tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Feb 21, 2008 #42 Re: I am an adept! I dunno... maybe cause I'm a jerk like that? How come I don't get 100 gobbies in MN for giving their GM a gold star? ;-)
Re: I am an adept! I dunno... maybe cause I'm a jerk like that? How come I don't get 100 gobbies in MN for giving their GM a gold star? ;-)
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Feb 21, 2008 #44 Re: I am an adept! certainly I didn't just give her the nicer looking one so that she would make statements clarifing the fact that she is delusional... that is totally unlike me...
Re: I am an adept! certainly I didn't just give her the nicer looking one so that she would make statements clarifing the fact that she is delusional... that is totally unlike me...
M Marcena Paragon Feb 21, 2008 #45 Re: I am an adept! Hey! Don't call me delusional! You play a funky chicken on the weekends and you call ME delusional? Pfft!
Re: I am an adept! Hey! Don't call me delusional! You play a funky chicken on the weekends and you call ME delusional? Pfft!
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Feb 21, 2008 #46 Re: I am an adept! The difference being that I realize I am not that funky chicken... You however, actually believe that you are well-behaved ;-)
Re: I am an adept! The difference being that I realize I am not that funky chicken... You however, actually believe that you are well-behaved ;-)
M Marcena Paragon Feb 21, 2008 #47 Re: I am an adept! But I am SO well behaved! I'm helping old people down at the VFW! So nyah!
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Feb 21, 2008 #48 Re: I am an adept! yeah but while you do it you're complaining how bad they smell...
M Marcena Paragon Feb 21, 2008 #49 Re: I am an adept! Nuh uh! We're setting up a fish fry for them! So the smell of tartar sauce and jello and deep fried goodness fills the air! It was either that or work with little kids. Old people have better stories.
Re: I am an adept! Nuh uh! We're setting up a fish fry for them! So the smell of tartar sauce and jello and deep fried goodness fills the air! It was either that or work with little kids. Old people have better stories.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Feb 21, 2008 #50 Re: I am an adept! and they tend not to cry as much... you're still delusional though...
Lurin Paragon Feb 21, 2008 #52 Re: I am an adept! We seem to be wandering away from the important issue of why I don't have a better gold star. As to Gobbies for board postings, you'd have to come up with something a heck of a lot better to get any gobbies for it, much less 100!
Re: I am an adept! We seem to be wandering away from the important issue of why I don't have a better gold star. As to Gobbies for board postings, you'd have to come up with something a heck of a lot better to get any gobbies for it, much less 100!
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Feb 21, 2008 #53 Re: I am an adept! Please... I glue stuff on popsicle sticks and get awesome gobbies for it... I should totally get at least 60 for giving you a gold star...
Re: I am an adept! Please... I glue stuff on popsicle sticks and get awesome gobbies for it... I should totally get at least 60 for giving you a gold star...
M Marcena Paragon Feb 21, 2008 #54 Re: I am an adept! Hey! That's a good idea! I wrote the eulogy for poor little Rnorac! I'm practically an undertaker. And I already told you I got a better gold star because I am more well behaved than you!
Re: I am an adept! Hey! That's a good idea! I wrote the eulogy for poor little Rnorac! I'm practically an undertaker. And I already told you I got a better gold star because I am more well behaved than you!
Lurin Paragon Feb 21, 2008 #55 Re: I am an adept! But I'm a tight-fisted power mad dictator, or haven't you heard?
M Marcena Paragon Feb 21, 2008 #56 Re: I am an adept! Sorry. Well behaved Post Marxist Vigilante trumps tight fisted power mad dictator every time!
Re: I am an adept! Sorry. Well behaved Post Marxist Vigilante trumps tight fisted power mad dictator every time!
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Feb 21, 2008 #57 Re: I am an adept! And I'm a powergaming ruleslawyering build whore... So? Give me gobbies!
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Feb 21, 2008 #59 Re: I am an adept! And apparently I'm no longer an adept. but a scout instead... at about 605 posts... So to review... Newbie Artisan Scholar Adept Scout Maybe its one of those things where it only makes sense when you look back at it...
Re: I am an adept! And apparently I'm no longer an adept. but a scout instead... at about 605 posts... So to review... Newbie Artisan Scholar Adept Scout Maybe its one of those things where it only makes sense when you look back at it...
M Marcena Paragon Feb 21, 2008 #60 Re: I am an adept! And you became a scout at 603 posts. I saws it!