Last HQ Event of the Season!!!

Okay, the October event is the last HQ event of the season! Who's going to be there?

I will be NPCing. What about you?

--- Eric Stehle
I will be PCing. Nathan "8 evocation spells" Westwind will be there... I have a mountain of paper work for the mages guild to finish before the game. i gotta pre reg soon.
The way things are looking, we may have A LOT of PCs and maybe not so many NPCs. It would surely help the game if teams went to the dark side for maybe a four hour shift during the weekend.

The dark elves will be NPCing for you during the day on Saturday. We'd love it if people returned the favor. You will, of course, be rewarded with valuable goblin stamps.

Dragon Stamps or Goblin Stamps?
Duke Frost said:
Kayden said:
Dragon Stamps or Goblin Stamps?

Oops. I meant dragon stamps. Post has been updated.

So you updated one. but then you said the wrong thing there...its really Goblin stamps!
Pretty sure I'm going to miss out on this one. Bummer. :(
Most likly pc-ing as amaranthus, but will gladly do a shift or two of npcing. I do love me my npc-ing after all.


Don't make me delete your posts.

Being that this may be the last Alliance event for me for a year, I'll probably PC. Oddly enough, maybe even as my Sarr. Anyway, I'll definitely jump the fence if that's the case. If money doesn't pan out I might just full on NPC. I'll be sure to let ya know but either way I'll take my turn bashing some PCs.
Balls and Dazzle will be there rocking out the tavern a night, and the feilds in the day.
I [zat] will be there friday and saturday but I will be leaving shortly after dark on saturday. If its cold I will be in the guild. My health still isnt good. A lot depends on if the guild is still curtain walls or not. The cold seems to really hate me this year.

Gyps will be there. (See sig for those who don't know him)
Ren will be there. I will gladly hop the fence in the morning or late night if you need me.
I will be NPCing this one and depending upon schedules we may be getting most of the other Syracuse crew NPCing (Kuhs +Neokuhs)