tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #244 No idea. I think something bad to barbarians. I was not there.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #246 well the pcs who were transformed were not the people casting the ritual.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #248 it didn't last all that long anyway... they got better.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #250 no. You must have misinterpreted what better means.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #252 doubtful... gypsies are silly.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #254 if you chose to misdefine the word, I suppose.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #256 at times I suppose... but its conditional at best.
M Marcena Paragon Apr 27, 2008 #257 You don't give it enough credit I thinnk. It's the virtue of those that suffer which happens in Alliance...an awful lot!
You don't give it enough credit I thinnk. It's the virtue of those that suffer which happens in Alliance...an awful lot!
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #258 I don't find that silly at all though.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #260 You complete lack of ability to make any sense at the moment confuses me. And its not 4am.