Fynwei Squire Jul 24, 2008 #582 What kind of count: the Chocolate cereal kind, the blood drinking king, the number counting kind?
M Marcena Duke Jul 24, 2008 #583 I'm the number-counting, blood drinking kind with an affinity for the chocolate cereal! Muaha!
Fynwei Squire Jul 24, 2008 #584 Oh dear, you aren't going anywhere near my pantry. *visions of Marcena on the floor "Four hundred and sixty five, fourhundred and sixty six, muahaha! there are four hundred and sixty six cocopuffs spilled on the floor!"
Oh dear, you aren't going anywhere near my pantry. *visions of Marcena on the floor "Four hundred and sixty five, fourhundred and sixty six, muahaha! there are four hundred and sixty six cocopuffs spilled on the floor!"
tieran Duke Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Jul 24, 2008 #588 I suppose... though I don't really crunch them at all.
tieran Duke Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Jul 24, 2008 #590 Nothing really... watch them increase when I post?
Tzydl Zhitelava Baron Jul 24, 2008 #593 strangely enough i'm a "bean counter" and i'm not a count yet
Kayden Scholar Jul 24, 2008 #597 I kinda like this Count: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-Wd-Q3F8KM (sorry can't figure out how to put it directly in.)
I kinda like this Count: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-Wd-Q3F8KM (sorry can't figure out how to put it directly in.)