July 10-12th Pre-Reg Open

Beverly Byers

Traverse City Staff
Announcing Registration for our July 10th - 12th Weekend Event

The price for this event will be $40, and anyone who registers by the deadline will get 50 goblin stamps and a full boat of protectives at game on just for doing it!

You can do that by going to our website traversecitylarp.com and using the registration link which will take you to the new CMA database.
It is simple and easy and helps us determine treasure among many other things, so please help us out!​

Please check the following before you pre-reg:
  • Your character is correct and you have spent any available build you want to.
  • If you have Spells please create a memorization list to use with your pre-reg.
Logistics Details:
Preregistration for this event will close at 11:59pm on July 6th, 2020.

Please send the following information to: traverselogistics@gmail.com or make sure to add them to the Preregistration Notes section of your CMA pre-reg.
  • Inform Logistics of any temporary tags you need to trade in for permanent ones.
  • If you have High Magic and/or Production provide Logistics with how you want to use those skills.
  • Any Goblin Stamps you wish to spend and how you want to spend them.

Site Information:

State Land (Same site as last year)
Cross streets Dead Horse Rd and N. Branch Rd in Traverse City, MI
Coordinates: 44.691059, -85.392948
The attached file is a screen shot of the area


Who All Is Coming?

Pre-Registered PCs:
1) Jocelyn Davis - Anya
2) Aaron Sparks - Doc
3) Dakota Reiser - Spark
4) Evan Primeau - Velnaeus
5) Scott Mallow - Shakiis
6) Keir Sayenga - Naerduil
7) Dustin Lopotosky - Lydo Kayne
8) Mia Long - Kailisa
9) Damien Puckett - Chalk

Pre-Registered NPCs:
1) Matt Waller
2) Taed Price
3) Victor Dueweke
4) Anique Puckett
Last edited:
Because of the safety restrictions already on us, it will be difficult to run an event for fewer than 12 PCs. So, if you are planning to attend, PLEASE PRE-REGISTER NO LATER THAN 11:59PM TOMORROW, JULY 3RD. If we do not have 12 PC registrations at that time, the staff plans to cancel the event.

Additionally, please be advised that Traverse City (the actual city) did have some possible new cases of COVID-19 recently, and some areas of the state are regressing back to Stage 3. If you plan on attending, we will need you to submit a health screening questionnaire to confirm you are not potentially infected/contagious. More details on that to come.

Lastly, as a reminder, this event is scheduled to be held on state land. There are no shelters (bring your own tent), no electricity, no running water. And it is supposed to be in the 80s Fahrenheit all that weekend, with the possibility of isolated storms at the very beginning and very end of the weekend. Masks will still be required but we will provide lots of breaks for those that have difficulty breathing especially in the warm weather.

We thank you all for your cooperation and understanding. This is a difficult time to be pursuing the social things we all love, but the health and safety of everyone has to come before anything else.
Due to low registration numbers, and concerns about weather and public health, the staff has regretfully made the difficult decision to cancel the July 10th through 12th event.