March 24th Best Costume Poll

Who was rocking the best costume? Who made big improvements to theirs over winter?

Comment below before April 7th. The winner will get 30 goblin stamps.
I thought that the NPCs all did a good job repping the assorted monsters we fought despite that lack of running water and should not be ignored. From a PC perspective I appreciate Dave and Nate's commitment to armor. I'm going with Dave this event, because I think it's neat that his coif is shaped to cover his sulinari gem.
This was the first time I got to see everyone's costumes at SoMi save Gideon, and I have to say I loved Cyn's dress and pimp hat :D
Oh my god I cannot even get the name right - The new Selunari - I am a bad person I cannot spell the name but you know who I mean!

Well done first time as that character !

- Nette
Cressida came out with a completely new costume and spent so much time in the off season focusing on how to improve down to the little details like her flame makeup.
My vote is for Cressida. As a costume, I really love Gideon's. The "Not a Necromancer" celestial outfit is great and it always has new interesting little details I notice after each market. For costume improvement, I have to agree with Evie. Cressida's costuming/makeup has come a long way from the leggings/dress and sideburns, and that new outfit is looking great.
I hate to do this but I am going to vote for myself. My entire costume is new and I feel like it was such a big upgrade from last year. Genevieve did so much work on it and deserves to be recognized for bringing Cressida to the next level. She and Mike even found those sideburns.