I don't think this is a problem with the ritual. Firstly, I think this falls on the players understanding what they're getting themselves into by playing that race, and everything that comes with a restriction to celestial magic (Wards, Celestial COPs, Rituals, etc).
Man, I hate this argument. I really hate it. It's not you, it's that argument. Here's why.
As a new player, I picked a racial that's utterly stupid (there's more details to it than that, but suffice it to say that I didn't know how bad Racial Slay was when I got it). 30 damage, can swing until lands? That's awesome!
Man, do I hate that ignorance now.
I've heard players who decided to play Biata and "knew" they were giving up Celestial magic, but they had no idea how big Celestial magic is. They didn't know how much it would impact their friends getting Wards, how much it would impact the rituals that were available to them, how much it would impact who their Protective casters were, etc. Like, they knew there'd be some inconvenience, but as they get to midbie status, they're like, "Oh god, I made a mistake."
Our system is deep and it's got some serious complexities that are hard to fathom until you're actually interacting with those parts of it, only by that point you've already made some decisions that have consequences you had no way of understanding until it was too late.
My proposition is an attempt to weaken the racial imbalance that exists on characters that are denied Celestial access (because removing that denial is actually impossible, particularly for Biata).
Having Pass/Fail Carrier Immunities is bad for the game, and if that can be removed, cool. If not, then the Solutions need to be equally available to everyone, so some players who picked O/B don't just have to settle for clowning around while everyone else can engage normally. It's not fun, and if it's not fun, why have it?