LARPs. That, in and of itself is more geek points than most people earn in a lifetime!
Tzydl Zhitelava Exemplar May 5, 2008 #443 Re: I am a Knight! absolutely agree...i just want to ubergeekify her HEHEHEHEHEH
D doverman Mentor May 5, 2008 #445 Re: I am a Knight! Marcena said: I AM a geek! :? Click to expand... <yodavoice> mMMmmm heheheheh Not yet. Much have you to learn in they ways of geekery!
Re: I am a Knight! Marcena said: I AM a geek! :? Click to expand... <yodavoice> mMMmmm heheheheh Not yet. Much have you to learn in they ways of geekery!
M Marcena Paragon May 5, 2008 #446 Re: I am a Knight! *kneels* I am at the will of thy mastery! Teach me the ways of the geek so that I too may join their proud ranks.
Re: I am a Knight! *kneels* I am at the will of thy mastery! Teach me the ways of the geek so that I too may join their proud ranks.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal May 6, 2008 #447 Re: I am a Knight! That is the weirdest visual I've gotten in a while.
Tzydl Zhitelava Exemplar May 6, 2008 #448 Re: I am a Knight! heheheh i kept picturing yoda saying "no...too old....too old to learn the ways of the geek"
Re: I am a Knight! heheheh i kept picturing yoda saying "no...too old....too old to learn the ways of the geek"
M Marcena Paragon May 6, 2008 #449 Re: I am a Knight! No! I am not too old! I am but an infant in elf years.
Tzydl Zhitelava Exemplar May 6, 2008 #450 Re: I am a Knight! heheheh we're all young in Orkan years as well!!!
M Marcena Paragon May 6, 2008 #452 Re: I am a Knight! So the salient point of this conversation is....I shall join the ranks of geekdom soon?! =-P~
Re: I am a Knight! So the salient point of this conversation is....I shall join the ranks of geekdom soon?! =-P~
Tzydl Zhitelava Exemplar May 6, 2008 #453 Re: I am a Knight! you're in the ranks...just maybe a private or corporal...don't feel bad I'm down here on the bottom of the ladder too
Re: I am a Knight! you're in the ranks...just maybe a private or corporal...don't feel bad I'm down here on the bottom of the ladder too
M Marcena Paragon May 6, 2008 #454 Re: I am a Knight! Do I have to work my way up, or can I just usurp someone higher than me?
M Marcena Paragon May 6, 2008 #456 Re: I am a Knight! :nods: Then one day, shall call ME master! :twisted: But err....first you gotta teach me the ropes...hehe...:-S
Re: I am a Knight! :nods: Then one day, shall call ME master! :twisted: But err....first you gotta teach me the ropes...hehe...:-S
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal May 6, 2008 #457 Re: I am a Knight! And that is precisely why I will never learn teacher ;-)
D doverman Mentor May 6, 2008 #458 Re: I am a Knight! Come, students, and close the circle at the feet of the master. You have come seeking that I be your guide in the ways of "tae kwon geek." 5 geek points for the reference...
Re: I am a Knight! Come, students, and close the circle at the feet of the master. You have come seeking that I be your guide in the ways of "tae kwon geek." 5 geek points for the reference...
M Marcena Paragon May 6, 2008 #459 Re: I am a Knight! *stammers* I...I don't know sensai! *closes eyes and awaits reprimand*