Kazik/Zodiac Information

I imagine not much more as pulling one of your teeth out would hurt. You can't counter that with healing, as you'll just make it worse as the flesh around the tooth is restored. Maybe some kind of academical process could make it less painful?

-Lord Enan Bluewater
* deep sigh *

Big Red is Echidna and she is enslaved.
Harcoran is black and he was mentoring the Stone Elves of the tower. He is a jerk.
( feelings of anger directed at him )
Pyrothraxis aka Pytr is Purple but, he may have fled to Anret at this time.
Caspian is Green, and a decent guy.
Celestial is being hunted by the Dragon Hunter. And communicating with my son has proven difficult at best.

Those are the only true dragons awake at this time. The different flights of non-exemplar drakes have been rumbling within their torpor for over two years. No new dragons have awoken and the drakes that are here do not orginate from Fortannis. I do have a lead on the Elder Gold, Black and Red. I am waiting for the solstice to get more information on them.

They are also in a deep torpor. If we wish to persue that lead once I have solid information I would need help.

If anyone has specific questions or wants to get in touch with any of the dragons I can act as an intermediary.

Lady FallingStar
Arsita: That's awesome! Now we just have to figure out which dragon we need to convince and how to do it!

Liddia: Thanks for tellin' us which color is which! I knew Echidna is enslaved, but I didn't know that Harcoran is a jerk, so we should probably cross him off our possible fang donor list! You say Pyrothraxis went to Anret, but doesn't he show up in Wayside every now and then? I mean, if he's the purple one, he showed up for that dragon meeting that that one guy saw! Oh, speakin' of that, do you know anything about that, Liddia? If Celestial is still gettin' hunted, he was probably busy and couldn't go, but why were the other ones gettin' together? It seems weird that the non-Kazik dragons would meet with Echidna, since I'm pretty sure they also know that Echidna's enslaved!

Banradi: Liddia said that the green one, Caspian, is a fine guy! Why don't you like him?

Cyn/Enan: Yeah, we regularly get our insides ripped out and can recover from that without much hassle, so I don't think it'll be that bad for a dragon to just lose a tooth! I imagine bein' Sleepin' by magic or alchemy would make you not notice the pain, but I don't know if a dragon would let you put it to sleep for 10 minutes! Maybe someone could hit the dragon in the jaw to stun that part for a little bit? That also sounds like something a dragon wouldn't really be excited to let you do, though...

~ Silp
Liddia's wrong. Nobody likes green dragons. Not even other dragons. They're all conniving, greedy, and smarmy pieces of ****. Caspian himself sent me a whispering winds just to tell me how much he hates gypsies. Don't even get me started on Joseph...........

Anybody who tells you they like green dragons is either a green dragon themselves or enslaved by one.
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Don't even get me started on Joseph...........

Anybody who tells you they like green dragons is either a green dragon themselves or enslaved by one.

Kindly, stop getting drunk and toying with creatures that should have stayed long dead and in the past.

F-UCK you Link.

I'm not some MORON who thinks this is fun. This is not some JOKE, and will curse anyone who thinks it is into the ground. This is the only warning I will ever give on this subject. Period.

This selfish ******* son of a bitch turned on his entire familia so that he could have more damn shitty power. I can't even COUNT how many Rom he killed FOR HIS OWN GOOD and all of the wealth that he stole for his own hoard, and THAT'S ONLY THE START OF IT.

He lives a poor and miserable life and I will happily put an end to it no matter the cost.

...And some idiots decided it would be just fine to bring him out of the graveyard for no damn ******* reason..

F-UCK you Link.
Pyrothraxis stated that as much as he would like to help he can not act directly, nor can any other dragon, gryphon or fae. He told me that another that can share more of the reasons why this is. I will be contacting this person soon as they accidentally...or intentionally called the 4 awake dragons and Kaz'ik to them self in the middle of the woods over the winter.

So in short Arsita the elixir will not be needed.

He did state "The only way to defeat Kazik is to work together with those you trust and distrust. Only when like minds come together can you solve greater threats; however, without, you are certain to fail."
Lady Fallingstar is incorrect about the dragons.

It is Caspian the Green (high orc), Harcoran the Red (stone elf) and Pyrothraxis the Platinum (mystic wood elf). Echidna (human), the one that is currently enthralled to Kazzik, I do not know the color of.

I know, for I have seen them all. Echidna, I only saw in her human form.

Eric Marsters
I would personally look into the dragons as Lady Liddia has researched them. And I say that because she has one of the best working knowledge of Dragon kind in all of Wayside. If there is one person I trust to have made any sort of contact with any other them beyond their mortal forms I trust is it her. I also take into Consideration her position in the noble houses and her (and my own) past experiences with dragons. Just because one has seen them does not mean they have seen the tranformed before their eyes or that they cannot shift between more than one format either. Dragons are mostly beyond the reach of regular folks so who knows for absolute sure what they are capable.

Other than that, why the heck does it matter what color they are at this point other than to identify which one may be attacking? For the most part I have only heard of one doing this and it's big red which I am pretty sure is Echidna. The others appear to have their own agendas but have not explicitly tried killing us.

Eldandiril Zanabanath
Cupbearer to Duchess Fairfax
This is all most fascinating. I am glad to see so many working so hard for the betterement of the Kingdom and Terna itself.

Duke Robert Turnsen
I would say that Eric is partially correct.

Caspian is green and has come into town as a high orc with small horns.

Harcoran can shift from black to red, I have primarily seen him in his black guise more often than red. Black is usually his default, and it shifts according to mood. He has appeated as a stone elf prior.

Pyrothraxis has primarily purple coloring and has some platinum on his body, you can see the purple and slight green in his hair line while in his MWE guise.

Echidna aka Big Red is under the Devourer's control.

I have also interacted with them all in their various guises. And am a scholar in draconic lore. At this point we need to free Echidna from the Devourer's grasp.

Lady FallingStar
Lady Fallingstar and Mr. Eric Marsters do I sense bad blood? I would suggest drinking a toast to something you do agree on as life is far too short for petty arguments and vindictive arguments which remove focus from the true issues of life.

Duke Robert Turnsen
Your Grace Turnsen,

You are correct life is too short for arguments. I would be happy to break bread and share a drink with Eric and let troubles pass like water under a bridge.

Lady FallingStar
Lady FallingStar,

Can you share with us how Pyrothraxis was freed previously? It am help us to find a way to free Echidna.

Your Grace, My Lords and ladies, adventures.

My apologies for interrupting. But I have a question that I am not sure has been addressed. If it has apologies for asking it again.

We know "Big Red" is working with Kazzik... Are we sure it is voluntary?

IF it is not voluntary- than Kazzik has broken the accord he has with the Dragons, griffons, and Fae- the whole "I do not mess with you if you do not mess with me".

IF it is against her will that she is working for him, perhaps Blissed or enslaved- can the others act on that once/ IF that is found out to be true?

All of this is IF "Big Red " was forced in someway to work with Kazzik- not if she choose to.

This may be hard to find out- or we may already know- but I thought it might give us powerful allies that can act in out defense.

Just a thought from a tired mind.

Yours In Service,
Cupbearer to Duke Turnsen
Guild Lifestorm
Seneschal of Storm's Rest

"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness"
*deep sigh*

Echidna is enslaved, she is not working for the Devourer voluntarily.

Has no one listened to what I have stated prior? The Devourer can only control one creature of legend. Her will was usurped and Titan went to investigate, she then killed Titan.

The dragons have taken a sort of non-agression pact with him.

I will look into how Pyter was freed prior. I asked him directly but, that would have him admit openly that he was not just a simple merchant.

Lady FallingStar
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According to my research. I shall read to you verbatim, ' ... The Devourer's power is strong, but he can only enthrall one great beast at a time, or his grip fades. When we defeated Pyrothraxis, his mind broke free of the enthrallment, and he became a powerful ally against the Devourer. "
If you had questions, all you must do is ask. However I am saddened you do not understand Bliss. Therefore, I must purge this vault for your own safety.

You are free to watch this undertaking tonight; I shall personally do so on the material plane. Perhaps Midnight will suffice, to allow you to understand time.

Bliss comes, and I can't wait to make your wildest dreams come true.
