Kid's Campaign Announcement

In case you have not heard, we will be having our first kid's event on June 21st and 22nd at the HQ site. This event is for children ages 6-14 and will feature simplified rules. Here is a rough schedule of events:

Saturday Morning - Character creation, rules and safety seminar
Saturday Noon - Lunch in the tavern
Saturday Afternoon - Begin play! There will be an event Plotline specifically dedicated to engaging the kids
Saturday Evening - Pizza party in the tavern
Saturday Night - Campfire with S'Mores
Sunday Morning - Breakfast in tavern; continue playing!
Sunday Noon - Lunch in tavern
Sunday Afternoon - Conclusion of Plotline; end of event

All children must have a parent / legal guardian on site. Adults are encouraged to play their Alliance characters and/or help out as NPCs. If you are interested, please contact me so that I can put you on the mailing list. I will be sending out information before the event so that you can prepare your kids (e.g., character generation, rules, etc.).

Also, please let me know if you're interested in NPCing or helping out at the event. The best way to reach me is at: (note there is no "a" in "Ivn")


--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
If you need me to help as an NPC I would be glad too.

Will my services for Logisitcs be needed for this event? I assume so. I just want to be sure what I need to do or what may be different on my end.

---Mike E.
This sounds like a great time, I would love to NPC. Unfortunately I'll be in Buffalo that weekend attending a wedding. Hopefully this is a great success and I'll be free for the next one.
I look forward to brining my nephew and maybe nieces to one of these starting next year!
Mike E.,

I'm still working out the details with Mike V., but I don't know if we'll be needing "official" Logistics. I'll keep you in the loop as we work out the details.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Just let me what I'm needed for. I do like the fact that not starting until Saturday is great as far as Friday travel time

BTW What is the blanket situation going to be for NPCs? Is it a full weekend? A Faire Day? Two Faire Days? Just another thing to put on your plate. Sorry.
Basically, if an event is not really open to the standard players you can't assign a blanket to it (and this one isn't -- it's for kids; even if the parents play their characters, they should be there only as NPCs for their kids).
its like a work weekend only somthing better is being built .. A future!
Next year I will have at least one sister and possibly a few cousins to bring along! (This year I can't make it, due to summer obligations. :cry: )
Wait.....There is more then one of you out there? ;)

Ren Suzume said:
We are Dolly. Resistance is futile.

Now you need to write a plotline about cloning. You get to play the original Dolly.

!eady. Set. Write!
Fearless Leader said:
Basically, if an event is not really open to the standard players you can't assign a blanket to it (and this one isn't -- it's for kids; even if the parents play their characters, they should be there only as NPCs for their kids).

hmmm.... Does this mean I get to get double for bringing both of my kids? ;) ;)

They can't wait to come and play. Stick me on the list for info please.

Fearless Leader said:
Basically, if an event is not really open to the standard players you can't assign a blanket to it (and this one isn't -- it's for kids; even if the parents play their characters, they should be there only as NPCs for their kids).

Does that same policy apply to low-level events?
Telokh_Amdo said:
Fearless Leader said:
Basically, if an event is not really open to the standard players you can't assign a blanket to it (and this one isn't -- it's for kids; even if the parents play their characters, they should be there only as NPCs for their kids).

Does that same policy apply to low-level events?

No, because anyone can always create a new low-level character.