Kids Event 2013


Anyone have any idea when the kids event is this year? I have a vacation in cape cod coming up and I don't know if I should make it for the end of July or the beginning of August and I'd hate to have David miss the event.

I have no idea, but my crew is up for whenever. I even have some basic plots sketched out to submit after a bit of polish! :yes:
We haven't put a date on the calendar, but we need to. I am super busy this year, so maybe someone else can kinda organize the kid's event this year? Any volunteers? I know my kids would love to attend so we'd be there, but I just don't have the time to plan it out.

Kathy? *gentle prodding.....*

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
IvanDrake said:
I am super busy this year, so maybe someone else can kinda organize the kid's event this year? Any volunteers?
Kathy? *gentle prodding.....*

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake

Well, I dunno...... Oh wait - my kids will probably HATE me if there wasn't one this year, so I guess you've twisted my arm. :blink: (Mason is already planning out his new character :lol: )

I don't mind pitching in, no problem! In all truthfulness, more and more over the last year I've been thinking about what a great and unique opportunity these events are in the development of kids. I even read some articles about the importance of this kind of "play", especially in today's technology world. What about an entire chapter dedicated to kids???? But, I'm getting ahead of myself!

I'll work on polishing up some of the plot ideas and send them over to Eric & Mike for their buy-in/tweaking. (Hey with the snow this weekend, might even be housebound enough to do it sooner rather than later.)

As for dates - other than the HQ calendar for the year, are there any other dates that are taken and/or off limits for a kids' event? I know that we need to have one of the FP owners on site. Right now, my summer calendar is pretty open, so best to book ahead of time, so to speak.

Finally - NPC's! The more the better, and I know that I will most likely be posting pleas as we get closer, (I've already started to try and recruit Ash Forest) but really, if want to have an awesome, no stress (well, if you aren't one of the parents... if you are - then maybe low-stress..... :thumbsup: ) LARP experience, this is it. You will have never have a more appreciative, "in to it" bunch of gamers than you do with these kids, I swear. And.... to help sweeten things... I will plan to throw an NPC "after party" on Sat. night. No alcohol, obviously (and goldfish are optional - ahem- Justin & Michelle!), but I will feed you goodies and find some recipes for yummy drinks.
I think I prefer the wknd of July 5-7 because its two weeks after and before HQ's events. Makes the traveling easier.
However, I'm not sure how people would feel about this being over July 4th "weekend". Could make things easier, but then again, I never have big plans for wknds like that, so not sure how many others do. Plus it's not the actual day of...
Then again, PA is a fireworks friendly state, which could be pretty cool for an opener! :thumbsup:

Having other thoughts about weekend, I think it's best I sit on it at least over the weekend.
Please pitch in with thoughts everyone! Thx
I'm taking the family overseas during the July 4th week, so we wouldn't be available, but don't our absence be the primary reason for not having the event at that time.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
NAh, would rather you guys are there, I've got plans for you :whistle:
How does everyone feel about the 1st wknd in Aug?
The first weekend of August works for us!

Anyone else want to chime in on their availability that weekend?

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
I'll be in Cape Cod the weekend of July 27th, July 28th, August 3rd, and August 4th. Any other weekend would work for David and I; otherwise, I don't think we could make it.
First weekend in August much better for us... We will be in Canada for the week of the 4th of July... :cold:

I could also help with the planning/writing if you want/need help Kathy.

We also may be bringing a couple of other families down...

Jim and Marj Sailer
(And Maddy, Tabby, and Ainsley) who would also be disappointed if there was no kids event this year...
Tempest said:
I could also help with the planning/writing if you want/need help Kathy.

Thanks Jim! Yes, please send any ideas that you have for plots, that's great, I've got two "main" ideas sketched out, and maybe a couple of fillers, but we can always use more. Great to hear you may be bringing more families. I've been putting the word out on my end too, and once we have a date pinned down, one of my friends mentioned something about sending a flyer to some of the people that are in games that he plays in that aren't related to Alliance, so hopefully we will continue to grow.

Anyone with plot ideas, you can send to me at My verizon address also works if anyone has that as well, but am trying to weed my LARPING stuff away from that email. Not knowing how much the kids read the boards, I don't want to tip them off to any of the plans. :)

Is there anyone else out there that anyone can think of that maybe went another year, or had gone to the Crossroads kids event, but now that they have moved down south, don't have another alternative? If so, I ask that you reach out to them to see if they would be interested. I'd like to pin the date down, but want to try to get a larger concensus, and of course, include as many as possible.

My husband has talked me down from a July 4th possibility so it does look like August will be the best bet.
Hi everyone,

Sorry it's taken so long for me to get back on the ball with this, life has been...well, life.

Anyhow it looks like we're pretty much down to 2 choices:
1) August 2-4
2) August 23-25

I personally would prefer the first weekend in August, but I know others may not be able to do that weekend,so I want to put it to a vote.
Please let us know what your choice is and I'll try and have something nailed down maybe next week if enough people respond.

Also, for anyone who is going to be at the HQ April event (I'm going, just haven't pre-regged yet), if we can grab a few minutes to chat about some stuff for the weekend - plot ideas, things that your kids really liked, etc, I'd appreciate it. If you're not gonna be there, feel free to drop me a line.

My Vote is for the later weekend. If you hold the event that weekend I will organize breakfasts and lunches for the kids (pancake breakfasts and hotdogs for lunch.

Bill B.
Hey everyone,
So, I think the best timing for the weekend for most everyone is later in August, so this year the kids event will be Aug. 23-25th.
I'm waiting for formal confirmation, in case it's been booked by someone before I could claim it..... Will post again once I get the official Ok. :-)
Looking forward to it!!!
I'll be honest, I'm kinda sad to see this weekend be scheduled over the same weekend as the Alliance LARP Gettysburg August event. Several of our staff wished to bring our young family members and friend's kids to the HQ kids event. Maybe another year...
I'm going to chime in with Emily, late as I might be.

The conflict with Gettysburg is going to keep me from being able to attend. I'm not a parent, but I've a friend whose daughter has expressed interest.
I"m sorry about the conflict, it definitely wasn't intentional! Unfortunately, the only other weekend available in August was the Labor Day weekend, and that just wasn't going to work for other reasons.

Hopefully next year, we can get more input prior to setting the date so that we can pin one down that works for the most amount of people, and hopefully avoid conflict with other chapters.

So, out of curiosity what is the age minimum on this?

It's very unlikely that I'll be able to make it, but I SO want to... I think my little would get the concepts, but she's kind of old for her age...