Kazik/Zodiac Information

Kaz'zik has control of Big Red.

I will keep you updated. Dragons tend to be private so I would ask that you let me continue to speak to them and then update everyone as the situation progresses.

Yordrill has tasked Titan to seek a cure. Echidna has been enslaved, so proceed with caution.

Lady FallingStar
Who's Big Red? Who's Titan? Who's Echidna?

I know who Yordrill is, though!

~ Silp
Isn't Red still asleep? Cuz if he controls big red... Well I think like 5 people in town can strike hard enough with a weapon to hurt him... And most of those only with vorpals...

Please expand.

Jehan W
Kaz'zik can enslave one creature of power at a time. Last time he enslaved Pyrothraxis aka Peter. Yordrill aka Saturn told me that Echinda 'Big Red' has had her will usurped. Clan group treasure has been more active and they are not guarding her.
Titan, the son of Yordrill is currently investigating how to remove this controll on her.
I will be speaking to Titan soon on his progess and if he needs help. Jehan you are correct, having her up and around as an advisory is not good.
I have rapport with the drakes and dragons so I will update when I speak to Titan.

Lady FallingStar

This winter I spend some time at the Solar’s Guild and meet with Solar Artea. I talk to him about the sands of the Eternal Asylum or Eternal Prison as it’s loosely called. Solar Artea sits me down, and explains that Petyr Raxis was told by Aquari who was told by Quel who witnessed his friend who was told by Cladius who was told by another Fae that The Eternal Asylum is the plane in which creatures sent other magical creatures they don’t want to deal with ever again. It’s a plane that is difficult to enter, and near impossible to escape. Artea ask how you were able to enter it, and leave, and advises that that should never be visited again, or else we could release other beings of power trapped. And fear we could release Kaz’ik!

I remind Artea that Kaz’ik is already freed, and that we learned from The Warden about how Kaz’ik devoured and tamed some of the other residents on the plane. Artea says there is truly one surefire option, and that’s creating the Eternal Asylum Ritual Scroll.

As we talked about the scroll, and he gave me a very thoughtful answer, which more coherent then I ever heard him speak. Here are his word

“Pyrothraxis gave the recipe to create the scroll, and it was another who created it. Once the scroll was created, the caster was annihilated out of existence. The Eternal Asylum Scroll was all that remained. Days later, that scroll was cast on Kaz’ik, and he was banished forever to The Eternal Asylum until he slowly reached his power to those who welcomed it”

Once Artea finishes, he says that is word-for-word what Aquari told him, as he has no idea what it means. He offers a good luck, and excuses himself.

I know we have gathered many of the pieces needed to enact the ritual to make the scroll want do we need still and we need to one who is willing to sacrifice himself or herself to cast it. I would offer myself but I am still yet to be a formalist and would still be far out of my ability even if I devoted myself fully for the year to formal magic study.

Wait wait wait... That's too much for me to read right now...

Artea is a Solar!? Like... The mental dude who keeps losings things and vaults and bears and whatever!?

What the hell is he a solar of!? Losing ****!?

Artea is Solar Emeritus of the Solar's Guild of Wayside. He has served for many year with great distinction.

Hey there! It's Silp!

So, I didn't notice it before when he spoke on the dreams in October, but when Kaz'ik just talked there tonight and I listened back to what he said in October, I noticed something hidden in what he was sayin' that I didn't notice before, and it's kinda important:

"Bliss comes on the twenty fifth of September."

Maybe someone else noticed that before me, but I didn't think anyone said anything about it if they did. But anyway, it looks like Kaz'ik knows exactly when he'll be at full power again and able to Bliss everywhere, and the twenty-fifth of September isn't very far away from right now!

How're we doing on the list of stuff we need to cast the Eternal Prison? Got all the coins? Got the Gryphon claw? Got the Dragon fang? Got the caster? Got the Permanency? Got the Permanency catalyst? What do we still need?

~ Silp

I have the banish to other plane scroll. I have the permanency scroll and catalyst. I know which adventurer has the claw. I know where to get the dragons fang. The only thing I don't have an idea how to get is the platinum.
As for the casters that is the difficult part.

So if anyone have some platinum coins laying around we could really use them.

Ser Foss Siril
How many coins do we actually need? I only see it listed once, if it's a single coin you'd think that would be a fairly simply matter to obtain one. Although saying that I have not happened across any yet.

- Lord Enan Bluewater
...it is done correctly, you will have the scroll. To cast it requires 13 participants within the circle: only one need be a formalist, and the other 12 must hold a forged piece of a fallen comet, which my people call Platinum.

We will need twelve pieces of Platinum, one for each of the twelve participants within the circle. I have outlined the generals as well as the order in which the rituals need to be cast prior within this dreaming. The dragon's fang must belong to a dragon from Terna, so even if we were able to find Titan's remains his fang would do us no good.

Has anyone been able to discover where the Worm-that-Walks or the remains of the fungus that grew out of remains of Yael'Zora? We have two generals that we do not know their whereabouts or proper names.

It is also my understanding that the gryphons and fey have left this world for seclusion or Anret. Either ways, this leaves our barriers in the myst totally unguarded; which is a very bad thing.

Lady FallingStar
Thanks Foss! Which dragon are we gettin' a fang from? Do we have a plan for that already, or is it more of a hopeful hypothetical thing? Is the dragon gonna give it to us, or are we gonna have to take it by force? Takin' it by force seems like a bad idea 'cause if what people told me about dragons is true, they're really powerful, so we should try to avoid that if we can! Other than the coins, is there anything else that needs doing? Do we still need the Banish to Other Plane catalyst? That's the Essence of a Dragon Mage! I learned that from Jehan last year!

So yeah, if there're any more things that still need doin', let us know and people will probably start figurin' out how to get those things done!

~ Silp
I believe that one of the way-stones we set up last year is near a dragon or more. If you guys run into a dead end speak to Radi or one of the Celestial Guild members.

-Fredrick Crawford
I have an idea for the Dragon fang that would not require the permanent death of a dragon. I do see this as a last resort but, I would rather have it as a backup than not at all.

Albert Winestein, aka The Good Doctor spoke of a formal that he used that allows a body party to remain even after the part has regrown. This a method he used to get the pieces for his flesh golems.

However, we would still need to get a sample or the recipe for this to work and have a dragon willing to remove a fang and have it regrow.

That's a good plan, Aramis! Gettin' a dragon to give us a fang then just givin' them a way to regrow it sounds like a much better option than fightin' a dragon or tryin' to make a bargain where the dragon loses a tooth forever! I'll admit that I think that pretty much anythin' is a better option than fightin' a dragon, but this is really good compared to most other non-fightin'-a-dragon plans!

So, which dragon do you think we can convince to give us a tooth and then regrow it back? Liddia said before that the non-Kazik-controlled dragons around are Celestial (which apparently is also the name of a dragon and not just a kind of magic), Caspian, Harcoran, and Pyrothraxis/Petyr Raxis (who, as we know, is a completely ordinary merchant with no extraordinary powers, obviously). Pyrothraxis is a good guy and also doesn't like Kazik since Kazik enslaved him last time, so maybe he'll do it? If Caspian was the Mystic Wood Orc that I think he was, I thiiiiiink I've met him before, and he seemed like a nice enough guy, too. I've never met Celestial or Harcoran, though, so I don't really know anythin' about them.

It's reasonable to reckon that each of the dragons would want somethin' in return for the favor of givin' up a tooth, so do we have any idea of what kind of thing each dragon would really want? I know Pyrothraxis likes a bunch of silver, but what kinds of things might Caspian, Celestial, and Harcoran be interested in?

~ Silp
Ooh, also: There was a guy spreadin' talk about how he saw four dragons meetin' somewhere! He said there was a red one, a black one, a green one, and a purple one! Does anyone know which dragon is which? Does anyone know why the dragons were meetin' with each other?

~ Silp
If you can get a dragon to give up a tooth I have the recipe for that elixir Aramis.
Fredrick, don't send people talking to me about things I don't care about.

I know the green one. F-U-C-K the green one.
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I may be able to ask Celestial- I am sure he would give myself or his mother a fang as long as it will for sure be returned.

Will the process hurt the dragon giving the fang?

In Service,