Link to the Seattle forums

Not quite sure what all you're looking at... But all you have to do is register on the Seattle Forums, right now there's not a lot of info on the main website itself.
Let me explain a little, I'm a shy person, and hostile to people I don't know too. It takes a while to feel comfortable posting or responding on a site. I know people on the allliance site from real life. That made for an easy transition.
I have hesitations with even Registering for the Seattle site because of the cut off and stubborn vibe even just reading this gave me.
It makes it feel like a selective clique.
And I just don't want to have to remember two different sites.

And a little backwards logic from Doverman...
"I think that the main complaints come more from a feeling of not being represented or being listened to than from not feeling included at all."
You become represented by participating... try pulling more members into posting on the AllianceLARP boards
Eh, this isn't a very fair representation, to be honest. With a lot of the interactions we've had with a number of EC Entities of late (Including "What, there's chapters on the WC?"), we unfortunately are on the defensive far often than we would be otherwise. Similarly, because of how we view a lot of rules and their interpretations (And a large number of subsequent re-working of rules after using them), a number of the more rules-concerned folk don't see eye-to-eye with eachother.

In short, no, we're not angry bloodthirsty savages as some posts may make us out to be, but we also aren't a bunch of flower-waving hippies looking to have everyone get a long. Somewhere in the middle of those two, I think, is the better description.
Eh, for my part I've lurked both boards, and the vast majority of posts on either board are well thought out and informative. However the leadership (meaning owners/longtime players/plot) of Seattle seem intent to pick/provoke fights. Not that I thought Mike needed to try to conjole the Seattle players back onto the boards here, but I'm constantly seeing little snipes built into alot of replies on subjects that don't need the drama. (Mostly hinting subtley or not that seatlle 'listens to its playbase more')

As a Fledgling GM I've been irritated by the Seattle forums posting updates to the rulebook. Hey its great that you want your playerbase involved and want their input, but it affects MY game as people who read those forums are likely to play/build their characters differntly, and it causes confusion among my playerbase, as some will read the boards and then argue with those who don't. Is it a massive problem? Not really, but its one more thing that I now have to stay on top of.

We all have a shared hobby and its a great one. Would it really be hard to just finish up the current rounds of Owner voting, log the changes for the new book and focus on having a fun game (We all know that your efforts are in the vein of making the game better, I understand I do, but its overflowing in an ugly way).

I know Fynwei will be hoping to come out to play in Seattle later in the year, And I'll likely get the chance to play sometime up there as well. (My parents live in Seattle after all :mrgreen: ) I'd really hope that nothing dissuades her from giving you mates a try, as you'd be missing out.
Saephis said:
Eh, this isn't a very fair representation, to be honest. With a lot of the interactions we've had with a number of EC Entities of late (Including "What, there's chapters on the WC?"), we unfortunately are on the defensive far often than we would be otherwise.

As the guy who made (or caused to be made, I don't remember) this comment, I really have to say that it was pretty clear that the people involved were joking, or at least I was, I won't speak for Scott, but I'm pretty sure he was as well. We do that here. We are all pretty much friends, and some of us (myself included) have a more jerky way of expressing that than others. Unfortunately, I guess some of that is lost in the translation to text.

Saephis said:
Similarly, because of how we view a lot of rules and their interpretations (And a large number of subsequent re-working of rules after using them), a number of the more rules-concerned folk don't see eye-to-eye with eachother.

In short, no, we're not angry bloodthirsty savages as some posts may make us out to be, but we also aren't a bunch of flower-waving hippies looking to have everyone get a long. Somewhere in the middle of those two, I think, is the better description.

And to be fair I don't think anyone has called you, or really intimated that you are, bloodthirsty savages, or dirty hippies. I think almost all of us fall in the middle of those two somewhere. Some more towards the savage (Like Tom Haswell... he's not been on here yet I don't think...) and some more towards the flower wavers (like... uhh... Scott K.).

In general I think people just need to treat this board as somewhere friendly and not freak when people say things and take it in the worst way possible. Pretty much all of us have done that at one time or another, some more recently than others, and while I'm not a hippy, I do think that most of us can get along... or at least agree not to immediately think that whoever is tlaking is being a jerk right off the bat... let them work up to it :-)
Honestly I don’t see it as a WC and EC thing. I see it as a local/non local. And a people we can reach/people we cant reach thing.

For example, I don’t like this board because I need to log in every time, my cookies will not save. I sometimes even have to relog in the middle of reading a long thread of posts. That’s an issue. When I asked about a web or forum spot where we can list issues with the site, I was basically given some advice, and told "We have a link for that." (By the way, they were speaking of adding to the “we have a new board” thread. There is no forum section for site issues at this time.

I dont like some of the moderators and moderator levels of control on the alliance board. Its a personal thing, but since the mods are all living rather far from me, I don’t know them. I cant(like I can here, or even in the Or of CA chapter) Just talk to the mods, and see their human side either.

I Don’t like some of the flaming that goes on here on the "main" board, I feel that part of it is yet again that I don’t know, and will never meet some of these people. I also feel some of it is Old guard/new guard issues (Not EC/WC per say, but related). To often the board seems to sink to "That’s the way it is and your a cheat/twinker/baby/ect for trying to do anything else, no matter what the rules "say"

Since I do plot things on the Seattle board(being a gameday plot person) I really dont like the idea of leaving lots of plot info and half finished documents on a board where I cant talk to the web master/mistress if I needed to.

I could go on, but No real need.

Now I do think that Seattle should mirror all the public stuff here, and even have the non local only lists mirrored as well. So that anyone will know our gamedays and events and announcements and staff links and that sort of thing. But that’s only 1/5th of the forums at most on the Seattle forums.
Stoneskull_Rockfist said:
We'd love to have ya JP!

Sure would. I should be out of Texas and back to my proper status as the death-sponge of the Iowa crew by then, myself.

Ah, the midwest. Like a vaccum, holding the coasts together. :mrgreen:
tieran said:
Saephis said:
Eh, this isn't a very fair representation, to be honest. With a lot of the interactions we've had with a number of EC Entities of late (Including "What, there's chapters on the WC?"), we unfortunately are on the defensive far often than we would be otherwise.

As the guy who made (or caused to be made, I don't remember) this comment, I really have to say that it was pretty clear that the people involved were joking, or at least I was, I won't speak for Scott, but I'm pretty sure he was as well. We do that here. We are all pretty much friends, and some of us (myself included) have a more jerky way of expressing that than others. Unfortunately, I guess some of that is lost in the translation to text.

Saephis said:
Similarly, because of how we view a lot of rules and their interpretations (And a large number of subsequent re-working of rules after using them), a number of the more rules-concerned folk don't see eye-to-eye with eachother.

In short, no, we're not angry bloodthirsty savages as some posts may make us out to be, but we also aren't a bunch of flower-waving hippies looking to have everyone get a long. Somewhere in the middle of those two, I think, is the better description.

And to be fair I don't think anyone has called you, or really intimated that you are, bloodthirsty savages, or dirty hippies. I think almost all of us fall in the middle of those two somewhere. Some more towards the savage (Like Tom Haswell... he's not been on here yet I don't think...) and some more towards the flower wavers (like... uhh... Scott K.).

In general I think people just need to treat this board as somewhere friendly and not freak when people say things and take it in the worst way possible. Pretty much all of us have done that at one time or another, some more recently than others, and while I'm not a hippy, I do think that most of us can get along... or at least agree not to immediately think that whoever is tlaking is being a jerk right off the bat... let them work up to it :-)

I thought it was decided that the SF chapter had the dirty hippies? =)
If they are out there and playing Alliance, that's probably where they are ;-)
Because if we come here and chat with people, its:

1. More likely that they will want to make the trip out.
2. More likely that they won't think we're all asshats.
3. Improved relations make things run more smoothly all around.

Sure, the Seattle boards are a nice, friendly place where you know everyone by face and name, but these people are our LARPing friends. If we extend a hand to shake, it's more likely to be shaken than bitten.
Ghost said:
And yeah, I read these boards (mostly the rules section), but I don't reply/say much; I'm not a fan of being jumped on by someone I don't even know and may come to dislike, only to meet them at an event several months afterward with that preconceived notion that, "Hey, that dude's an asshat!"
During a visit to the EC, on day two of a three-day, a hold was called, and Cymryc hollered over to me "Hey JP, did you get the >whatever<". Three people turned in unison, looked at me with shock and amazement, and said "You're West Coast JP? But.... you're so nice."
jpariury said:
Ghost said:
And yeah, I read these boards (mostly the rules section), but I don't reply/say much; I'm not a fan of being jumped on by someone I don't even know and may come to dislike, only to meet them at an event several months afterward with that preconceived notion that, "Hey, that dude's an asshat!"
During a visit to the EC, on day two of a three-day, a hold was called, and Cymryc hollered over to me "Hey JP, did you get the >whatever<". Three people turned in unison, looked at me with shock and amazement, and said "You're West Coast JP? But.... you're so nice."

It is true.