I need help

Honorable Guildsman Gallantine,

Your perspective and concern is noted.

This isn't the first time an adventurer was transformed into an undead against their will, and it is my assessment that given the activities and hazards adventurers subject themselves to it be the last.

According to the historical record, a lawful precedence for this type of situation has already been established.

The last time an adventurer was transformed into a greater undead against their will was October 1509. At that time the entire group of adventurers gathered together to hunt down a liche. During the course of events the adventurer known as McGregor, who also happened to be a member of the adventurer's "Guardian Counsel," was corrupted by the shadow magic channeled by this liche. The resulting effect was that he was transformed into a greater undead.

At that time the group of adventurers immediately, and without hesitation, promptly destroyed his cursed form and sent his spirit to be cleansed via resurrection at the earth circle, there was no debate.

Again, I urge those involved to not jump to conclusions or have your mind clouded by emotions until all the facts are obtained; as there are some glaring discrepancies in the various reports. Verification is needed to determine whether or not she is indeed a liche and not under some sort of mind-altering affect as previously indicated.

We must take thoughtful and intentional action based upon the facts, the already established precedence for this situation, and most importantly, respecting the laws of the Royal Crown of Gaden.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
Arcanist Dure'dhel,

Vith all due respect, you misunderstand me. Legal and historical precedence are of little consequence to me. Vhether or not Jamina is undead or her mind is simply clouded matters not. I vas not offering my opinion, nor are my emotions clouding my judgement. Vhat I offered was an ultimatum: zhose who take up arms against zhe familia vill answer to me.

Roy Gallentine

While your record keeping is unparalleled, please refrain from making legal judgments. If either Thorador or Asher are behaving inappropriately, then it is up to their honorable superiors, Sherrif York or Sir Thalen or a magistrate. If you believe you have evidence or wish to make a complaint, please direct it their way, otherwise it may be you committing Perjury.

It is unacceptable for you to call into question the brief cursory examination of Jamina last gathering. Much time has passed since that examination, and anything could have happened in the interim. I believe Thorador and Asher when they state Jamina was under a mind compulsion making her believe she is a liche. Or perhaps the only thing that is going on is that Jamina is confused. Perhaps what happened to her is similar to what happened to Lady Grey, perhaps Jamina is confused and she was subjected to a spirit bottle spell.

In addition, your proposed solution does not resolve the problem at all. Jamina's spirit bottle, similar to Lady Grey's, is missing. If we kill Jamina, we do not cleanse any necromantic corruption at all. Instead, we'd probably deliver her to the hands of whoever wished to create such a liche. We'd lose a powerful asset in town and deliver a powerful weapon to another where she'd be powerless to their waiting enslavement.

As I said, if she is indeed a liche, I can smell it. Then we'll resolve this Davion's way, we'll hunt down the perpetrators of this original abomination, get back the spirit bottle, and if we can immediately cleanse her through ritual, we'll do so, otherwise we'll allow resurrection to purify her.

Please make these considerations before taking the law into your own hands. Sometimes its best to not be hasty... and I have plenty of experience with that.

Hunter Davion
Chosen of Luna
The dream realms is a place to not discuss such matters and words spoken here are ones that honestly are twisted by the very nature of these realms, I avoid dealing with such overwhelming issues here as it is not a place to let EVERYONE in the nation know about it. Come on folks.

And I know Garth has claimed to provide a protection form spying, but until proven I am skeptical. Honestly folks, if you wish to make decisions and actions based on what occur at the last Faire Day, wait for this next Faire Day.

-Squire Thorador Boulderfist
Um, so I know a lot of people are worried, I am kinda too, but I think maybe we should all take a step back from saying 'this or I kill you'. I don't think Roy means he's consider it an attack if Jamina loses her mind and attacks a family of innocent farmers and someone steps in, at least I really hope not. It's also probably not good to jump straight to breaking Jamina into a hundred small bits.

Regan says that we should help Jamina, so I'll do what I can, although I don't know much about fixing these kinda things, but I think it's important to remember that being a lich means yer basically made of Chaos. Chaos is the stuff of nightmares, not just stuff you have nightmares about but it's the stuff nightmares are MADE of, it's the base ingredient that every ugly thing from our imagines clings to and grows on. Jamina is a healer, and that's really important and kinda rare, so we should do everything to help her, but no one can resist that much nightmare stuff forever. Even her best friends should be ready to step in and stop her if she can't hold it off.

I know lotsa folks love Jamina, and I think if you really do, you'll understand that she'd probably rather die as who she is, then kinda 'live' as the opposite of what she has always been...

..That's what I think at least...

..Sorry to interrupt.

Hunter Davion,

While I have quoted the law as a reminder to all those concerned, I have made no legal judgments, nor have I perjured myself as you claim. Everything I have presented has been fact.

Furthermore, it is completely reasonable to question what really happened, especially when there are conflicting accounts. Clearly Jamina admitted to being a liche, and this Garth Gundendark seems to have confirmed her assertion. Whereas both Asher and Thorador assert that Jamina is suffering from a mind-altering affect.

It may be that one group is not being truthful, or that they did not have all or accurate information, thereby providing an inaccurate assertion. In either case, the truth of the matter should be uncovered, and I would welcome your talent to smell out the truth.

With regards to your claim for action, I have not suggested any course of action other than investigating the immediate situation. By obtaining a full understanding of the situation one can make an informed and educated decision.

To the Adventurers of Shademarch,

Given my knowledge of formal magicks, my assessment is that spellcrafting the “find the whole” ritual will not work to find a phylactery. Short of killing the liche, only a vision ritual can find the phylactery. This is due to the fact that Jamina's spirit, again assuming that her assertion that she is a liche is accurate, would not exist in pieces but would be whole within the phylactery.

Again, as I previously indicated, I will be personally investigating the situation, and invite any who wish to accompany me to join with me in 8 days time.

Everyone needs to calm down. There is no need to take up arms against each other. Whatever the scenario, the truth will be discovered, and those who choose to involve themselves now have facts upon which to make a decision, versus conjecture and rumor.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
If the town wouldn't mind, I would like a list of those who went to seek out the box of wealth and woe.

Regardless, Dure'Dhel, I will aid you in your investigations.

To clarify,

Mender Garth is the acting Guild Master for ShadeMarch Barony while Joanna is away on business. Although I am unsure of the dream catcher he speaks, he is a well knowledged member of the Earth Guild and someone I'm happy to call my superior.

For everything else that happened that day, should you wish to know my account and that which I've been told, I will be in the Earth Circle the morning of 8 days from now. Seek me out if you have an ear to listen.

I have my own two coppers here, and I believe them to be very convincing. However, due to their nature, I wish to not make them known as publicly as the dreaming would make them. Send me a pigeon if you wish to know.

Deoman Runner.
Your argument was structured in a manner that suggested you believed Asher and Thorador guilty of crimes. If this was not your intent, I accept your apology and am glad you don't so rashly jump to judgement.

Hunter Davion
It be very important no let fight each other get in way of fight Corrupt and other dangers. When divided, we make easy target and easy kill.

This only be for ones in power, we call them nobles and ones nobles give smaller power, knights and squires, and ones they choose for help them. Trust nobles do right thing, let nobles do work, and accept nobles' justice.

Any one no in power no interfere with nobles' justice, no matter what form it take. A liche in town be very important matter, so me give warning only one time: Any one that try interfere with investigation or work of nobles, or especially any that want give personal justice before nobles act or rule, will feel me blades.

-Cho Ko Nu
Master of Weapons
Mai have question....

when it become bad, kill undead? That kinda what I do....

Undead not people, undead give up life when change.... undead change not ever random, it choice.

When a necromancer corrupts someone's spirit and turns them into an undead mockery of their former self, it's not the victim's fault. If it were possible to fix this by just killing the lich, I would do it myself, but the spirit bottle complicates matters. If we kill the lich, it will just reappear from its spirit bottle, which could be anywhere, and Jamina's spirit will supposedly be harmed in the process. I've never heard of a spirit bottle that works that way before, but I'm no scholar. I'll trust the Earth Guild on that.

Don't get me wrong. That thing isn't Jamina anymore; it's an abomination that is corrupting Fortannis by its very existence. But if we kill it, we also kill Jamina, and if we can bring her back without hurting her, that's what we need to focus on.

is an infection by choice? Because Jamina says this was caused by a thing named "Wealth & Woe". So it sounds like she has been affected by this thing. Now whether she is just hallucinating, or really has had her spirit changed into some form of undead by this thing, it does not sound like she intentionally wanted to become undead. And she actively wants to be changed back. So I don't know about you, but that in itself doesn't sound very characteristic of a Lich who CHOSE to be an undead. So I think we should practice some restraint and find out what's going on here before getting all Stabby, Stabby, Kill, Kill minded. Okay?

- Tazoulti Strongbeard
Master Blacksmith and Initiate Broker
since i was not present when this happened and it appears to be a matter of VERY STRONG contention, i would suggest that we find out for certain if this was a transformation or an affect on jamina's mind before we do anything about it.

Iganeous Ironforge