Malidor's Outpost: Current Events (OOC: Please do not reply!)

December 15th, 419: The Quarantine of Sonnenspire


Countless reports from all over the massive city have come in to the healers and apothecaries of Sonnenspire stating that the magical plague from Umbrasa, Tajiq and Terras has finally reached the Imperial capital city. The population has become magically ill, and with each family death, rises undead abominations in their place. Within days of the initial reports, a large force of Vex Mortis soldiers had entered the city and locked it down. With the aid of the Imperial Army stationed within the city limits, no living creature has entered or left the city.

Nearly one third of the population has been put to the torch. Families have been shattered, and what little remains of the hope within the city has died out under the black smoke of pyres. Still, the Vex Mortis, working along side the Healers of the White Flame, work tirelessly to aid those they can. Some say that the White Flame have found a cure to the plague. That the so called "Heroes of Dragonhold", and enemies of Helios had mastered a mixture to save the people. The majority of the citizens feel this to be Dwarven Propaganda, and believe that it is the forces of Dragonhold that have inflicted such destruction on the Empire.

January 7th, 420: The Wedding of the Century!

Peace in Espar has finally been met, as Baron Aleric Godfrey has been slain by his sister's forces. Her Excellency, Baroness Elizabeth Godfrey daringly entered the capitol city of Ollenstadt, and slayed her brother in what is said to be the greatest dual of this age. Both nobles had been trained in the art of dualing at a young age, and eye witnesses said this dual was one between 2 great masters. In the end, her Excellency, Baroness Godfrey won the day. Some claim it didn't happen this way, that there was subterfuge involved, as well as an assassination plot on behalf of the Baroness. Regardless, Aleric Godfrey is dead, and his sister has claimed the Barony.

The Baroness has also announced that she and Gaius Herod are to be wed at the Elector Council and Baronial Summit at the end of June, later this year. With the wedding announcement and the joining of two great houses, this will put his excellency, Baron Gaius Herod in a position to have four votes from the baronies. As we all know, the Baron has the vote of Litimore. It is also speculated that Baron Francis Duvok of Engelheim, Baroness Therisia Von Remburg of Wasserlund, and now Baroness Elizabeth Godfrey of Espar, all support Gaius Herod to lead the Empire to prosperity and peace in the coming decade.

Finally, there will no longer be turmoil within the Empire.
Finally, the Empire will be whole once more.

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