Low-Level Events?

Working on this right now and should hopefully be resolved today. Monday at the latest.

The low level event will be the Oct 21 weekend. Bring your space heaters for the private rooms and cabins. We may have an "insulate the cabins" work weekend before then.

sadface. unfortunately we'll be missing out on this one. that's the weekend of the zombie 5k in MD and there's a big group of us already paid and registered for it.

I'll still promote it though, and I hope to send out a new newsletter soon to remind folks of the event schedule for the rest of the season. Thanks for the info guys!
It was pretty much the absolute only weekend available.
Robb Graves said:
sadface. unfortunately we'll be missing out on this one. that's the weekend of the zombie 5k in MD and there's a big group of us already paid and registered for it.

I'll still promote it though, and I hope to send out a new newsletter soon to remind folks of the event schedule for the rest of the season. Thanks for the info guys!

zombie 5k.... so much awesome!

I'm running a 5K too that weekend :( just minus the zombies..
that must be where you run 5 k before the zombies catch up to you and fest upon the juicy flesh.... ummmmm hmmmm yes it is better then brains for lunch or brains from brunch... why cant we have some bloody guts
For those undecided, may I tempt you by mentioning that it's a survival horror event? 0:3
Foo. If it weren't the Caldaria weekend, I'd come down and Dark Elf it up.