Hi, I'm Alison, and I'm a geek. I got into LARP just this winter, and I fell for it, hard. I've always been a historical/fantasy geek with a penchant for costuming (I blame my LOTR-reading former SCA parents for that), so when I found LARP, it was like every single hobby I've ever enjoyed wrapped up into on nice package. Hitting my friends with sticks, running around in the woods, making and wearing costumes, acting, and playing an RPG at the same time? Awesome. I can sew well, draw decently, and write poorly, which is fortunate because I found that sewing is more useful in my life than the other two.
My current sub-hobby is making gear that integrates the spellcasting requirements of Alliance (spell tags, scrolls, spellbooks, wands, etc) into play as smoothly as possible. My first invention, the scroll bracer, has almost been finalized and is going through some minor revisions. Next up: building a spell tag ring into my costume in a way that does not involve safety pins and way to carry my spellbook that doesn't involve a belt pouch.
In real life, I'm an anthropology student at Foothill with a special interest in forensics.