July event! Who's coming?


Alright, less than one week to go people!

Who's going to be joining me on the PC side? And who is dutifully going to be kicking our butts as NPCs? Inquiring minds want to know :)

KeelyBrenna said:
Alright, less than one week to go people!

Who's going to be joining me on the PC side? And who is dutifully going to be kicking our butts as NPCs? Inquiring minds want to know :)


Stacey! Ansgar will def be looking for someone to teach him some more healing. I'll be seeing you.
KeelyBrenna said:
Alright, less than one week to go people!

Who's going to be joining me on the PC side? And who is dutifully going to be kicking our butts as NPCs? Inquiring minds want to know :)


Dutifully, and with great zeal it should be said.

I've set down the mantle of saving lives, and picked up the duty of horrifying and creeping people out once again.



In short, I'm NPCing.

Work kept me from the last two events including Sun's b-day (stupid FDA inspection). I've already told them that they can fire me, but I'm not coming in this next weekend. So yeah... you'll have another healer in your mix.
Hello everyone!

I'm new to Alliance; I attended my first event back in May as an NPC at Caldaria. I'm ready and psyched for this weekend!! I'll be NPCing.

I have never been to this site before....do I need to bring a tent or are there cabins?


Welcome aboard. This is actually the first time we've ever played at this site, so it'll be new to all of us. There will be several cabins, and I'm pretty sure there will be ample room, but it never hurts to bring a tent.

See you Friday!

Deadlands Owner
Medb and Meave will both be at the next event for the first time in like five years. Be excited, be very excited!
juco77 said:
Hello everyone!

I'm new to Alliance; I attended my first event back in May as an NPC at Caldaria. I'm ready and psyched for this weekend!! I'll be NPCing.

I have never been to this site before....do I need to bring a tent or are there cabins?


I remember you Julie! I'm hyped to kick some butt with you again in NPC camp. ;)
I'll be there in angry red and green and I may be bringing a first event ever newbie to NPC.
Due to a delightful turning in Showcase scheduling events I will, finally, be able to attend a Deadlands event. I'm excited. I won't make it to site until late Friday night (or early Saturday morning depending on how you slice it), but I will be ready to get my game on none the less. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you and getting my NPC on.

See ya'll friday!

Jeni "I'm shorter than you think I am" Hayden
Hi Gary,

Thanks for letting me know! Looking forward to it!!

And thanks, Kelsey; it's nice to be remembered! Looking forward to NPCing with you again!! :-D

Koshi should be braving the mists to come to his favorite vacation spot thats been overrun by the undead:) Strange idea of a good time huh?
I'll be there to PC friday night. But I have to work saturday. Not sure if I'll come back for sunday or not yet.

After just one event of PCing, I miss being the monster who you are afraid of. I will also be NPCing.
roth and tzydl will be there...however tzydl will be sporting a lovely new bright orange headband with the word PAYGH across her forehead.....