Per Keeper, the moth-kin's, request I thought I should share some of vhat I know about zee Zodiac/Bards/and Kazik vith the people here. I trust you all can slowly and safely disseminate zhis information once we compile it.
What is Kazik?
Kazik, is an interdimensional being of dream/nightmare with powerful mind skills zat allow him to grant temporary reprieve from pain, worry, suffering, etc. He can also essentially enslave you vith such. Trapped a long time ago in an "eternal prison" by zee 12 zodiacs who sacrificed their spirits in exchange for trapping him from this world. In essence each zodiac spirit acts as a bar to his prison and they live forever, their spirit trapping his power within the prison and contained there for a long time. Hiz legend told in some bards tales, and other books of lore and history until he mostly was forgotten from the world.
How did he get out? (Squire Foss May I have your legal backing to tell vhat I beleive to be zee truth without fear of repercusions?)
Over time, it seems zat his mind was able to slowly filter ( I don't know exactly how he did this but it goes vith my "interaction theory") down into zee minds of mortals. It seems, those wracked with insanity were able to touch his mind perhaps a bit better as I know zat he gained quite a bit of power from 3 ancient crazy hags zat tried to cure the king of elves from a weakness of the mind disease called Munin's whispers. I vould be worried zat he can still hold a bit of influence over most crazy people...he is afterall a creature of dream/nightmare/insanity.
Kazik has waged a campaign of deception through his mind powers and his ability to whisper secrets into the minds of many. It seems, over the course of time, he was able to have several items crafted/made so that his prison could be shattered including a sword made of crystal which could kill zee zodiacs and thus free him.
Zhe 12 who had given their spirits had become immortal. Over zhe years many went insane, many became killers and some had to be put down. Because zhey were immortal, a bard named Theodore Giles crafted 12 flutes of power which could trap their spirits permanently. In the last few years, several of these creatures became free, and some of them cause a bit of a stir with the adventurers.
(leaving zee rest out for legal reasons)
Zhen the sky shattered and thousands of pieces of this crytal prison with properties yet to be fully determined ( can we hindsight one?) and the next day vhe as a community came face to face vith the "world ender" himself (little w little e).
What does he want?
This is going to sound basic, but he wants to finish escaping, there are still vhat 8 zodiacs alive and thoze he wants us to kill for him, or probably just bring to him. Each time he kills one he gains power exponentially.
Thus these 8 zodiacs must be protected at all times:
Libara, the Medusa (Duke Basil Monteque)
Caprika, the Harpy
Gemini, the Lunari Elf
Aquari, the Dryad
Scorpio, the Wylderkin
Torg, the Kobold
Ari, the Wylderkin
Leon, the Manticore
Aside from zat he wants disciples and vhat not. He's been able to listen to most of our conversations outside this dream vault, travel all over the lands and slowly work on breaking our wills while also hunting for the 8 remaining zodiacs so he can finish his escape.
Once he is done escaping he vill do as he promised. Give us all Utopia. In the form of dreamful sleep where all of our wishes are granted and we all live happily ever a lie.
What are his powers?
Zhee creature himself I have seen only a few time. He is able to appear as a reflection of himself. I suspect he is not yet able to materialize for very long. When material, I saw him obliterate or shatter zee spirits of several soldiers, summon artifacts with ease and otherwise throw around dragon magic like it vas not a tithe on what he can do. If that is how powerful he is just released from his mind prison...It is very important ve not allow him to grow stonger.
In either case, I theorize that because he his not of this world, he needs anchors to keep himself here. He needs people to know him, talk to him, interact with etc. The more we give him the more he has to use on us.
His minions have shown zee ability to place others to sleep, terrify them, and even turn them insane vith phobia and dellusions. In general, it vould be best to classify these minions as elementals, I or a member of the celestial guild vill verify this by throwing a banish at them next gather.
(Foss please fill this in?)
Boehman- One of his powerful minions, a lord of nightmare and corruption. I beleive Squire Foss has information to share about him.
How do we get rid of Kazik?
First of all, don't make him stronger, keep zhee zodiacs alive (wether we have retrapped them in flutes or not) at all costs. In addition,King Torg, one of zee 12 zodiac spirits, and one who is not insano evil doom mongering ones has put together a way zat he beleives should put the prison back in order:
1 Dragon's Fang -
Platinum- Sky Metal -
12 - Willing Spirits
Permanency - Scroll/Catalyst
The Eternal Prison Ritual -
Griffon's Talon
Dragon's Shell - fresh
We currently only have the Permanency Scroll...we could be able to put together the other items....anyone have any ideas?
Who is leading the charge?
Zat I am aware of, no one.
Not much in the way of direction so far except for zat.
Anyone have anything else to add to my tired ramblings?
Per Keeper, the moth-kin's, request I thought I should share some of vhat I know about zee Zodiac/Bards/and Kazik vith the people here. I trust you all can slowly and safely disseminate zhis information once we compile it.
What is Kazik?
Kazik, is an interdimensional being of dream/nightmare with powerful mind skills zat allow him to grant temporary reprieve from pain, worry, suffering, etc. He can also essentially enslave you vith such. Trapped a long time ago in an "eternal prison" by zee 12 zodiacs who sacrificed their spirits in exchange for trapping him from this world. In essence each zodiac spirit acts as a bar to his prison and they live forever, their spirit trapping his power within the prison and contained there for a long time. Hiz legend told in some bards tales, and other books of lore and history until he mostly was forgotten from the world.
How did he get out? (Squire Foss May I have your legal backing to tell vhat I beleive to be zee truth without fear of repercusions?)
Over time, it seems zat his mind was able to slowly filter ( I don't know exactly how he did this but it goes vith my "interaction theory") down into zee minds of mortals. It seems, those wracked with insanity were able to touch his mind perhaps a bit better as I know zat he gained quite a bit of power from 3 ancient crazy hags zat tried to cure the king of elves from a weakness of the mind disease called Munin's whispers. I vould be worried zat he can still hold a bit of influence over most crazy people...he is afterall a creature of dream/nightmare/insanity.
Kazik has waged a campaign of deception through his mind powers and his ability to whisper secrets into the minds of many. It seems, over the course of time, he was able to have several items crafted/made so that his prison could be shattered including a sword made of crystal which could kill zee zodiacs and thus free him.
Zhe 12 who had given their spirits had become immortal. Over zhe years many went insane, many became killers and some had to be put down. Because zhey were immortal, a bard named Theodore Giles crafted 12 flutes of power which could trap their spirits permanently. In the last few years, several of these creatures became free, and some of them cause a bit of a stir with the adventurers.
(leaving zee rest out for legal reasons)
Zhen the sky shattered and thousands of pieces of this crytal prison with properties yet to be fully determined ( can we hindsight one?) and the next day vhe as a community came face to face vith the "world ender" himself (little w little e).
What does he want?
This is going to sound basic, but he wants to finish escaping, there are still vhat 8 zodiacs alive and thoze he wants us to kill for him, or probably just bring to him. Each time he kills one he gains power exponentially.
Thus these 8 zodiacs must be protected at all times:
Libara, the Medusa (Duke Basil Monteque)
Caprika, the Harpy
Gemini, the Lunari Elf
Aquari, the Dryad
Scorpio, the Wylderkin
Torg, the Kobold
Ari, the Wylderkin
Leon, the Manticore
Aside from zat he wants disciples and vhat not. He's been able to listen to most of our conversations outside this dream vault, travel all over the lands and slowly work on breaking our wills while also hunting for the 8 remaining zodiacs so he can finish his escape.
Once he is done escaping he vill do as he promised. Give us all Utopia. In the form of dreamful sleep where all of our wishes are granted and we all live happily ever a lie.
What are his powers?
Zhee creature himself I have seen only a few time. He is able to appear as a reflection of himself. I suspect he is not yet able to materialize for very long. When material, I saw him obliterate or shatter zee spirits of several soldiers, summon artifacts with ease and otherwise throw around dragon magic like it vas not a tithe on what he can do. If that is how powerful he is just released from his mind prison...It is very important ve not allow him to grow stonger.
In either case, I theorize that because he his not of this world, he needs anchors to keep himself here. He needs people to know him, talk to him, interact with etc. The more we give him the more he has to use on us.
His minions have shown zee ability to place others to sleep, terrify them, and even turn them insane vith phobia and dellusions. In general, it vould be best to classify these minions as elementals, I or a member of the celestial guild vill verify this by throwing a banish at them next gather.
(Foss please fill this in?)
Boehman- One of his powerful minions, a lord of nightmare and corruption. I beleive Squire Foss has information to share about him.
How do we get rid of Kazik?
First of all, don't make him stronger, keep zhee zodiacs alive (wether we have retrapped them in flutes or not) at all costs. In addition,King Torg, one of zee 12 zodiac spirits, and one who is not insano evil doom mongering ones has put together a way zat he beleives should put the prison back in order:
1 Dragon's Fang -
Platinum- Sky Metal -
12 - Willing Spirits
Permanency - Scroll/Catalyst
The Eternal Prison Ritual -
Griffon's Talon
Dragon's Shell - fresh
We currently only have the Permanency Scroll...we could be able to put together the other items....anyone have any ideas?
Who is leading the charge?
Zat I am aware of, no one.
Not much in the way of direction so far except for zat.
Anyone have anything else to add to my tired ramblings?