I am a Count!

Re: I am a scout!

uhm... in fact you said all math is silly...
Re: I am a scout!

that's just ********
Re: I am a scout!

Like I said, higher math just isn't my strong suit. Call me when you need to know the cause of periocular hematoma or somesuch!
Re: I am a scout!

give me a dissertation on cystic fibrosis
Re: I am a scout!

Okie doke.

Cystic fibrosis is a disease that afflicts the lungs and pancrease causing mucus to build up uncontrollably and become thick and so inhibit the breathing of the individual and/or the function of said individual's pancreas and may lead to lung cancer and renal disorders.

Or something like that, right?
Re: I am a scout!

it also has a severe detrimental effect on the person's digestion and nutrient/calorie absorbtion...

but I know alot about that ;-)
Re: I am a Rogue!

Rogue is somewhere in the 715-720 area I believe...
Re: I am a Rogue!

well... partially right anyway...
Re: I am a Rogue!

Meh. I also know the names of the bones of the cranium, the valves of the heart, et al. It should come in handy SOMEDAY!
Re: I am a Rogue!

perhaps you should become a doctor...

or a mad scientist

or a crazy street person!!
Re: I am a Rogue!

I was leaning more toward criminal psychiatrist.

But I like the whole crazy street person thing, that has potential! :P