May Event: Barbarians

zehnyu said:

Duke Frost said:
Who's Ali?

You started it :).

Yes, faced with this new undeniable evidence, this court rules that Scott did indeed start it, and that the defendent Ali is aquited of all charges (except being vertically challenged, but hey, not everyone can be Liam Neeson) *bangs gavel* The court will now take a brief recess for twinkies and diet soda after which census of barbarians will recommence. It should be much easier, since they will be the ones still holding handfuls of twinkies. Oh and Halldorr, stop touching the GM or no twinkies for you. *bangs gavel*
I'm allowed to start it. Plus, you enjoy it. Plus you should indulge your elders. Plus I'm your WoW assistant guild leader. Plus I'm taller than Liam Neeson.
Nice... yet another session of court where Tieran goes completely unmentioned... mission accomplished ;-)
not a barbar, but Alor will be trying to be there... and hoping nobody wants to get married this time *cringe*
This court is not surprised that Scott is indeed taller than Liam Neeson. Liam Neeson, however, has more hair. And Tieran's mission of not being mentioned in this court is hereby un-acomplished.

Well I'm glad that the court is totally on top of pointing out things that people have already pointed out...

Is your day job mainstream media?
no idea... must just be exceedingly good luck on my part ;-)
Ren Suzume said:
This court is not surprised that Scott is indeed taller than Liam Neeson. Liam Neeson, however, has more hair. And Tieran's mission of not being mentioned in this court is hereby un-acomplished.

He probably uses his hair to give himself an extra 3/4" as well. So I'm even taller than him because I have less hair.

Plus, I figured out he was Ras Al Ghul really early in the movie.
The funniest part about this is that Find'rth is a newbie...
lol... which is why Find'rth went out and got one ;-)
tieran said:
lol... which is why Find'rth went out and got one ;-)

He did? When? In fact, he turned down a title in Moria that they tried to thrust upon him.

Find'rth has a title from Tarzaterranzan. So stick that in your ugly, yellow sun and smoke it.
Through treaty (which you organized I believe) doesn't Find'rth get referred to as Lord within Icenia?
tieran said:
Through treaty (which you organized I believe) doesn't Find'rth get referred to as Lord within Icenia?

Yes, but it is recognition of his dark elven title and of Tarzaterranzan's sovereignty. It's not an Icenian title. It would be like if Queen Elizabeth came to the U.S. You'd call her Your Majesty, but that wouldn't mean she's queen of America.
She could have been though... if not for those pesky french...

Are you trying to say that Find'rth is the Queen of England?
Ren Suzume said:
The court will now take a brief recess for twinkies and diet soda

What flavor of Twinkies?