March 24th One Day Feedback

Thank you all so much for coming out to our March 24th One day.
We look forward to hearing what you loved and didn't love about the event.
We want to hear your suggestions on how we can improve.
We also want to hear about the highlights of your event.
Thanks to all the NPC and volunteers for coming out to a one day. Having so many NPCs really increases the ability of plot to do new and varied things. It was truly terrifying to play an event with close to a one to one ratio of PCs to NPCs.

The pre-made sandwiches were a great way to handle food at a one day. Good Idea.

Overall, I really did not enjoy this event. I was very excited to get a fresh start to the Larping season and this event really just gut-punched the wind out of my sails.

Structurally, the plot of the one day was very smart. We went back to Springdale to do some work for Dragonreach before Alacar annexes it. The mine had multiple shafts thus multiple mods to do, so far so good. Tons of NPCs so most fights are gonna be tough, numbers win in Alliance.

We go on the first mod and it’s waves of moderately difficult mobs (we think rust monsters), Voice Radius Dispel on death, are healed by magic and reduced to weapon attacks, while we look for puzzle pieces and herd the cats. They also had an “I can destroy your harm protect MIs on some kind of an X count”, but that didn’t come into play much. Just a nice scary effect to count out and spook PCs. Since magic didn’t work, the load of the work was on the pipe-swingers. A few of the new CO things around (I like the concept, but it needs refining) so we try those out to get information, no dice. We find ‘some’ pieces to the puzzle, but not enough to solve it. So we go for the big 10 minute CO. As soon I heard the ‘ooze’ was a non defensible touch based DFM on ‘your choice’ of an effect or, presumably… die; I was pretty salty about the situation. Our MIs are on notice… cool. So, we pull the rock out of the ooze and the ooze in the first room stops. This is not a win, we didn’t solve the puzzle, we just kinda brute forced into it. It doesn’t feel satisfying but maybe we missed something. Let’s check the next room.

2nd room is bigger, with bigger, harder hitting mobs. Still don’t find enough of the puzzle, so we smash our face into it again with a young adventurer who has no magic on him. Nope… doesn’t work still need to a ritual to cure him, but we ‘win’. One more room to go.

3rd room much bigger, with harder mobs, not enough pieces of the puzzle to solve it. We sacrifice another PC who was already ‘infected’ with the ooze, to smash our way to a win. Victory??

I had a few issues with this mod. I’ll agree some may be due to player information versus plot information, but these are my concerns.
  1. Ooze based DFM in general was a giant eyeroll. “Hey, here’s some LCO ooze you’ve never seen before that you are interacting with within an LCO CO system we told you about 30 minutes ago, where we encourage you to RP out what you are doing. Oh you touched it? LMAO! Here’s a sweet LCO effect where you need to sacrifice MI’s to not resurrect. Thanks for playing, welcome to 2018”

  2. Healed by magic Rustmonsters. During the mod, I was ok with it. We tried a few spells, they all healed. Ok fine, this is not a mod for casters. I can stand in the back and yell at people. Apparently, and this is 2nd hand, it came up at the town hall that they were only healed by the ‘first’ spell that hit them. You’ve got to be kidding me. If I throw alchemy, and hear “Resist”, “Cloak”, “Dodge”, “Guard”, “Poison Shield” etc. I get information as a player that maybe I can try more. Perhaps they have 15 Resists, but I don’t think they are immune. If I throw Alchemy and hear “No effect” I stop throwing alchemy. If I throw fire (or a spell) at something and hear “Appears to heal me” I stop throwing fire. The interaction, if true, felt really …. clever, to me. The idea of only healed by a little magic, or something is fine in general, but change the call to something that implies a defense was spent. “Guard, Appears to heal me” or something. If they were permanently immune to magic ignore this point.

  3. The Puzzle:In general did not make sense to me, from a plot perspective. As I thought about it there were two options.

    1. I guess the missing pieces were elsewhere in the mine? This makes no sense to me, unless you want me to treat your plot like a video game. Somehow specific pieces were spread around the other shafts, but none of the miners found any of them in any of the 3 clean shafts? Furthermore, how did the pieces move around? Did the rustmonsters do it? Why didn’t they just eat the pieces? Were the pieces only in other mod shafts? OH! Maybe it was broken by Alacar, but then why would they leave pieces around? Earthquake? But then how did they get into other shafts.

    2. There were no other pieces anywhere and we had to sacrifice MIs to win.
I totally get it’s hard to incorporate puzzles directly the world and lore without feeling super forced. I was pretty jazzed about the implementation at the start. Old Rune magic needing to get put back together, sounds good. I was on board. However, the level of punishment to try and get information was real steep in my opinion, and left me overall very salty and frustrated.

One mine shaft down, morale has taken a hit, but we persevere. Break for tasty sandwiches.

Bears: This was fine. We clearly brought everyone on something that was intended for just a few people, or maybe lower level people. AFAIK, we didn’t have any indication of that ahead of time, so whatever.

Elementals: I was really interested in this one, from an out of game standpoint. Elemental body bloat was one of the reasons stated for having to LCO nerf weapon auras. So, I was ready for some lower body elementals. I did not ‘feel’ like they were lower body. Obviously, I don’t have stat cards to compare but the ‘feel’ was that if you didn’t have lightning to swing (only two people did) the weapons weren’t getting a lot of work done. So, that was frustrating. It kinda reinforced my fear that the Aura removal was more about taking tools from players, rather than rebalancing things.

Myconids: I guess Myconids are meant to be the Darth Vader creatures intending to strike fear into the players. Message received. Instantly, infinitely repopping anywhere they want, paralysis carrier swinging creatures with a ton of NPCs. Yeah we didn’t win. I’m fine with losing. I figured we were going to lose. I’m not mad at the stats (I’m a little mad at the stats) I’m mad at the plot surrounding the encounter. Going in the plot was: We were going in to close an old dwarven door, to protect the mine shaft. So, complete the objective, don’t fight the mobs forever. Ok makes sense. So boom, I’m heading to that door. Let’s go let’s go. The town follows, we get to the door, and there’s a cool dwarven puzzle/ keycode thing. By the time we get to the door, it’s pretty clear to me that unless we stem the tide of paralysis carrier attacks, we were going to lose. One player starts on the puzzle, another player comes up big time with a wall of force on the door to buy time. Heck yeah, mental high fives. Just clear out these remaining mobs and we should be good. Oh…wait... they just burrow under the wall of force and continue to destroy us… This is where it breaks down for me. So what was the door going to do? Let’s pretend we did succeed and closed the door, were we then going to have to flee in some dramatic “But wait it’s not working” situation, that would be pretty awful. Or somehow, the dwarven door closing also created an impenetrable barrier around the mine, sure. In the immediate aftermath, it felt like a lose-lose situation. So, all the PCs are down/or paralyzed. Then the monsters begin saving us and moving us out to the mine entrance. Felt like plot not wanting to TPK the event, which just cheapened everything more.

Overall this event just wasn’t... fun for me. Every step was like that gif of sideshow Bob and the yard of garden rakes. I was really looking for hooks and motivation to get excited about the new season, but it just cemented my concerns with the LCO changes, and made me feel like a powerless failure up against a “too-clever-by-half” plot team.

Sure, “Mad cuz bad, git gud” or whatever you want to say. The end result is I don’t want to play this kind of event again. Sure, once there’s some heroic cred built up and people are having fun, the occasional being knocked off your high horse is warranted. I want to have fun at an event. I spent all last season trying to be engaged, unfortunately it was mostly spinning my wheels and nothing seemed to work. In the off-season, multiple LCO changes that felt very player unfriendly, but a “trust us it’ll be good” vibe. One event in, I’m not excited for 2018.

I know this post has a harsh tone, so I want to end with what I did like from the event.

I loved the rep of the Dwarven key code. Well crafted, seemed reusable. I liked that we were able to get Dwarven numbers from the Miner guy early in the day.

I liked that the Myconids were interested in my book. Perhaps a sign of greater intelligence. I’m never interacting with them again, but perhaps it will be fun for someone else to figure out.

I’m hopeful that the stating issues were a factor of the plot team not used to having enough NPCs. I hope they have enough NPCs in the future to get more practice in, and knock the rust off.

I liked the idea behind the CO slates. It needs refining, but there’s something there.

See you all at the opener.
So right off the bat, thank you to everyone at SoMi for being so nice and so helpful for my first event there. I LOVED it.

This was only my fourth ever LARP event and the other three were at Traverse, and several persons that attend gatherings in both locations prepared me for the differences I'd see between the two. One of which, and I did notice this, is that SoMi is much more combat oriented than Traverse - or I guess I'd say less casual-roleplay oriented. Not a bad thing other than I am not as in shape as I should have been :D Sword combat is not my forte but that will come in time... it's Be All You Can't Be, after all :)

I like having an over-arching plot that covers all mods on a one-day. Obviously makes things simpler and also focuses the adventuring community.

The slates are a great idea. The timer on each of the sites adds a degree of realism to investigating, not just looking down and going "Oh hey I found this vein of whatever that will be very useful right this second." Also added to the excitement of having to defend our companions for an extended period of time while they exercised their expertise.

There were times when as a low-level, inexperienced dual wielder, I felt I wasn't contributing much, but that's the nature of the game especially when you have to make mods challenging enough for the demigods in the party ;) and I totally understand that. On the flipside there were a few times, even just single combat instances, where I actually felt that I was helping out and that felt great. So kudos for finding that balance; as a n00b I very much appreciate it.

Overall, I enjoyed. Already looking forward to next month's. Originally was going to bring my dryad Grin down, but now Ilarion feels like he has to keep an eye on his cousins so he's invested in continued Dragonreach adventures.

Side Note:
It's going to sound weird but I thoroughly enjoyed dying. Never had a character go through the whole "no for reals you're dead" thing, so thank you to Plot for explaining what I needed to do as well as providing a "loophole" to there being no Resurrection Circle (thank Odin that Sloan was there).
Morning !

I have rested from an exhausting one day!

This was for sure a different event but a fun one!

I wanna start with saying- welcome and thank you to all the NPCs who were at the event !!! I will make post about my garb promise in a bit.

The food was easy and yummy - yes I tried to wait as is my nature - Ardos did not allow that :-)

So my opinions on game play-

- I loved the chalkboard idea and was unable to use it so cannot say actual use of it- but the idea has so much solidness in it! I always felt yelling out at the start got silly and not special :-) but these let people rp (yay props and immersion ) AND lets people find extra things ! Win win ! Does it need improvement - sure but Rome was not built in a day and I feel this is a strong start! I am excited to see where it goes !

I cannot speak from a fighter perspective but the fights seemed hard - the center of the circle is comfy:-) the number of npcs I think make everyone have to rethink their usual fighting plans! A+ on that!

As for the lack of being able to use spells - I admit I am not an offensive caster so I have never played with this in mind but as I view it - our world is expanding and changing in SOMI so monsters we meet will be changing with it. We do not know everything in this world - we do not hold all the knowledge or all the power at all! We as adventures tend to get into the mindset we know or understand all the things but in reality - we are sometimes struggling in the dark for than we like. The trip into the mining shafts were struggles in the dark... we have the choice to trust those creating the monsters in the dark or not trust them. I will always stand on the side of trust with this plot team as they have NEVER given me reason not to trust them.
Is the dark scary ... hell yes it is... but I am willing to walk it knowing full well I am
Gonna scream and possibly pee myself at some point but my plot team will not lead me without reason nor reward :-)

I missed the big mikinoid (so) fight- I was taking pictures - I actually missed most fights after the ozze to get pictures :-)

But I saw a lot of it-and it looked tough. I cannot say much beyond it looked like the adventures are facing tougher challenges and the plot team has a plan:-)

I have spoken a lot about trust - and I am serious about that. I trust our plot team more than I have ever trusted any other plot team I have had the pleasure to deal with. They know what they are doing and they have an overreaching story they are telling WITH us. They work hard and they get nothing for it except to see us succeed - and sometimes struggles FEEL like an attack or a planned downfall but really... who wants to live without mountains - ya gotta accept the valley with the peaks :-)

I also do not feel like any wins are dependent on sacrificing MIs... I think those were fast solutions - many of us were looking for a solution without that sacrifice. I highly doubt that plot is coming for MIs - honestly SOMI is one of the most accepting of MIs of regional chapters - heck people die in other chapters to align MIs. But they have points with mi bloat and power bloat- things will start to effect that... I get it. It is gonna suck but it will balance and be better !

I need to appologize - Annette was having a hard time getting into Cyn head space - it had nothing to do with the event but was purely personal (maybe she was just missing two of her sons lol) - so I was messing up incants and just kinda slow lol it will be better in April - damn winter dust not shaking off fast enough!

Here are my thoughts from a purely PC perspective.

(In case there's any question, as an Owner I have no almost no contact with the Plot side of Event planning. I handle the business and leave the Plot Team to their own devices. The greatest communication I have with them is expressing my feelings after an event, just like everyone else.)

I felt like the 1-day was a solid jump back into LARPing. After our last event I was really worn out because 2017 was a very busy year for me and as we started ramping up for 2018 I hadn't gotten super excited about the coming season from a Player perspective. I hadn't even pulled out my garb before Friday evening. That said, seeing everyone coming out for the event started to perk up my spirits and the initial conversations got me back into the mood.

I felt like the return to Springdale, with the indications throughout that there are creeping tensions in the area, was a good start and the five shaft layout of the day was a good way to handle things. I felt the initial contact by the NPCs gave a couple of people a lot of information which perhaps did not get disseminated sufficiently. I don't think its fair to put that on Plot though, there are PCs who have a responsibility to share information they receive with others, so I need to get better at passing along all the details, not just handing out assignments.

Based on the information we received a decision was made to push into the obviously hardest objective while we were fresh. We thought we'd be able to locate all of the pieces of the runes needed to address the strength of the magic destroying ooze within that shaft and later it was confirmed that wasn't the case. We could have made the decision to pull back after the first room and see if there was more to find elsewhere, but instead we pushed ahead and brute forced the encounter. This was good and bad, but it was our decision. We had other options but weren't kept from completing things just because it wasn't the best solution.
I like the new CO system but agree with everyone including Plot that it needs refining. I think one place it fell apart was with respect to the first ooze pustule. Ardos began inspecting the situation around the ooze pustule and in the process touched the ooze directly. Personally, I feel bad about this, because I felt that I didn't make clear enough that the black ooze in that shaft was super dangerous and not to touch it but outside of that, I felt that losing the opportunity to learn more about the pustules on top of the consequence to Ardos was unduly harsh. Hopefully this is something that will be addressed in further iterations of the CO system.
Past that, I'm not sure that there was much I'd change about the mod. While I was frustrated by not finding all of the pieces of the runes, we as Players kept pushing forward brute forcing the victory. We could have pulled back and reconsidered our strategy but as a group we tend to favor continuing to do what works despite the cost. That's not to say that there weren't dissenting voices but (and this may be on me as well) the consensus seemed to be move forward. I don't have any problems with the consequences for touching the ooze. We were well aware of the danger in the location and it took active effort to incur the consequence. There's certainly IG consequences that I think need to be addressed but from a Player standpoint I don't think any of that is unfair.
I felt that the "rust monsters" were an interesting encounter. We knew that had a destructive effect on magic so it was unsurprising that spells were ineffective. I don't know if people used blade skills on them other than slays but physical damage definitely was the order of the day to deal with them. Not having all of the rune pieces certainly hurt us here too. Had we found the pieces in other shafts first we wouldn't have ground through so many resources (especially healing) fighting the monsters thinking they'd be dropping pieces.
Overall, I felt that the mod was a good experience but one that everyone can learn from. On the PC side there's something to be said for not throwing ourselves into the meat grinder every time and taking the opportunity to fall back and reassess. I'm as guilty of that as almost everyone else put together. From a Plot side, there was some confusion regarding how far the pieces of the runes would spread based on the information we received, but it's not Plot's job to give us every detail of the solution so there might not be anything for them to do differently.

The Bear and Elemental shafts seemed fairly run of the mill. Both places were just as advertised and on par with previous experience. Had we opted to start in those shafts for the easy wins I suspect our experience in the ooze shaft would have been very different. The Elementals were in line with my expectations and while most of them were able to be handled reasonably, it was clear to me that the Lightning weapons were super effective compared to others. From a tactical position, it may have made more sense to give them to people who weren't already our hardest hitters to give more people a 1-2 hit destruction but otherwise I don't have a lot of thoughts about those monsters.

Which brings us to the Myconiods. Now I've already had a long conversation with the Plot team about this encounter and to preface what the rest of my thoughts I want to start with the premise that I didn't think this was a bad mod. I thought we went into a wide open cave filled with monsters we'd faced many times before. We knew that we were at a tactical disadvantage both in lacking sufficient alchemy to deal with them and having already expended a fair amount of resources. We didn't have good discussions about how to address things tactically, once we were in the cave and saw our terrible situation with respect to defensible positions we didn't have good coordination to deal with that problem, and it didn't help that our big healer stuck his nose into the puzzle and left everyone else to fight.
On the flip side, waves of monsters swinging 4 Paralyze are going to overwhelm everyone on a long enough timeline. You can only refit armor so fast and even if we'd had everyone in the most armor they could wear we'd find ourselves paralyzed if we couldn't solve the puzzle. I don't think it helped us to have our efforts to Wall of Force the door immediately prove to be ineffective because we then didn't try to do anything else to tactically position ourselves.
But, with all of those things going on we still almost successfully closed the door. I know for a fact that I was seconds from solving the puzzle when I finally got paralyzed and even then as we were all being carried out of the cave there were a number of people, myself included, who were still in a position to fight/save people. While we weren't able to keep everyone from resurrecting we did limit the casualties and so overall I see the mod as a valuable learning experience.
Again, as PCs we need to make sure we're communicating better (and again I'm as guilty as anyone of dropping the ball there). We could have handled that differently and maybe had the 30-60 seconds more we needed to get to the solution. At the same time, Plot got useful information about the Myconiod's effectiveness and if they did not intend for them to be so dangerous in the absence of a flood of alchemy has the opportunity to make adjustments in the future. But overall, it was a narrow loss that has some great IG potential, that I'll handle IG.

Putting my Owner hat back on for a moment.

I know that everyone has different perceptions and different feelings about their experiences. I hope that many people take the time to share those feelings here or in emails to Plot. We want to run a game that is fun for as many people as possible. We love to hear your expectations for our game because it helps us find the balance of our game. We intend to run a game that has a combination of challenges, where victories feel earned, and where people learn from defeats. If you're not getting that experience, please let us know because that helps us run a better game.

Thanks to everyone who came out and played with us.

Ohhh ohhh

I forgot to add a personal favorite part!!!

At the end when Pyke had to go for trial... Cyn having the laws all neatly bound (yay noble tendencies !) was useful! It was the first time all game Cyn felt like herself (and I was in the headspace)- the times she was referred to again as Lady Cyn and was useful on a noble type thing:-)

I honestly only feel like Cyn and truly happy when I get to be “Lady “ Cyn :-)

Glad I got a moment of it! Sorry Pyke !

- Nette
Personally, I’m just so happy to be back for the 2018 season. I feel like the one day event was a great way to do it. I am still sore and don’t know how I would’ve gotten through a full weekend. I was ecstatic to come back and have a REAL costume. It made me feel so much more like Cressida and it was just another thing I was pumped about. Thanks again Genevieve!!!!

I liked that all of the mods were connected for this event. I’m still not sure exactly why we were in the mines but I think that information is just history that I don’t know of as a new player. So I just did what I normally do, stand behind the first line of fighters and shoot arrows. I felt like the creatures we were up against and the situations that transpired were a bit over my head (for example: the ooze, the mychonids, the puzzles). I would like feeling more involved/understand what’s going on. I think I need to know the right questions to ask to begin with and I’m gonna get the rule book back out before the next weekend event for sure.

My favorite part of the day was the last mod. Cressida has yet to die so it’s such an adrenaline rush when it almost happens. I’m glad most everyone made it and thank you Trellis for saving us!
Also, I never should have forgotten this but THANK YOU NPC's! I think having that many NPC's gave the PC's a run for their money this event. It completely changed the pace of the event for me and it was difficult to keep up with fighting all of them. Loved it!
Alright, I'm going to try to gather my thoughts here on how the one day went. First, I'll start with it being really nice to just ride the train. The entirety of the event, I just got to interact with players instead of NPCs and that's not to say I don't enjoy talking to NPCs, its just that I wanted to catch up with people after the long winter. I'm going to divide up my thought into the mods and time chunks below:
Start of event/rust mod
The initial NPCs explaining the info seemed overcrowded, and even if there was no need for me to have my mining gear, I couldn't in my opinion argue why Ardos would go to a mine without them so I ran to go grab them and met the group on the way to the first mod. Fighting in to the rust/goop monsters was rough, I understand not having them take magic, but I feel like with the sheer volume of NPCs and the the casters not being able to do much made those fights panicked stick fights. I really need clue everyone in on not being able to kill anything anymore (which is fine) several pcs saying Ardos kill thing X and my response would be "sure see you at the next mod" I think an elemental weakness would have gone a long way to nursing the "casters do nothing" chunk of that fight. I did have the information that the slime would be bad well before I got to the bowl, and Chris did ask me how I searched it, but having been told to inspect the gems on top I pulled those out and got slimed and putting two and two together, I thought **** it I already got it and dug in to get the rune. The feeling Joe mentioned of brute forcing it was on me, I was getting sick of chasing people running off to find things and getting nowhere, so I decided it would most likely be easier to burn one of my items to deal with it. Was it elegant? no. was it an informed decision? Absolutely, and the player who did it had my word I would do anything to fix it and I did. I enjoyed having some PC to PC trust based solely on my name and the fact that I was a selunari.
lunch time/before the bears
Sandwiches were definitely a good way to do lunch, and pre-bagging them made the process of shuffling people through for food much better than previous one day lunches. During that point a group of pompous somebodies (I think Allacar knights?) came in to talk to people but again it was easier to let someone else talk to them, and I enjoyed getting a rest.
I mined, other people fought, but hey I had fun trying to rep using my toolkit for mining and prospecting. No idea what else was going on as I never got near any of the bears, but I saw a bunch of people doing CO stuff and hope they had fun with it too!
a pretty great mod, I enjoyed fighting through it but I don't think I have anything new to add about this that I haven't said better already.
Oh boy these assholes again. At least they weren't spore puffing like the last time, but I thought they were exactly what I expected. I'm not sure if Joe was on the other Myconid fights we've been on, but bleeding out and infected was what they always seem to do, so I didn't feel like them putting us near the entrance was anything out of the ordinary, hence my panicked "**** **** have I healed everyone?" parry spree while using all I had on people around me. I think we also would have felt better about it if you had popped on the other side of the wall and made a show of tunneling under to our side, just something to show that we were doing something with our floundering besides fail the puzzle with our biggest healer (cough cough THANKS MATHIS) busy. It really pushed my defender skills to the limits though when every time I turned around the person I was parrying for would be paralyzed. Pyke taunting the Myconid horde was simultaneously hilarious and horrifying, thank you trellis for saving our asses. With the end of the event I enjoyed the political discussions around what laws were broken and was very glad to be on the positive side with my assault, boy am I going to have to be careful from now on.
I am sure I have more to talk about that I forgot about, but I think that covered it. I enjoyed this event, It certainly had some growing pains from the changes, but they seem to be things that would be worth it.
Alright so, this event was a little overwhelming when I first started out. Walking to our first mod, it was like I had forgotten how to cast spells. I think I blew a total of six spells this weekend just mixing up incants or accidentally throwing a gas globe. (Most of the times this seemed to happen when healing Cressida.) But it was pretty exciting feeling my heart race like that.

Bad moments: My mind was so rusty and unprepared that I didn't handle situations as I should have as a healer. I feel like if I had been on my game I would have been much smarter, and quicker to react in the Myconid fight.
That's on me. So is the fact that I didn't pay attention to what was really going on much, or why we were really where we were. It made for the event to be confusing for me, and it made me so much less effective.
I think this was all due to being not in the larping mindset. It's funny, I feel more in the larping mindset today than I did on Saturday.

Good moments: There were some good ones.
I liked the moment Trellis, Cressida and I had a little elemental appear behind us. I yelled "Trellis move!" and all three of us seemed to run at the same moment. Cressida is very very fast. She also has weapons to fight so as she passed us I had to pull her back and say "Not you Cressida, protect us!" I don't know, it was really funny at the time.

Refitting Shiny was awesome and terrifying. Not sure if everyone is aware, but if he gets interrupted while refitting he goes berserk. So just silently staring at each other, both ready to attack was super interesting role play. It was fun.

Shiny, Pebbles, and Collette after the Myconid fight looking over at Leslie's character wondering why she wasn't coming back to the cabin with us and debating how weird dryads are, only to realize she was paralyzed and maybe almost dead.

Fighting with the pride as a group is always great.

Ending Cressida's initiation and officially accepting her as a member of the pride with her own belt favor was great too.

Finally the best moment was when Pyke through that gas globe, it was like everyone just looked in horror and accepted we were all about to die. I didn't have time to recite a prison spell on myself or think of the incantation and OUT OF NO WHERE FREAKING TRELLIS PULLS OUT A WALL OF FORCE SCROLL, CASTS IT, AND HIS THE CRACK ALONG THE PAVEMENT DEAD ON. MY MIND WAS BLOWN.

I truly didn't understand that while everyone was screaming at Pyke I was the only one screaming in Trellis's face about how freaking amazing that was. Such quick thinking. I'm still seriously impressed by it.
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Leah's feedback as an NPC:

The event was good.(I don't know. Don't say I don't know. GENEVIEVE STOP. *screaming*)
The beginning of the day was kind of slow, but then it got better. The last mod was really fun.(I sound like a three year old child. STOP I HATE YOU. I can't stand you.)

The first mod was a crunchy mod, so it was the good way to start the day but I felt like it was slow.
Lunch was good, and we got a break for a minute. The event got better from there. The Myconid mod was a great way to end it for me.
I liked that we were like a hive mind and that we got to be smarter and think about what we were doing, instead of crunching and stopping and crunching and stopping.

I felt like the NPCs were told enough about each mod and handled well. We were told a lot of information and could ask as many questions as needed. I don't know ,I think it was good direction overall.

Least favorite part:
When we first started attacking the little tavern thing felt like we weren't doing anything. It was hard to find the point once the barricade was put up.
(I don't know, don't say it like that though.
I hate you, I don't know why you're broadcasting everything I'm saying, it's not cute.)

Favorite part:
When we all worked together as a hive mind and got to plan out what we were going to do. It felt more put together and I could actually try my hardest because we were smart. I could fight the way I wanted to.
And also when we were the elementals and the salt got to fight the goo because I got to beat Jeremiah because it was funny.

(Was that enough? I hate you)
I always feel like a one day is a great way to start off a year. It lets you whet your appetite for the season to come, but is short enough not to fully expose how little of my off-season crafting I actually did.

The over all structure of the event made it self contained enough for its own event, while part of the world, which is nice. The best part of the straightforward objectives is that it was very accessible. I don't 100% remember what was going on with everything so the reintroduction some over arching themes of the campaign between fights but not focusing on them was delightful.

The logistics and roll out were smooth for being a one day with all of the resources they usually have. Ian had everything ready to go for most of us and non pre-reged PCs were taken care of quickly as well.

Opening crunchies were solid, nothing special but that's exactly what you need for the first time you call damage in a few months.

The first mod was a bit frustrating. It can be a bit disheartening to fight something that is resistant or immune to everything. There might have been a chink that armor but weapons cant exactly probe for different flavor options as easily anymore and no caster is going to follow up a spell that has no effect with a few more just to be sure. So that mod did feel a bit like we were handicapped in a fight while solving a puzzle we didn't understand. Over all it left me feeling like there was something about that cave that we as players just weren't understanding/seeing.

Elemental mod was fun, having two different flavors of elementals running around making a 3 front fight is always a nice change of pace. This was our first go at the elementals with less elemental blades and honestly I don't know if this mechanic is going to change the balance of those fights. All of the hardest hitters got given elemental blades so, if anything we widened the gap between us and those who don't swing as hard, rather than narrowed it. I also didn't feel the decreased body adjustment on this at all. In the last parking lot phase of this i was just beating on NPCs with the appropriate element for way to long only for them to look at say "got them all" and wander off. We might want to revisit our plans for rebalancing these fights if it is a priority

Bears fight was anticlimactic if anything. This was the least difficult opponent we saw and there were less of them. I'm not going to assume that it was meant for a smaller group or lower level players because we are shifting away from that way of thinking so maybe it was a break, or a gimmie. So i'll just accept it and be grateful

Then came our battle with the mushroom men. I honestly don't have any complaints about this one. We knew we didn't have gasses to spend so we needed to get to the puzzle as quick as possible. Which we did. Then I turned to hold the line while the puzzle got done, it just never did. Sure carriers make a fight harder, but its not as if we just crumbled as soon as the fight started. We held them for a long time, way longer than we should have stayed int hat cave. Being escorted out after we can wiped did feel a bit like being patronized, but I'm deep enough in the bag to not be upset. Then Pyke did us all the pleasure of setting Trellis up TO BE THE BIGGEST DAMN HERO ALL DAY!!1!!!!!!!1!!one!!!.

IG, Lukas isn't a fan of the new laws. OOG, its good to have.

I did really think the town hall was a great idea. Not because of how much I like discussing mechanics but because I think that we need to spend more time as a community talking about the game we love. The game is just a bunch of rules and a wiki of stories we may never hear. What makes our game great is the people we get to play it with. So thank you for playing with us and I'm excited to see you all again in April.

Okay. I'm not going to novelize the one day but here are my thoughts.

First and foremost Thank you to everyone who NPC'd and to Plot. It was wonderful to fight against a crowd almost equal to our numbers! You guys were awesome! Plot, thanks for working so hard for everyone to have a grand ol' time.

I had a great time. I was super rusty from the winter so, not in top form but I usually really suck the first event back anyway. I really enjoyed watching Ardos put his hand in a vat of goo and his face when he realized it was really gooey not just role play goo. The tactile experience of that is really cool.

I really enjoyed the Mycanoid fight. It should be a difficult fight and we didn't perform they way we should so we got smacked around. I think that's important honestly. You never learn or grow if you don't fail. I should have brought more Alchemy with me this weekend and spent less resources early on. Even though we lost, it was my favourite part of the event. TS Mike is right, Trellis is a freaking all star and everyone should have reflexes like him! Super proud of him!

Pyke was such a great sport about the towns reaction to his mistake. We were all super mean and grouchy to him and he played it like a champ. I hope you know that is actually really important, it's not easy to have 10 people mad at you and not feel overwhelmed. Good job man! You were a great sport.

I like where the Chalkboards are going, I think it needs tweaking so more people can utilize it but it's a step in the very right roleplay direction.

Thanks again to everyone, it was great to see you all in April
