Literate Alliance

Don't mean to necrothread...but I just started a new series and wanted to know if anyone else has ever heard of it...

Y: The Last Man
Necrothreading this particular thread is a Good Thing<tm>! 10 out of 9 of my books agree that reading is important. :)

Though I don't know the series you mention. Who is the author?

I'm currently in the middle of the Time Scout series (Robert Asprin and Linda Evans). Good so far.



Check out Brent Week's debut trilogy "The Night Angel" I was really surprised.

Just finished it last week, along with the latest Ringo, and Elizabeth Moon's Harris Serano.
Y the Last Man is an AMAZING comic series under DC's Vertigo imprint. It's collected in Trade paperback format now, and it proves that comics as literature did not end with Gaiman's Sandman. Right now m'self, I'm reading Perdido Street Station, by China Mieville. AMAZING pseudo-steampunk fantasy. Depressing as all hell, but gloriously wonderfully so. And the other books in the same universe, The Scar, and Iron Council are even better. I've read my copies of each till they're nigh falling apart.