Sigh. I guess if I try to be as nice as I can possibly imagine, my point isn't heard. Here goes something different:
Fearless Leader said:
I truly believe that the way to get people together is to (ready?) get them together. Staying apart only creates groups who start resenting the outsiders. It's so much easier to criticize people when you know they are not reading your posts and it is so much easier to make enemies that way.
Honestly, its a matter of seeing people in person versus seeing names on the intertubes. Until i can hit East coast events for the cost of a tank of gas or two (Like I can with Seattle and Oregon events), it won't be the same unless I'm suddenly independently wealthy. I'm guessing its similar for others.
Just because you're on an MMORPG, for example, doesn't mean you're meeting people and hanging out with friends.
This is still a computer screen.
Fearless Leader said:
Not that I am asking everyone to hold hands and sing kum bay yah, but if you want to repair past rifts, you have to do so by communicating. Staying on your side of the fence and peering over at everyone else never solves anything.
No one's saying you're wanting people to stand in a circle and have everyone introduce themselves like a 10 year old summer camp. But the comments you made to start with were percieved as "Leave your forums and use ours, jeez, conform!".
We keep stating that we like our boards, that it offers much more flexibility and the like. Yes, these ones use the same coding. But unless you want to give someone Admin over it so we can fix them like we would want them, its extremely doubtful that anyone on the Seattle boards would prefer these to ours.
Yes, we appreciate it being here.
Yes, we see benefits in it.
No, we don't want to use them more than ours.
No, we don't want to port over the information we have there.
Yes, I'm serious.
Until you popped in and said what you did, no one started this line of arguments, so it is (in essence) being viewed as you throwing a rock over the fence and yelling something to the effect of: "HEY, GET OVER HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BE ONE OF US, YOU'LL DO IT".
Oh, and Jeremy's wall-of-text crits everyone for 9999.
Paragraphs, man. Paragraphs.