July Event Favorites!


NEPA Staff
Post up your favorite moments from the July event here! :)
A couple of my favorites...

During a mod earlyish Saturday the PC's stand around a trapped doorway with monsters on the other side. They're trying to decide what to do about the trap, if they try and disarm it the monsters may attack them. Before they can make up their mind one of the monsters runs over and sets off the trap with his boffer mace, setting into motion events that left a bunch of the PC's berzerked and fighting each other. They then came back and slaughtered the NPC's like cattle.

During one crunch scene (I think on Sunday) after killing a few waves of undead we (the undead) spawned by the cabins and started running up towards the tavern and up the steps. I'm not sure who it was but I remember a PC shouting something along the lines of "Hey stupid! We're over here! Come fight us!" Trying to draw us away from charging into the tavern.

Awesome RP: The Gypsy scene, go PC's talking their way out of a problem rather than just slaughtering it (Slaughtering would probably have been easier, but not quite as fun :D) Also it was so dark I (and I think some of the PC's) couldn't actually see who we were talking to clearly enough to know who they were OOG, it was funny to later talk with people OOG and go "Oh, that was YOU!?"
Still at work and have a ton of favorites but I have to post at least this one right now...

The curse apocalypse - Ezri and Harrison are pretty Sure they are the last two normal people alive. It's been a long time since I was that freaked out!
Too many. Seriously, guys. Best weekend I've had.

OOG: Tom, JP, and Buddy all showing up and surprising me. It's lame and sappy, but I have honestly never - with a few exceptions - had friends - genuine friends - until I joined this game. Words can honestly not describe how much that meant to me; it means a lot knowing you aren't alone any more. Thank you, guys. And thanks to Kyle, Maggie, and Amelia for keeping it such a secret! :p You guyyys. :wub2:

And, on that note, Jovunn is a man now! Thank you to everyone in and out of game that made that happen. That was a huge development for the character and it's really going to change the way she looks at things in the future. PS - Collin makes a sexy barbar. Can that happen again?

I had a lot of great roleplay moments this weekend, so I just want to thank the people I shared them with: Kyle, Amelia and Maggie ("THROW DOWN.") + JP, Susie Lee, Tom, Henry, all of Nordenn, and Rob.

Huge aura-throwing game in the tavern on Sunday was just the right amount of silliness I think we all needed at that point. So much fun! Thank you all for just letting your hair down and doing that.

Super-duper berserking mod. Remember that time Jovunn rezzed Gregor? Oops. I thought Luka was going to tear her head off when she found out.

Alda and Huleen's awesome earth storm on Saturday! You guys were awesome and I'm pretty sure the battle would have gone far more poorly if it weren't for you two.

Seeing the strike team coming from the crypt during the last wave battle - I think the defensive line perked up ten-fold when Ulthoc came striding out to start beating the undead. That whole wave battle was very awesome, too - difficult and hot, but very neat and I think we all fought very well together.

FRUITY THINGS. And, tangentially, all things food this weekend - the veggie stuff was delicious and Grim's cake looked awesome! Thanks to Bill for Food Committee things and Maggie for said cake. :]

"You just walked into a Wizard's Lock." "AAAAAGH!"

Great weekend, everyone. Thanks for the great time! :]
Thanks for having me down guys, it was fun to see some friends from many moons ago and revisit with some newer friends from other chapters.

Some of my faves were actually the 90 minutes of cold water balloon loading in the basement. Cool wet and very interesting topics of conversation.

The 3-4 minutes of the water balloon fight with the stone elf 'winning'.

The "Buddy" Grim was awesome to see. Again happy birthday Kyle. Good times.

Singing (or trying to learn the song) with Maggie as my long running NPC Gypsy Sven. Send the lyrics, I will learn it... Excellent voice and playing.

The strawberry frozen dessert was exactly what the doctor/cook ordered. Excellent job Bill.

First off, the whole thing was a blast and consider me incredibly hooked. Every last one of you was quite awesome and I appreciate all the help :D

Some of my favorites were...

-The curse apocalypse Part 1 - The look on Harrison's face when I took him outside to talk to him and as soon as he turned, started swinging the obscenely large hammer...and before anyone can react, deaths being thrown around and everyone goes down

Chasing Alda up the hill and scaring the daylights out of her. Apparently someone chasing you with a hammer twice the size of your head is very scary. (I felt so horrible but it's so much fun being evil)

"You've got the biggest hammer I've ever seen"...

The death elemental...s.

Listening to the shade ask person after person if they'd like to be invited next time...and all of answers given to him. And feeling incredibly helpless as he takes down everyone who tried to help...

The goblin ballkicker we found in the basement. "Not my ball kicking foot!"

And the whole water ritual...that was refreshing and oh so very needed.

It was seriously amazing. I can't wait to visit again! And next time the hammer will be a little more respectable...
Jovunn said:
Super-duper berserking mod. Remember that time Jovunn rezzed Gregor?

Like its hard to rezz Gregor..... :mer: :funny:
Holy crap, awesome event! :noway: Here be my favorites, in an only partially particular order!

#1. Not being a real-life cyclops. Seriously.
#2. The physical map of Storm's End. I don't know who drew it, but it was awesome, and totally became a constant focusing tool for the event. I loved being included in battle strategies, placing chess pieces upon it, etc. It's inclusion made the event feel that much more like an actual siege. Kudos to the artist!
#3. Robb's ever-interesting and dynamic Fey, Slough'Sluagh, and all of the entertaining havoc he brings to the game. :hahaha:
#4. Stealth Mod FTW! Despite the initial miscommunication between opposing forces, it all ended well. Late night forest-creeping espionage with some excellent companionship made for a great time!
#5. Scary, challenging, seemingly endless battles. It's been a while since I've had a larger-scale forest fight, let alone one that appeared as though it would never end in our victory. This event was full of extended melees that really served to inject a sense of dread into the player base, or at least this player, again making it feel like a real siege, which leads me to.....
#6......the fact that the NPC's were AMAZING! I have no idea how they did it, honestly. They just kept coming and coming, new and veteran alike. Thank you so much to all who volunteered to NPC this event. You gave a great fight!
#7. Playing my own doppelganger! Oh how I wish I would have been part of the first wave, and could have killed some of the PC's. They were onto us once we arrived, unfortunately, but I enjoyed the fear they seemed to have by hiding behind their circles.
#8. Role-playing with Henry as Baron Harrison on not one, but several occasions. I'm convinced he never says anything he doesn't completely intend to be taken as fact, and for Khorwyn, many of his statements carried respect and honor. :D
#9. Super awesome strawberry dessert treats of epic deliciousness! :whaa:
#10. Teaching Huleen to read and write. I love the "teacher card" mechanic of the game, and when you get to actually role-play the teaching of a skill, it really adds another layer to the game, I think.
#11. Serving a "second" breakfast to Blythedale and anyone else who decided to partake.
#12. Naming "The Reliables," the otherwise unaffiliated group of new adventurers, and watching them instantly work together and take on any task asked of them. Special nods go to Soren and Kinjio/Kintio/Guy with Huge Freakin' Hammer (I really should have asked for the spelling) for totally jumping in and helping with the.....
#13......encounter I'm going to call "Stop the Runner." When the adventurers had to stop wave after wave of undead from escaping, I don't think we could have done a better job. I don't know what was happening on the other side, but on the Stormblades/Blythedale/Eldarion-Deladur-Glowy-Eyes-Vigil-Keeping-People-Team side, we didn't lose a single person! Huzzah! :thumbsup:

I'll see everyone in August! Cheers! :ninja:
My list won't even vaguely encompass how much I enjoyed this weekend. But, I'll do my my best.

-First ever weekend as a co-writer. Every time a player complimented a particular wave battle, plot, or encounter, it made me feel great that I had managed to entertain so many of my friends.

-At some point in the last wave battle, there was some confusion over whether an an NPC could resist a PC ability. The NPCs response was to say "I'll check for next life" and then take the shot and fall dead. I was so proud of the NPC (a brand new NPC) for giving the perfect response and actively making the game better for PCs.

-Trevor as a beneficial NPC. Twice (during the runner wave battle and during the death elemental attack), I knew for certain that my presence as Trevor significantly reduced resurrections. It was a warm feeling to know that I had kept PCs from ressing and done it appropriately in character.

-The names invented by Darkan and Drak in response to my curse creature. They ranged from funny to dirty to hilarious to side-splitting. I simply couldn't keep a straight face, hard as I tried.

-Walking into the tavern at the start of the second wave of dopplegangers and seeing circles drawn EVERYWHERE. Toddo walked in at almost the same moment and we just shared a look realizing how deeply the PCs were in panic mode.

-Conversing with Willow's fey. She was brand new and a page, but she knocked the role play out of the park. Also, special thanks for her doing a role play role for one of my plots and nailing the part.

-If I missed anyone or anything, I blame the sticks that were hitting me all weekend.

*Edit* (Forgot one)
-Izer! His role playing this weekend ranged from stellar to pure rock star. I loved being the person who got to offer him the Sheriff position and I loved the watching him process the moment.

"Walking into the tavern at the start of the second wave of dopplegangers and seeing circles drawn EVERYWHERE. Toddo walked in at almost the same moment and we just shared a look realizing how deeply the PCs were in panic mode."

-You're welcome. Let me run this down for you since almost nobody saw it.

That encounter was seriously turning into the damn zombie apocalypse meets twilight zone... but with talking, intelligent zombies. Alda and I came back from our trip to the woods only to be accosted by two new adventurers. So we start calling for help. Baron Harrison appears and takes them down. It's obvious they're not themselves, and we note the glyphs on their heads so we start first-aid and trying to figure out what's wrong, when one of them gets up halfway through my first-aid count. Since they're new I figure maybe they didn't know the rules so I tell them to get back down. I get a "nope this is right" which quickly turns into "WTF???"

Nothing we did to fix them worked, so we said "screw it" and started to run them through. They STILL got up. This continues for a few minutes when Darkan and Kayden come down the hill. "Great, reinforcements!" I think. Then I see the glyphs and go "f***!" I get prisoned, Alda gets dropped, and Harrison gets expensive.

Harrison managed to drag me in a prison into the cabin while he physically barred the door of the unwarded building, and calmly rambled that he had no idea what to do with these people. Somewhere in the middle of that Sir Nevin appears and is fighting Kayden and Darkan (insert Busted Leg here). Harrison realizes that since he's fighting them he must be ok so he calls to Nevin and lets him into the cabin.

Finally the prison drops and we realize that it's become eerily quiet. We decide to make a break for my cabin, which is warded and has wizard lock and wall scrolls in it. We ran, heads on swivels up the hill, stopping at a few points along the way to continue to check for possessed PCs. We make it there and grab what we can, but then realize that we can't see a damn thing from this position and we've got to move, so we make our way to the tavern.

When we get there we find a few other PCs that have resurrected as a result of this madness and are not possessed. We go into full out defense mode - prepping CoP and WoF reps on the floor. Then a second bunch of dopplegangers come in - I drop a circle in the doorway and begin to parlay with them - including Ren and Garathon, one of whom insists I am joking, the other who thinks there must be something wrong with me because as I pointed out a few times - I cannot lie.

In the middle of THIS part of the insanity one group rifts back in from a mod.

So YES we were in paranoia mode drawing circles everywhere. NOW do you see why???? :D
Ok, with the novel done, on to the rest of the favorites:

- All things Kialda! I had SO much fun with you this weekend Susie. Ezri has her own little protege and OMG did you kick ***! From battle tactics to heartfelt conversations all of it was made of win.

-Hanging with Nordenn and chatting with Harrison, who actually knows Ezri longer than anyone else in game. I love the relationship those two characters have built.

-Sad dryad! Lana you are on this streak of making me cry at least once per event this season. Ezri is so determined to figure out how to fix this now.

-The Reliables! Please forgive me I suck at names, but you guys were great! You hung together, kept each other alive, fought smart and were great roleplayers. I hope I get to play with you some more!

-Seeing the Storm Blades in force while plot wrecked your keep. Missed you guys.

-Potion batching insanity! I was impressed that the town actually kicked in the 25g I requested to make enough potions to keep everyone alive. 24 cure morts and 5 cure crits later I think Balls, Kayden and I had things well in hand.

-Being the big healer on the field for the weekend was surreal. Often I forget that Ezri is no longer the little 6-spell wonder she was when she first walked into town eight years ago. And yet, all healers can only hold off death for a little while. Having so many rezzes - especially Harrison's and having the sherrif dissipate litterally six inches from my hand as I was about to life him... it's those moments that keep her humble.

-The look on the mod team's faces after I told them to leave behind anything they didn't want to get wet. :sweat:

Thank you plot for a fun weekend, thank you Bill and Amy for feeding us, thank you to Jim and Mark for stepping up to the Emergency Med Staff plate, and THANK YOU NPCS for being wonderful sports.

MORE stuff!

-The sparse yet memorable moments roleplaying with Ulthoc. I swear we need to spend more than an hour on the same side of the fence.

-Casting my first semi-major ritual to put a Haven of the Living on Storm's End keep. Somehow I've made it this long in the character's career without that happening before - probably because all the casters with like twice my rit levels weren't around LOL. Thank you guys for making that possible, and thank you Bill for marshalling.
Thanks again for all the hard work that staff did for this event! Its a long drive from NH to come and play HQ but the fact that I just keep wanting to be able to make the trip again and again is a testament to the fact that it really is a very fun/well run game. There were a few difficult moments but overall I am very happy to say as always I had a great time playing! :)

Particular favorites.

Big thanks to the plot team for them being okay with letting us crazy folks from NH keep the plot marks around the eyes. The RP and discussions that the markings facilitated was really fun. It has become a big part of my character so I really appreciate the chance to carry that over to different chapters!

Along those lines I wanted to give a special mention to Amelia, RP with Ren, and especially the mind melding emotion stuff was a ton of fun. I was very glad we finally did get in a Mages guild meeting Sunday morning even if we weren't in Fairedale. :)

Of course hanging out with the Stormblades, desperately trying to help keep the Barons alive, having at least one other Phalanx member, and all the great RP with all the various PC's at this event was tons of fun! I don't know if I tell people this enough but a large part of what I enjoy about playing Alliance is the interaction between PC's.

I also wanted to say I felt like the fights and stating for this event were really spot on. It was a pretty rough event if what I've heard about the number of resurrections is correct. However all the wave battles and mods I was part of really felt fair and certainly felt like the PC's had a chance. That balance is hard to find and it really was great this event.

Particular fights I enjoyed included the fight into the cursed crypt. When I realized everyone was down but myself, curing Delaulder and then Prisoning both of us and desperately hoping we'd be able to save everyone else before they bled out was really intense! The late Saturday evening fight against the 'runner' undead was also awesome. The Phalanx/Stormblade/Blythdale side was such an intense funnel of undead death the main force changed the side they were going to push hardest again! Magic/Earth storm ftw!

WOW was there a lot of new folks, it was really great to see so many! I totally hope you new folks keep coming back, the game desperately needs fresh blood and I hope we didn't overwhelm everyone with all the stuff going on.

I'm sure there are a dozen more great things I'm forgetting to put down in writing but thanks again to everyone who contributed to playing this awesome game! Can't wait to get to play more. :)
Okay, finally actually sitting down and can collect my thoughts on this INCREDIBLY FIERCE WEEKEND.

-First, I just want to say that the atmosphere of the entire weekend was really incredible. Thank you to Collin and to PCs alike for keeping the nervous, dangerous-but-hopeful feel of an actual siege that really helped put plot into emotion for everyone!

-Need I even mention how AWESOME it was to have Rom-Ren and Stone Elf-Luka? I don't get to pull the all-out sobbing out of my bag very often, but thanks to Collin and Robb (who makes a PHENOMENAL fey!) for giving me a chance to! Also, Amelia's emotion-churning Rom-Ren was basically just the bees knees. Drunk, somber Ren post re-switch? Priceless. The other folks' reactions were all amazing as well. Luka was so touched by Jovunn's tiny little grumpittude and Gregor's serious devotion. A thousand points for Gryffindor, you guys!

-AURA FIGHT. Just a perfect release of tensions for everyone involved. And just think - ALDA started that one. Whaaaat? (Also, Alda's little flitting around giggling during the entire fight was so ace XD And Harrison's "Strangely, when Kialda is happy, I feel so peaceful." "Yes, is like a puppy! ...We agree two times this gather?!")

-Rayne! Actually, all things Willow, to be honest. Are you sure you're only fifteen? Because you, young lady, have got some serious acting chops. Holy crap, it's like seeing the legends of baby-Amelia come to life in equally-tiny-if-somewhat-less-manly form!

-Speaking of Amelia, hot damn, sir. I cannot believe how much awesome RP there was to be had as Ren and Luka. Your character concepts and acting consistently impress me, and I am so delighted to be a serious part of one of your character developments (as you, obviously, are a serious part of one of mine!). Also, Ren's tiny touches of clothing transformation as she gets more and more involved with the Family = EPIC DELIGHT.

-Mich, I've never gotten a chance to really see you face-to-face in a great character-y moment, but Ezri holding the circle as the second wave of dopplegangers came in? New (even more than usual) respect!

-ROM PLOT ROM PLOT ROM PLOOOOOOOT. TomIloveyouIcan'tcontrolmyselfanymoreuhhhhhhnnnn!!! Man, did that mod ever feel like super-quality Romafia. LOVED it, and LOVED the implications that it carried for Luka's own choices (OF MATE, AHAHAHAHA). Also, the new NPC fella' (sorry, didn't catch your name, wahhh!) was a great hobling, haha! XD

-WATER. BALLOON. ELEMENTAL. RITUAL. Whoever thought this up, I could not POSSIBLY love you more. Congrats to Ren on "winning", ahaha XD (Sorry your vestacha is such a jerk, though! Same-team assault is totally wrong! *innocent face*)

-I agree with Kris, watching Ulthoc and the strike team pimp their way out of the crypt was so re-energizing to all the PCs, especially during such an awesome and tough encounter!

-Food and chilly desserts! Om nom nom nom!! <3

I am certain this post will be updated, as there was SO MUCH FREAKING AWESOME in this weekend that I seriously doubt I covered it all. Great job, THANK YOU NPCS, and thanks to everyone who made it so much fun to be out there despite the heat!
This weekend was overwhelmingly EXCELLENT! I was really happy to see a lot of new players (and I’m feeling pretty boss that I can start calling other people “new,” haHA!) Additionally, the NPCs freaking ROCKED, and the timing/atmosphere was really well put together. Everything just seemed to fall in place, and I know there is so much work behind the scenes to make it like that, so thanks to everyone who had a hand in it!

I apologize in advanced for the inevitable forgetting I am going to do. But be it known, I loved everyone and everything! That being said, here are my highlights:

- The fact that I literally have to open my journal to reference my notes as to where to begin. The amount of STUFF that came together this weekend was SWEET. Exhausting, yes, but AWESOME. The geeky student in me loves taking notes, and this was a satisfying weekend for that! (7 full pages, team.)

-The excellent roleplay that went along with all the difficult decisions of what to save and what had to be forsaken. Everyone reacted so differently. Immersive stressful atmosphere FTW!

-Robbs Fey! Especially rifting me into horrifying nothingness with incredible fey skillz! IG probably one of the most terrifying moments ever. It was so freaking unexpected. I love that Fey’s quirkiness! And I love that Khorwyn was right there so Alda could look at him like “OMG PROTECT ME?!?!” at the last second even though nothing could be done!

-THROWING FOUR EFFECTIVE EARTH STORMS. Book-worm scholar-ness take a step back! I was blown away that I apparently have a combatant side in me, and I was pleasantly surprised at how SATISFYING popping undead is!! Special thanks to Jesse (and your partner in crime for that hill battle), Bill, Robb, and Chris (with the “kerpop” moment <3 ) for providing me the most satisfying kills! And thanks to Ulthoc/Harrison, Ezri, and everyone else who helped make that happen for me! (Seriously, I’m very flattered that you gave such a responsibility to little Alda.)

-Speaking of Earth Storm battles- the context/set up of that “stop-the-runner” wave battle was really fun. I really really like when we have a specific, plot-related objective in battle!

-And of course! All things Ezri!! Not only are you a wonderful mentor, teacher, and supporter…but also it was so meaningful to have a friend to go through that horrifying sob-fest with. Seriously, I’m compiling a list of Children of Autumn that Alda has met who have begged for death… (Gosh darn it, Lana! So many tears!) We’re gonna figure this out for sure!!!!!!!

-Building a mutually protective relationship with Baron Harrison. I adore every aspect of that character, and Henry, you play him SO freaking well.

-Grim’s edible flower present for Alda. <3 That was so generous, dude. I’m really sorry/guilty that I OOG am such a picky eater and only tried a bite… IG, Alda was so moved by your thoughtfulness!

-Teserek bottle mod. I love any sort of puzzle where you have to figure through stuff like that. Alda loves nothing more than thinking through things! And, as always, Jesse Grabowski is the freaking man. OH, and the freaking wave of bugbears that stormed the tavern afterwards! Playing triage team with medic-Kayden was really fun!!!!

-The Reliables! New PCs FTW! Huleen, Soren, and Cantil especially- each one is so unique and interesting! Though, as one of the more veteran-ish people on that team, it got a bit awkward for me- Susie Lee is way more naturally inclined to be a leader than Alda is, and I definitely had to curb those urges and remember that Alda is meek and hesitant, lol.

-REN!!!! Alda and Ren are actually really similar in ways, I think. I truly enjoyed our roleplay!

-NPC assistant people! What’s that called, being a Benny? I love Trevor’s character and skill set, the guard captiain guy (Bill), and Collin’s amazing dude who swept in on Sunday with the good news, then was immediately sent running after a line of people who had been feared! Hahaha. I do love when we have talented people of the NPC world on our side of the battle!!

-Every single thing about Sunday. The pacing, the people, the fun, the battle. All. So. Good. Oh, especially Harrison requesting some music from Alda! :D I LOVE when I get a chance to play!!!

Ok, I’m sure I’ve forgotten things, and I know I could go on forever and ever, but this list is huge! I’m such a rambler, lol! So I’ll cut it off here for now. I love you all!! <3 :D
It's really taxing trying to play a full event in Ulthoc-space, and popping back and forth to run stuff at the same time. I've been fortunate enough to keep the makeup minimal and the costume changes quick... but man, being a full-time PC Knight and a full-time plot member with 6 active storyarcs every given event is rough! You all make the hard work worth it.

--"Sir Ulthoc, you are the only member of the Court to not resurrect in the past 36 hours." "Yes, Your Excellency, I apologize, I'm such a slacker."

--Finding out that the encounter JP and I wrote made two of my favorite women on site cry. Michelle knows me well enough to know I balance the payoff of a storyarc with the pain... so she knows this is going to be big. I can't wait for the rest of the story to unfold.

--All things Collin, before, during, after, IG, OOG, whatever. I wanna be like you when I grow up.

--All things Amelia, before during, after IG, OOG, whatever. I wanna be like you when I shrink down. :-)

--Nordenn- Team B.A.!!! Holy crap, I can't believe where we are in such a short time. You all make me so proud, every event. You guys have revitalized a decade old character, and a more-than-three decade old player. I can never thank you enough.

--Kris Kitts.... you almost made Ulthoc cry woman, twice. Tom would have if Ulthoc hadn't beat it back. I love roleplaying with you, I love helping Jovunn "grow up", and I love watching your growth and maturity of the character.

--Michelle.... There's nothing worse/better IG than knowing that the people you love are on the other side of a wall of approaching undead... and you're stuck on the top of a mountain with full view of it. There were WAY to many close calls this event, and its neat to see rookies like you stepping up to take charge :-P

--Susie!!! omg omg omg, my favorite nerd since Cedric. And a far better musician. Watching the look on Alda's face when she realized she enjoyed blowing up 30 undead in rapid fire earth storm hotness... best use of a magic item ever.

--Stormblades! Andros reminding me of a "conversation" many years ago- I'm happy to be wrong. You guys still rock after all these years, and I was so happy to take the field with you again. The more things change, the more they stay the same. The Blue and Black is still 31 flavors of awesome.

--Scott Kondrk, Henry Hart, and Jesse G. I mention you to together, because you have always and will always be an inspiration and a standard for me in this game- writing, roleplay, combat, everything. Every time I think I've got this thing, you make me feel like a wet-eared noob all over again. The three of you are the best, thank you.

--Fresh Meat. You know, I consider it fortunate enough when we have one, maybe two decent first timers per event. Yeah... 2 brand new PCs with concepts and backstories (one is a blacksmith, the other one is from Freaking Falkirk! OMFG!) and at least a pair of NPC rookies so talented I gave them fairly important roles to play, let them develop them as they saw fit, and cut them loose to "see what the kids could do." What they did was help the PCs take the story a direction I never foresaw. I love this freaking game!

You get out of this game what you put into it... when you're lucky. This has been an amazing season for me... probably my favorite since I started playing. Thank you all so much for everything.

Tom H
"That guy"
FOIGofWar said:
--Kris Kitts.... you almost made Ulthoc cry woman, twice.

Wait... What was the second time?! I think the first one is clear, but... twice? :noway:
mikestrauss said:
-Conversing with Willow's fey. She was brand new and a page, but she knocked the role play out of the park. Also, special thanks for her doing a role play role for one of my plots and nailing the part.

Aw~ Thanks! I tried my best - Rain/Rayne will be back. Warn Trevor. Poor guy, had to put up with her weirdness. ;)
Cozy said:
-Rayne! Actually, all things Willow, to be honest. Are you sure you're only fifteen? Because you, young lady, have got some serious acting chops. Holy crap, it's like seeing the legends of baby-Amelia come to life in equally-tiny-if-somewhat-less-manly form!

D'aww~ Thank you! Yes, I am very sure I'm only fifteen - turning 16 in November. In response to some of the other things I was involved in thi weekend with you- The random Aura fights were SO much fun! So was the water fight. I'm still A-M-A-Z-E-D how well Amelia's makeup stayed on. The Romafia moment was great - I still think I made Tamara a bit too timid, but that was so much fun! Poor Luka and Ren... ♥